
The Science Ace Go Back To The Past To Save Her Brothers

# GROUP PAMPERING In her previous life, Su Su offered up her life for science, and in the end, she developed a system that could let her travel through time and space, allowing her to return to a time 30 years ago, to the day before her family was destroyed. She was only four at that time, and she was the legitimate lady of the Su family, though she ended up wandering the streets. At the same time, the imposter, Su Nan, lived a lavish life in the Su family, and she was also well loved by her brothers. When Su Su brought with her a dirty doll and stepped into the Su family's mansion, they were holding a grand birthday party for Su Nan. But this was also a sign that the Su family’s tragic fate was about to change! However, the imposter, Su Nan, panicked. “She’s just a beggar, and yet she’s pretending to be Su Su! Chase her out!” The guests snickered and agreed with her. “Where did this girl come out from? The Su family lost their eldest daughter when she’s just one years old. Someone must have told this four-year-old girl to do this, right?” Su Su ran into her noble and reserved big brother’s arms. “Brother, I’m Su Su! I came back! If you don’t believe me, we can do a paternity test!” In her previous life, she was only discovered and brought back to the Su family when she was an adult. Unfortunately, by then, the Su family was already persecuted to the point where it was almost ruined. This time, Su Su swore that she would save her brothers! Much later, when the four-year-old Su Su used the technology to save the Su family, Su Nan’s real identity was exposed. In truth, the Su family’s downfall was linked to this imposter…

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198 Chs

Seeing Su Jun's expression change, Su Ren immediately seized the opportunity. She knew that bringing up her past experience would undoubtedly touch the softest chord in Su Jun's heart. 

So, she slowed down her pace of speaking, choked, and said, "Big Brother, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't have bullied Su Su. But I don't want her to take away your love for me. I won't do this again in the future. So, Big Brother, don't be angry with me."

Su Jun tightly pursed his lips and looked at Su Ren, who was crying with mixed feelings. He didn't say a word.

"What I said just now was only out of my mind. It wasn't my original intention... I swear that I will treat Su Su well in the future. I won't let Big Brother down. Sob, sob, sob..." Su Ren desperately shed tears, and her face was full of repentance and sincerity.

After thinking for a long time, Su Jun felt that he could not risk Su Su's life. Although his heart ached for his sister, Su Ren, his trust in her had been depleted. In particular, Su Ren's lies time after time has made him feel physically and mentally exhausted.

To prevent today's incident from happening again, Su Jun was still ruthless and said, "I have not found your biological parents, so you'll first move to the small building on the other side."

Hearing that Su Jun would send her away again, Su Ren shook her head anxiously. "Big Brother, I don't want to. I don't want to move away..."

"Young Master, give Miss Su Ren another chance..." Chen Shun, behind Su Ren, also watched her grow up. Although Su Ren's had a bad character, he was still touched by compassion and persuaded him.

"Yes, Young Master, Miss Su Ren is only eight years old. She is not sensible yet. She is not a bad person!" Lu Wei also tried to persuade him. Looking at the crying Su Ren, she suddenly became anxious.

"Big Brother, I grew up in the Su family. My brothers are my only family. If Big Brother doesn't want me, where can I go? I only want this room as long as you don't chase me away. Big Brother, I beg you..." Su Ren shook Su Jun's hand again, sobbed, and begged.

Su Jun turned his head and didn't look at her. Instead, he gritted his teeth and said firmly, "Move out from here."

At this moment, a soft childish voice appeared behind them. Su Su held the door frame and rubbed her eyes. Then, she asked innocently, "What are you doing? Why is Su Ren crying?"

Seeing that Su Su was woken up, Su Jun immediately strode to the door, picked up the little girl, and coaxed, "Why are you up? Big Brother will take you to sleep."

"I heard a lot of people talking, so I woke up." Su Su obediently lay on Su Jun's shoulder and hid the chip she had quietly taken down in her palm.

The sound wave chip that she had developed made people feel like they were there and hypnotized to produce the corresponding hallucinations. Su Ren had been affected by the hypnotic sound wave just now.

"Yes, it's fine now. Su Su, be good. Go back to sleep," Su Jun said gently.

At the same time, he turned his head to look at the attendants of the Su family and ordered faintly, "Let's go."

Su Jun carried the little girl back to the room and gently placed her on the bed. He tucked the blanket for her and looked at Su Su, whose half of her small face was curled up in the blanket, revealing only two big, watery eyes. Su Jun felt his heart melt.

How could Su Ren frame such a cute little girl?

"Good girl, go to sleep." Su Jun touched the top of her head.

Su Su blinked her eyes. It was really difficult for her to fall asleep since she had just woken up. Then, she whispered, "Big Brother, I can't fall asleep. Can you tell me a bedtime story?"

Su Jun was stunned. He opened his mouth in a daze. Looking at the expectant look in the little girl's eyes, he answered, "Okay."

Then, Su Jun took a children's storybook from Su Su's bedside and opened the first page. Then, he sat down by the bed and read it out in a gentle voice, "In the depths of the sea, there is a beautiful castle made of corals and pearl shells. The beautiful mermaid princess lives in the castle..."

This was the first time Su Jun told a story to a child. His reading was not smooth, and his speed of speech was not very good. However, Su Su still listened very carefully and enjoyed the rare warmth of this moment.