
The Closest To Her. Auntie’s Homecoming

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Qin Yirou beamed at the knowledge of Qin Fangfang coming home.

Qin Fangfang was the only one in their generation to have gotten into a university. Among her peers, her academic results had always been the best.

People who could be accepted into universities were scarce in Qin Yirou's generation. That was why the countryside folks always believed that a bright future lied ahead of the kids who could enter university.

Qin Fangfang was no doubt one of those kids. She was accepted by a prestigious university in another province and thrived thereafter completing her studies. After that, she met an affluent boyfriend and got married to him, rarely coming back once in a year.

Out of everyone in the Qin Family, Qin Fangfang was the closest to Qin Yirou. Both sisters were tightly knitted that they shared secrets.