
Play With Her. Caught

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The red wine was drugged.

Yun Jian could sniff it.

As Slaying God in her previous life, she had consumed all sorts of poison and had already built up an immunity to toxins.

In addition, Yun Jian had already discovered that the state of her current body was now in the same capabilities of her past life. She had found out when she was still in Xinjiang Town.

Nonetheless, the drug in the wine was not potent. It would only make one drowsy and lethargic, but it was ineffective against Yun Jian without a doubt.

Yun Jian did not think that Tong Yulan had plotted to make her and Chen Xinyi drink the wine.

Through the corners of her eyes, she espied Liu Xiuxiu who had been observing them from a corner nearby.

Hah, it seemed that someone was on a suicide mission. She would play with her then.

The farewell party went on. After asking Yun Jian and Chen Xinyi to drink as per Liu Xiuxiu's request, Tong Yulan skipped to the latter.