
Out Of Line, Out Of Sight

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

While everyone was still caught in disbelief, Yun Jian was already springing up the wall as she tossed the grappling hook.

Leveraging on the momentum of the flying hook as it caught the edge of the building, Yun Jian's small and lithe form leaped and followed the hook as she hung in the air. Her feet seemed to grow eyes of their own as they found purchase on the building's nooks and crannies, moving swiftly and smoothly.

It seemed to be the blink of an eye to those watching when Yun Jian came to the window of the sixth floor climbing the wall of the residence.

The sight of Yun Jian standing by the edge of the window without any protective or safety gears gave shudders to everyone watching from afar.

What would happen if she fell off by accident?