
The Book Of Magic

The next day at school, Evelyn was having history class again. She'd slept comfortably last night because she didn't have the same dream. Instead, she had a really good dream about one of her favourite adventure books series. She woke up happily and went to school in a good mood.

"Miss Evelyn," Mrs. Brown said, happy there was a change of happiness in Evelyn. "Can you answer page two hundred and twenty-one, question number twelve?"

"Of course, Mrs. Brown," Evelyn got up and searched through the notes she had dotted down during class. "Belgium's chocolate got famous on 15 November 1908 when they discovered a huge amount of cocoa beans that used to belong from the Congo."

"Correct," Mrs. Brown said. "Good job, Evelyn. You may sit. Thank you for such a wonderful and detailed answer."


After finishing all her classes, Evelyn gathered her things and sat on the stairs waiting for her mother to arrive in her family's minivan. "Miss Evelyn?" Mrs. Brown suddenly appeared behind her.

"Oh! Mrs. Brown!" Evelyn exclaimed and got up to face her teacher. "May I help you, Mrs. Brown?"

"You did a wonderful job answering the question i asked you earlier in class. Like I said, you're always confident when answering questions. I guess you stopped having that odd dream?" Mrs. Brown asked.

Evelyn nodded happily. "Finally got that dream out of my head."

'BEEP BEEP!' a minivan honked. Evelyn turned to the minivan and back to her teacher. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Brown, but I have to go. My mother is here to fetch me."

"Alright. See you tomorrow at class, Miss Evelyn." Mrs. Brown said and walked away. Evelyn got into the car and strapped the seatbelt on. "Mother, can you drop me off the library and pick me up two hours later?" she asked.

"Why?" Mrs. Charming asked. "I really want to take a look at the new stack of adventure books that came last week," Evelyn replied. "Please?"

"Fine. But two hours straight and I'm getting you back home, okay?" her mother agreed. They arrived at the public library a few minutes later and Evelyn got off with her backpack.

"Two hours." her mother reminded her. "Yes, Mother, I know." Evelyn said and went into the library.

She found an empty table tucked into the side of the library and placed her things there. "Two whole hours to read!" she exclaimed happily skipped to the adventure books section as she brushed her fingers on other books.

"WHOA!" she screamed as she slipped on a puddle of water and hit her head. A whole shelf of books tumbled down and she screamed again as the books fell on her. "Today is definitely the worst," she sighed while rubbing her head.

"Oh dear, oh dear!" a soft voice exclaimed and she heard footsteps coming towards her. An old lady wearing huge glasses came over and helped Evelyn up.

"Hello, there, miss. I'm the librarian, Mrs. Morris, and I heard you shouting. What's the matter? Do you need any help?" Mrs. Morris asked and started to shelve up the books.

"Well, I slipped on a puddle of water and hit my head. Sorry about the books. They fell when I hit my head." Evelyn explained.

"No, dear, I'm the one who should say sorry. We just hired a new cleaner and she's not very good at her job, so I suspect that she didn't wipe the floors completely. I'll tell her to be careful next time. My apologies, really."

"Really, it's okay. Here, let me help you." Evelyn said and started shelving up the books too. She read the titles as she shelved the books up to see if there was anything interesting to read in this section.

"The Book Of Magic?" she mumbled the title of an odd book. Mrs. Morris noticed her and asked, "Found an interesting book? You should read it. I'll keep the books, no worries."

"Okay, thanks!" Evelyn said and bought the book to her table. She opened the first page. It was dusty and the pages were yellow. "What the hell?" she said to herself. "This book must be very old judging by the dusty and yellow page. I wonder why they still keep this book."

She blew away the dust and began reading: 'Dear friend, if you are reading this book you must have figured out that magic is real. Yes, indeed, many people think magic is nonsense, but you must have encountered with magic if you think it's real. I come from a far away world, a world where your world can't see. Only if you have magic in your bloodline or if you have seen magic before you can only enter our world. However, the livings in my world can go through your world whenever they want to. I beg you, please be careful as witches, yes, you heard me right, are capable of going into your world as well. They will curse you using witchcraft or black magic. I belong to the fairies, who keep my world stable and in peace. But they have no reason whatsoever to keep your world in peace, so I beg, be careful. I've been around for hundreds of years, and, I know lots about magic. But today, I write this book because I have threw my daughter into your world a long time ago because horrid witches were taking over our world, and we were at war, but now, our world is full of fairies and happiness. My husband and I have been trying to find where our daughter is now in your world but every time we search we come back to our humble home with empty hands. This might not be considered a book, but, more of a poster of finding our daughter. I didn't want to attract attention so I made this book. My friend, please help me find our daughter. Her name is Ella Royale and she has blue eyes and silky blond hair. Please, I'm begging you, help find my daughter. As a token of appreciation, turn the page for a surprise.'

Evelyn finished reading the first page. 'So this book is a poster?' she thought. 'Weird....'

She turned the page to see a colorful image of a young prince with a glowing sword rescuing a beautiful princess from a ferocious dragon. She then read the words on the top of the page. "The day my husband (Who was a prince that time), Prince Royale II, traveled to the end of the end of the world just to save me." Evelyn read it to herself.

On the next page she could see the prince and princess getting married. "This seems like a fairytale book." Evelyn mumbled. She flipped the page and she could see the princess, who was now the queen, cradling a beautiful baby girl in her hands.

Evelyn froze for a moment. "Holy cow," she said. "That baby looks exactly like when I was a baby!"

She quickly realized something. She took out the dream that she had sketched and set it beside the book.

Her whole body froze for five minutes as she realized that the queen and king looked exactly like the ones in her dream. She frantically flipped the page again and her eyes grew wide. The picture showed that the world was at war and the couple had to throw their baby into a portal, and at the same time, a dark and blurry figure was behind the royal couple.

Her eyes darted back at her sketch and the drawing in the book. This time, she went stiff for ten minutes and couldn't say anything. Finally, due to a huge amount of shockness, she screamed like her hair was on fire.

Her scream echoed through the whole library and security guards came rushing to her. They held her firmly and threw her out the library doors.

Once again, Mrs. Morris, the nice old lady who had helped her with the books came out and pointed to a 'Be quiet!' sign.

"Dear, I'm sorry, but you screamed for no reason whatsoever. The top rule here is to be quiet. I'm afraid we'll have to banish you from the library." the old lady spoke gently.

She then closed the library doors and left Evelyn. Evelyn swore that she almost fainted right there, on the spot. She was so confused she didn't even know what she was doing, where she was and what was her name.


After about thirty minutes, Mrs. Charming came to pick her daughter up. She knew that Evelyn would be sitting on the library steps with a stack of books. She knew that when she asked Evelyn she would shrug and say, "There were too much awesome books. I couldn't choose so I borrowed them all."

Mrs. Charming stopped her car in front of the library but didn't see her daughter there. She got down from her car in a hurry to find her daughter but all she could find was a backpack and a sheet of sketching paper on the ground.

"I know this bag..." Mrs. Charming said and examined the piece of paper. "This was the drawing Evelyn sketched out!" she exclaimed and dropped the things onto the ground.

In a rush, she ran into the library and asked Mrs. Morris, who was also a good friend of hers. "Mrs. Morris! Have you seen Evelyn, my daughter?"

"Evelyn?" Mrs. Morris asked. "You mean the girl who comes to the library for adventure books?"

"Yes! That's her! Do you know where she is? She came to the library two hours ago and I was supposed pick her up just now, but I don't know where she is! I just found her backpack on the steps of the library!"

"Well, I remember she screamed for no reason and the security kicked her out of the library and I said I was sorry." Mrs. Morris recalled.

Mrs. Charming ran to the exit and yelled as loud as she could: "EVELYN! WHERE ARE YOU?! THIS IS NO TIME TO PLAY JOKES ON ME!"

She waited for some time but Evelyn didn't show up. "Evelyn! Please!" she yelled again as tears poured out of her eyes. "Please....." she whispered.

She noticed people staring and got in the car with the backpack and the sheet of paper. She wiped away her tears and drove around the city searching for Evelyn.

Finally, when it was dark, she saw a girl who was lying smack on the middle of the road. Mrs. Charming ran towards the girl and examined her. "Evelyn!" she cried as she noticed that the girl was her daughter.

Tears poured out of her eyes as she hugged and kissed her passed-out daughter. "Evelyn, what happened?" she whispered. "I'm so sorry I wasn't at the library with you and left you...."

'BEEP!' Mrs. Charming shielded her eyes from a bright yellow light coming towards her. "A car!" she yelled and tried dragging Evelyn away.

Luckily, the car stopped in time and didn't hurt the daughter and mother. The car driver came out to see what was happening, but stopped in his tracks. "Honey?" the car driver asked.

Mrs. Charming looked at the car driver and was shocked. It was her own husband. "Honey?" she said. "Why are you here?"

"Well, long story short, I was taking a bite at Steve's and when I was finished, I realized there was a shortcut to home and...I....um.....erm...took the shortcut...." her husband stammered.

"Why were you taking a bite at Steve's? And who the hell is Steve? And last of all, I told you to NEVER take shortcuts. Stick to the normal roads! You never know what will happen if you take a shortcut!" Mrs. Charming scolded.

"Okay, honey, let me explain! Calm down! Steve's is a restaurant owned by my old friend, Steve, and I was just getting a bite because I was hungry! But, erm... about the shortcut, I....um...." Mr. Charing scanned the place for a excuse and lit up when he saw his wife holding a random girl in her hands. "Who is that?" he asked and pointed to Evelyn.

Tears poured out of Mrs. Charming's eyes again and she showed the girl's face to her husband. "Oh my god! Is that Evelyn?!" Mr. Charming asked. His wife nodded sadly and explained of what happened.

"Carry her into the car and I'll bring her to the hospital. You stay at home with the kids, and if the doctor says she's seriously hurt I'll call you." Mrs. Charming said.

Her husband nodded and the couple carried Evelyn into Mrs. Charming Minivan. As soon as Mrs. Charming drove off, Mr. Charming hopped into his car and went home immediately.