
The School life of a Reincarnated Hitman

After being Poisoned and Dieng on a mission, The Legendary Hitman Crow is reincarnated into a high school boy going by the name of Blake Ray with all his memories of his past life living On his own he tries to enjoy a normal life which he never had before, but is all but normal when he can see evil spirits.

JGStar · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The City and the Warning

it has been three days since Blake entered the spirit realm since then there has been no sight of a Tenebris or Lux spirit, giving him time to enjoy his peaceful and normal school life.

"Well, I have the next two days off from school today I should check out the city area and probably visit the Ethereal tree If I have time." Blake uttered as he closed the front door of his home dressed in casual trendy clothes.

"Woah the city area is big and crowded I wonder how I am going to visit every area today."

"Hey Blake!" A voice shouted Blake's name; he looked around to find Dawn walking towards him.

"How unexpected to see you in the city Blake, you didn't look like the type of person who would spend their holiday in the city." Dawn assumed about Blake.

"I am intrigued now how do you see me spending my holiday?" Blake asked humorously with a slightly grinned face.

"I would guess you spend all your free time studying, since you understand most of things taught in class." Dawn answered with her index finger on her chin and a pondered expression on her face.

"Sorry to say but I don't spend all my free time studying, so do you only judge people by their looks Dawn." Blake said with a teasing laugh.

"Hey, I don't judge anyone by their looks." Dawn denied passionately with a slight pout on her face.

"Ok I believe you, so why have you come to the city then Dawn."

"Ohm I came here to run an errand for my mom, so since I have finished that I am taking a stroll, what about you Blake."

"I just came to look around since I didn't get a chance when I first arrived in spring."

"I remember now you told me and James you moved here only in the spring, if you don't mind, I can show you around."

"I will be delighted to have you be my guide, Dawn."

"What are we waiting for let's go." Dawn exclaimed as she tugs Blake along.

The two visited various shops and stales in the city with no shortage of things to see, they even chose to visit the historical museum.

"That was fun why don't we get something to eat before we go to our next destination."

"I am not hungry yet there is so much to see."

The same instance she answered her stomach began to growl...

"I see your stomach is saying otherwise." Blake replied.

"I guess we could get something from a stall in the park." Dawn said embarrassingly

The two friends bought hamburgers to eat from a stand owned by a old man, not too far from the fountain where they sat nearby to eat.

"Mumm these hamburgers are delicious as always." Dawn beamed as she ate her burger.

"you're right they are delicious I guess you have an eye for Delicious food."

"You could say but when it comes to sweets and desserts I know and love them even more."

"Fahm." Blake started to feel sick after Dawn's comment.

"What's wrong Blake why did you suddenly want to gag are you sick is your burger disgusting?"

"It's not that I start to feel sick when I hear about any deserts are sweets even being around them makes me sick."

"Sorry If I had known I wouldn't have mentioned it."

"That's okay, I think I just need to use the washroom." Blake says slowly as figure behind Dawns back catches his attention.

Blake followed the figure into a secluded area in the park, just then everything around him turns black.

"Where am I?" Blake states asked as he franticlly looked around but all he could see was darkness.

"You are in the mind scape spirit seer." A dark and frightening voice answered.

"Where are you? who are you?"

"You can call me the Tenebris king for now, you have an interesting ability to see, touch and communicate with us spirits which intrigues me. I have a proposal for you." The voice pauses waiting for Blake's answer.

"I am listening."

"Us Tenebris have been trying to enter the human realms for many millenniums but could only produce cracks where weaker Tenebris could enter, I am asking you to aid us in entering your world so we can co-exist with humans."

"You Know I would have to be stupid to agree to that proposal after seeing how you Tenebris behave you only what the spiritual energy of the youth." Blake declared with a serious expression.

"I knew you wouldn't understand but, you can't blame me for trying and you knew it was youth full energy we were after very perceptive Spirit seer."

"Now take me out of this mind scape." Blake demanded furiously.

"Before I do then let me warn you many voids will be open to aid in weakening the shield core until we meet again Spirit seeker."

As if it was a dream Blake opened his eyes to the face of Dawn looking at him.

"Thank goodness you're I didn't know what to do when I found you unconscious on the ground." Dawn said with a worried expression on her face almost ready to cry

"I was unconscious I must have, just felt a bit tired just like you did when I met you in the alleyway." Blake replied jokingly with a chuckle

"Hey, don't make fun of me, if you can make fun of me, you can get off my lap."

"Okay I am finish making fun of you, thanks I have never met anyone who would do something like this for me."

"You mean letting you rest on my lap."

"I mean treat me like a friend, show me around the city and eat together."

"Your past sounds like a tuff one maybe you can tell me about it one day."

"Yea maybe one day."

"Ohm crap I see James coming if he saw us he' will get the wrong idea." Dawn urged in a worried expression.

Blake got up from her lap, grabbed Dawn, and moved to hide in the bush behind the bench.

"I could have sworn I saw Dawn sitting here with someone a few seconds ago must be imagination." James muttered as he passed the bench."

Blake and Dawn felt relieved as James passed the bench.

"I think I have had my share of fun for the day." Dawn expressed.

"Same here."

The two went their separate ways after saying Thier goodbyes.

Blake sits at a desk in his room as he opens the book he sees written on a page.

{You must visit Ethereal Tree}.