
Chapter 2 The friendly crocodile!

Peter Pan was on Perdita's children were really frightened suddenly they heard a hungry growling noise Gr! It was TickTockCroc! Perdita held her children closely to her being protective having her fur raised high baring her teeth wrapping her loving arms around them He snarled but she was ready to protect her children! Peter tried to explain that he was actually a friendly crocodile! Don't worry Perdita he's a friendly crocodile! He said She was surprised 😮! You mean he's not gonna eat my darlings? She said as she kept them close to her He laughed ha ha no off course not! He told her He only goes after Captain Hook having a taste for him not anyone that isn't him TickTock smiled and growled friendly Gr! Hello! He said I'm not gonna eat you little guys I'm friendly! Penny and Spot were frightened! Hiding behind their mother in fear 😰! They gulped scared please don't eat us Mr scary crocodile! They said frightened Perdita could tell her kids were scared and lovingly nuzzled them don't worry children he's not gonna eat you he's on our side He smiled don't worry he said I won't swallow you my tummy only eats evil people he said Pongo smiled 🙂! It's ok kids he's friendly don't be afraid of him It's ok little guys I'm on your side Cruella was angry ! 😠! She looked really angry! She was the aunt of the 15 99 and 84 puppies that Perdita had been with for a long time She said stay back from my nieces and nephews you scary crocodile monster! She said Peter explained that he was friendly and that he wasn't going to eat them don't worry Cruella he's friendly! He said you don't have to be protective of your nieces and nephews Cruella still wanted to protect them from that beast after all he's a crocodile! I'm protecting them from that monster no matter what he's a crocodile