
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 5: Him

The look was and shock he felt was absolutely nothing. He spoke with no carr in the world.

"I knew it, where am I?"

He looked at him for a second, looking surprised then laughing over his face.

"Hahahah, oh man, that bad huh," he said with a tear curling up.

Kumas didn't take it so well, he would have done a fit, but this time he just stared.

He stopped and bowed his head, he said words which made him feel worse.

"This day only happens once, how many times has it happened?"

He looked at him, giving a repulsive look.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

He crossed his arms and legs, thinking he about it.

"You know what I mean, how many?"

He was calm about it, he nodded," got scared, one hundred," he turned, not facing him.

"Man, even the times when you left the classroom, or when you went away from the group?"

He knew he was pushing it, but he still looked with compassion.


He sighed in relief unconsciously.

"That's when I had seizures," he looked completely away.

He did not look at him, but he heard. He scoffed inside his mouth, the surprise would not have been but...

"All fifty times?"

He replied with nod.

"Oh, god, I am so sorry."

He fell silent after that. Kumas asked the next question," who are you?"

He smiled, "first person like you I had, lets hope last," Kumas did not ask to elaborate, he only had a vague idea but knew something about it.

"I am just some guy, you like the body?"

Kumas looked at him again, confusion in his face, hidden with all the curiosity just sitting.

"Do I keep it?"

He shrugged, then moved up close to him," do you want to?"

He smiled, "I don't care," he moved away again.

Even though it was the end of a school day, the sun was setting. He stayed quiet as he watched. Kumas noticed and did not hide his memorisation of the beautiful sunset.

He saw diamonds, shining of lights around in a orange-pinky hue only seen on a peach.

They guy saw it, he said a final statement," you changed during this, your views did, I want them to stay, so please, change it, do it, for me."

He was expecting doubt but he saw it for the first time, determination.

Kumas turned and looked at him, "you bet your butt I will."

He smiled hopefully and Kumas woke up.