
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 45: Redemption

"Alright, calm down, I want you to stop that and listen, this is important," everybody stopped, to Billy's surprise even Kumas. He smiled and said, "alright, what do you think we should do to Jim."

Strangely enough, Cindy and Kumas said the same thing, "kill him." Both looked satisfied with that answer, as if they had a grudge on him for a long time, Ray intervened.

"Cindy, are you going to be nice, or the aggressive one?"

Cindy gave a pout face and he laughed, she sighed and said, "Fine, let's not kill him," Kumas looked surprised at the change of events, Billy had to laugh. When stopping, he said, "we are not going to kill him, got that?"

Both nodded reluctantly. Silvy spoke next, "I think we should just let him stay here, it would be the best to stop the hassle if a teacher finds out, it would be problematic." All thought about it, Kumas was the one who was still wondering what was going on between Cindy and Ray, until he figured it.

Instinctually, he clicked his fingers and that made everybody look at him, it was awkward so he just made one up on the spot," um," he felt pressure to say something and would be embarrassed to say the reason why he snapped his fingers, so he gave an honest answer.

"We should give him to the nurse, and hear me out," he did not get a bad reaction out of the four, only Cindy gave an over exaggerated look.

"Jim will be there, and I can give him up, now," the thought had lingered in his mind for a while. All of them were treating him the same and not telling a teacher that he was the person that did it, he felt weird them not doing that as they would normally do the horrendous things earlier.

"I don't know why you are treating me like this," all gave a guilty reaction, which he did not expect.

"But I don't care, you guys are being nice to me now, so I will just give him to the nurse, make up a story and call it, ok?"

All sighed, Silvy said, "are you sure you can do this?" Kumas looked confident.

"Of course I can," he spoke proudly.

"No, I meant carrying it."

There was a silent in the air before he answered, reluctantly he said, "Ray," giving him a look. They laughed. Once done, Ray carried the body out of the room, Kumas followed, the others did something in the room before coming out. Before the pair arrived at the nurses room, Kumas had a conversation with Ray, "so, are you a thing, with Cindy?"

He blinked before looking at him and answering calmly, "yes, I and her are a thing," putting emphases at the end. Kumas sighed and said, "sorry for being awkward, just the way you to acted," he chuckled when he said that.

"I am having a normal conversation with you, Kumas, that feels very odd, you probably know what I mean, you mentioned it earlier," he took a breath before carrying on. "I think, it's fine speaking to you, even though I, um..."

He could not find the words to say, so Kumas said it instead," pummelled me to death, I understand." He huffed out," thanks, it's weird you saying that, as if nothing happened, but I still want to say it, no, I have to say it, it's important for me as a person, because I followed his orders."

It grew dark as they spoke when Ray finally broke it up, he looked at him and said, "I am sorry for everything I have done to you, it was wrong, and stupid! Can you forgive me?!!"

He gradually erupted to what he was saying, they were closing in on the room, he looks at Ray a final time before Jim was dropped on the floor and he says, "thank you I appreciate it," he said dragging him on the floor.

"I forgive you," he said smiling, then walks into the nurses room.

It felt weird him voluntarily going into this room, and him dragging Jim in the place. It took all his muscles to push him to the limit and he said casually, " hello, can you help me?"

The nurse looked at him, confused at first, then flabbergasted at what she saw. It was as if an earthquake erupted, but it still could not contain the vivid unprepared person for this moment. She explodes in hair chair, then regains thought when Kumas keeps on calling her.

"Oh," she replied, "um, ok, I will put him on the bed, you can leave," she did as she said, she tumbled a bit, still from the shock, picks the guy up, even though she was lady, four times the age of Kumas, she did not find it to difficult carrying him to bed, she prepared it and he just snuggle down into it.

She turned around and saw that Kumas was gone, she did not find it weird, as she asked him to do that, then she collapsed onto her chair. "Did I just see Kumas, drag in a person? I must be seeing things."

She imagined the whole thing was a dream.

When Kumas exited the place, he shrugged his shoulders, and moved down, the others were waiting and when they saw him just come out, they immediately thought it was a success.

They walked up to him and asked, "how was it?"

He replies, "it was nothing, she just took him." They all looked perplexed by what they heard, it was confusing to them, but they just took the good news. However, Silvy doubted it a bit.

"Did she say anything?" Kumas thought about it and drifted off a bit.

"She did ask me to leave the room, that was it," that got weird look from the girls, the boys expression remained the same all the way through.

They started to ask questions.

"Is the nurse always like this?"

"Can we get away with a crime then?"

Kumas replied," first one? No, well, to me she doesn't ask as she knows but others I think so, but for her to stay after school here, is a bit weird."

Cindy gave a look for her answer, Kumas looked at her, hoping it was obvious. Cindy understood and sighed.

'What happened to the old Cindy?'

They kept on walking, a bit of chatter when he finally asks," where are you going now?"

They all turn and say," we have to go to the council area, then we leave."

Billy added slowly," you can go if you want?"

It was silent, but a wind blew telling Kumas they all thought the same.

He sighed," no, I am going to the that place as well, I have to bunk there."

At first they were confused, spoke as they walked back.

"What do you mean, bunk?"

Kumas a person the did not fully understand, so Billy asked, then Silvy came to a conclusion.

"Wait, don't tell me, you mean stay over night," he replied giving a quick nod.

All gave a weird look, Cindy was the only one brave enough to ask," um, why?"

Kumas answered with no thought at all," I have no place to stay as I got kicked out."

He refrained from elaborating what kicked out meant. The others just imagined him fighting with his parents, and they knew he was poor, so a varied conclusion came from all of them.

They laughed and then Ray asked, "why here?"

He looks at Silvy and she chuckles.

"He stayed here before last night, it was random," she remembered it, rubbing the back of her heard.

Cindy asks,' and you found him?"

She nods and they immediately ask," how are you going to bunk?"

Cindy was starting to get curious and as Kumas explains he is going with the flow, it got more random. Then Ray and Cindy start talking and when they arrived, they kept on going.

All of them left, leaving at a late time, even saying good night to him. He set up so he would be in a corner, sleeping as even though they were in here, the only person in the council was Silvy, she just had the key. So if they came in and saw a sleeping Kumas, it would have not been good. He moved it so he just played against the wall, and would then fall asleep. He took it as a good option. As he was about to snuggle of, he woke and stood.

'Ok, this is good and all, but how does this help me, I will be living by myself, in the house, I need money for food water and everything and how am I gonna get that.'

He bit his lip thinking then he said, "this is so annoying," and proves to grab out a chair and ask.

'Where is that skill gone? Open notifications.'

[level is too low]

He inflated his cheeks and asked, "how high of a level to a have to be!"

He did not care if anybody heard. Slumping back against the place where he is going to sleep, he saw something pop up.

[Special quest]


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