
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 44: School Council Area

When he screamed like a child after doing that insane attack, it just had to be let out. All four of them laughed, even though there friend had been beaten up. Kumas was startled by the roar of laughter that he stroked his head. He looked confused but when it died down, he finally asked, "um, so," he pointed at Jim.

All four of them sighed simultaneously. "We have to bring him with us, probably to the school council area," Silvy stepped up and spoke, there was a huff by Cindy. She asked, "why to that place?"

Silvy gave a look at her, then at Ray, his faced started to go red, which felt like an anomaly to Kumas. "You are really going to be picky," she gave a cheeky look at both of them, he looked at her, then at Billy.

Jim was still on the floor, slouching down. He was surprised how all of them were acting, then he felt this feeling before and sighed deeply down. Silvy kept on pestering Cindy, she was getting bright red by that, she looked at Ray for help, but he really was acting very still, so Cindy huffed and she attacked Silvy.

Grabbing from behind. She did some fumbling with her, While Billy was walking to Kumas he saw, and he sighed, placing his hand on his forehead. When Cindy was done, Silvy, with a white shirt on, was having her breasts groped by her, Ray blinked and came back to his normal self, Billy could not stop laughing, and Kumas was perplexed.

'She really is casually touching her breasts, Oh man.'

He sighed and then started dragging Jim, however, it took him four seconds to realise that he could not do it. While Cindy was busy playing with Silvy's breasts, She saw Kumas tripping, then she laughed hard on to the ground. Billy saw and smiled lightly, Silvy straightened her self up and Ray moved before anybody said anything.

He picked up Jim, who was apparently pretty light, so asks," why couldn't you pick him up?"

Kumas shrugged but with a bit more passion, he remarks, "but you beat him, and you can't pick him up?"

He could not believe his ears, however, Kumas saw that as a diss," ok, it's not my fault that I am big and strong." He says it, pouting his face, Cindy starts laughing again and then he looks at her, and says in a moody tone, "stop laughing," however she kept on going. Ray placed his hand on his shoulder, as if he understood what he was going through.

Billy then announced," Ray bring him, lets go," he said it in a dark tone, Kumas reluctantly followed, all the other obliged happily. They strode down the hallway, taking a left, where Kumas was heading through. The windows shone the remains of the sun, and when the hallway finished, they took a left again. Kumas was silent while they were talking, well the three.

Ray did not speak a lot, and both were next to each other, Kumas saw this awkward, but he started the conversation, he asked very loudly, making the others quieter," How did you beat him?"

Kumas blinked at the guy and he answered," didn't you see, I just punched him and kneed him."

'To be completely honest, I don't know how I did that."

Ray nodded, still confused by his answer," but how did you learn those techniques?"

Kumas looked at him pretty confused, he was about to answer I don't know, when something hit him.

'I have to say something else, he won't take no for an answer.'

"Um," he scratched the back of his head," I just learnt it of some book in the library, it was there," he said in a higher tone.

He nodded, "I see, well done executing it."

'Is this guy a robot, or a machine, wait, are those the same?'

He started thinking about it when they arrived, even though it may have looked it took a while, but it was next to the toilets he fell asleep in. If you went further on, there were a few stair, leading up to another batch of rooms and an exit to the outside.

They opened the door, it was not the first time he had been inside here, but felt different. In the middle was a large wooden table, around it surrounded it with also wooden chairs, the carpet was a grey colour on the whole floor room and the walls were a nice dark velvet, in the centre of the room was a lamp, and there were other things scattered around. It was not cramped and in the corners there was the most space.

Kumas realised he had something to do and he grabbed a chair and thought.

'So, I got a skill, I wonder which one it is? Oooh, this is exciting.'

Kumas' seriousness drifted away and he shone of his happiness. A chuckle was given by every one in the room. "Happy you punched Jim in the face?" The person that asked was Billy, everybody ese had sat down around the table, however, Kumas noticed that they were really paired up. Silvy was close to Billy and Cindy was close to Ray. They were on opposite ends and Kumas was in the middle.

'Oh man, I am the top head.'

He shone even more when he realised that and Billy chuckled, misinterpreting it. He said, "It looked like he was pummelled down," then after there was an awkward silence. It took time but the others realised something off, then Kumas asked, "why is Jim not going to the nurse, the old lady is scary."

"I agree," Ray finger pointed at Kumas and Cindy laughed and said, "you are a match made in heaven," she sounded surprisingly jolly as well, Silvy chuckled.

"Happy you are with him?" She raised her voice and Cindy growled at her. Kumas looked at her.

'For a nice cheerful girl, she really has the secret personality.'

The two started to argue.

'Why does she mention her breasts again? is she jealous? Who cares, it's not like I will ever touch some.'

Kumas blinked blankly, shaking his head vividly.

'Ok, open skills.'

He looked at it, anticipating something, however, he saw no new skill. He blinked rapidly in confusion. He started to get agitated, tapping his thigh.

'Why wont my skill show, I should get a new skill.'

"So, why isn't, it, SHOWING!!"

Kumas' rage erupted and it caught everybody of guard, they looked at him in confusion and Cindy pointed at Silvy. "You can touch them," Silvy gasped and cradled them however, Kumas shook it off, replying honestly.

"No, I don't want to, I already have touched some," it took Kumas no time to regret of what came from his mouth. "No, no-"

All in unison asked," HOW!!!??"

They looked shocked. Then Cindy put her hands out at front, slamming them down hard.



Kumas stared at her, regretting his decision, he saw the opportunity and said, in a high pitched voice," yes, yes, yes I am lying," he spoke excitedly. All looked at him, Silvy was the first to ask the question, "Kumas, do you have a girlfriend?"

Kumas just stared at her blankly.

'Is it really that unbelievable that I had a girlfriend, also why doesn't this skill show, what skill do I have?'

His silent answer did not help, he saw Cindy's contemplated face and he said, "I have never had one, it was by accident." He was glad he did not mention the person.

'But, oh man, how did I not realise that I touched them, I feel sorry for her, actually-'

"What happened to the receptionist?"

All gave a look, a puzzled one, wondering why. Billy shook his head," no I d-"


Cindy gave another loud scream, Kumas was starting to get sick of this, he had always been around her. He blinked.

'I am talking to the-'

"It was the receptionist!"

She pointed her finger at him, he was caught of guard and coughed when she said that. Billy avoided the subject, so did Ray, but after the reaction, they were both curious.

"Did you?" Both said it in unison, making Silvy chuckle as she saw the pairs faces. They completely changed from normal. Kumas blinked multiple times thinking what to say, when Cindy swayed her arms around.

"Oh my God, he did, how is that possible, YOU!"

Kumas stood up to himself," hey, it was by accident, and what's so bad about me?" He pouted his face, annoyed by what she said, She laughed again, enraging him now.

"Hey, you! You can't just laugh at somebody constantly, you weren't like that, is it because of him?" He points at Ray, Cindy looks at him shocked, "hey now, don't rope, HIM!"

Both started arguing, the other two got involved, except Billy. He watched patiently at what was happening in front of him. He smiled gently.

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