
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 4: Good Dream

His right arm was in a weird position, it was blocking his face, but extended far. The guy smacked it, and brought him in.

It was a hand shake most do to greet one another. He got shocked looks and the cavern disappeared.

"How are you doing man?"


"He knows him."

The people behind him were in awe. He was stunned. He just followed what the guy was doing, copying him perfectly to a touch, there hands still in a shake.

His left hand rubbed the rear of his puzzled head.

"Yeah, doing fine these days," he gave an awkward smile.

He gleefully replied, "yea I can see, your handshake I much better," then laughed. It was a soothing laugh. He did not know how others felt but it made him feel calm.

"The teacher asasaulted him," one of the starnegrs he just met moved, up, taing the chance to speak to him.

Kumas defended the beadrded man in a suit.

"Come on, he just startled me," he turned as the pair let the hands go.

Another one spoke, "no, he went ful in, you even tucked in yoru shirt."

The chatter kept on going, it was moving on and on and Kumas forgot he had to go to lesson. It wasn, the first time he was late to lesson. However, it was the first time he was late to lesson, not from getting hit and dsetroyed.

Lunch was happening. It was meal time and he had to lunch. He always had no lunch as being poor, as when he did have lunch, he would lose it immediately, that was one time. He would also get slapped and asked for money, he always said he didn't have any, and get slapped some more. He would never have money.

Currently, Kumas was sitting at a dining bench, again completely different from his normal school. People were everywhere, he felt overwhelmed by it but stayed calm. He was still talking with the other people. This sensation he never felt or had this before, it was weird. His relatives would also have these conversations, blabbering away about something, he never understood what was so good about it, now, he kind of got it.

He didn't have any good experience to talk about but he still found it fun. Food was arriving in the tray while being carried by them, they were slouched over, striding with it.

"Hey, are you serious? Hey man," talking to him.

He wasn't paying as he was speaking, slipping over. The food was flung into the air.

He started shivering, the strong feeling that it would hit him was hitting him harder than the slaps he got front the bullies.

They would smack him with food from time to time, they did not know about his poor background, really poor background. So when they smack him with food, perfect for eating, he cries.

Crying over the fact that they waste precious food on him. They might not think much, however, his first time trying crisp was getting smacked with half a bag of doritos and some went in his mouth. He couldn't help but smile.

He did get hit after, mainly kicked like he was a bug, but he did not care. He thought he was going to smacked again but he saw a miracle.

It avoided him, it didn't purposely smack him in the face.

"Sorry, good that it didn't hit you, was trying to smooch away," he made a hand gesture.

He looked shocked.

"you did that?

'for me?'

"Yeah, you won't believe it, but I can control things with my mind," he smiled, pointing at his head, acting proud.

"Like hell you do, slimeball."

"What did you call me!"

"You heard me," they went at it again, he even got in trouble in class listening to it.

He cleaned up after he argued with him. Then another person came, the same popular guy.

"Hey do you have any money!"

It was a snappy shout which startled him, his instinct got the better of him.

"N-no, I don't have any money," his arms were raised, protecting his face.

Every lunch, there was a smack every single time after they asked "do you have any money?"

He never had a time when they didn't do it. After he replied, he sighed, but then he heard.

"I have some, can buy you food," he said it non-chalantly, Kumas looked surprised and the other guy looked happy.

The final class happened and it was beautiful. Not a single person had interfered I'm his learning, not while they would beat him up so he couldn't go to lesson, or him getting pestered all the time, while the teacher did nothing.

He enjoyed every bit of it.

A person, who looked like your stereotypical 'loser', he was out of the class, at the frame of it, holding it tight. It was the end of the best day ever and said," Somebody on the roof, called for you."

He nodded and followed him, leading him to the place. It was meant to be locked, but it was open, he reluctantly went p there as he knew this day was a special day, and it was also a wrong day for him.

There was a person standing there at the fence, with the mesh covering the whole landing, the man that led him here left and it was only the two of them.

The person turned and it was mister popular.

"Lets have a chat."

Hope you have enjoyed,

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