
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 39: Phones shop

Kumas looked surprised by what he saw, his first notification after the level block, he looked at the school, he wanted to be happy, but only curses surrounded him.


He calmed himself and just stared at what it asked for, he memorised it before it went transparent and disappeared.

'Jim, the man that was bullying you, is causing a great displacement in the group of his friends. Shove him in his place.'

He though about that quote and walked down the street. "What does that mean?" He asked himself, wondering if there will be any problems with it, he pushed the button and started running he gained a thought while staring at the window.

'Isn't there this shop in town where you can use the phones for free, I think apple runs it, don't they?'

He started getting excited, 'So I am able to get some information about this, as it's similar to a video game. He remembered what Silvy said. He then started slowing down when he went over the quest again.

'I gain a skill, so, what is that anyways? Is it like the invisibility from when I first got it, this must one of those, but I can control it, I guess.'

He was in a street, the same where he was getting chased, people forgot about the commotion, but he remembered it. He saw the cars zooming through and getting crowded. He saw the shops and the houses, all the same, but when he was at the place where he punched Jim, he immediately focused on what was going on with the quest.

'Jim is one of those guys that sucks on you just for the fame and money, I don't like him at all. Even Billy noticed that.'

He glared at the floor when he mentioned Billy in his head, he glared at the floor, the people around him gazed in confusion, and left him be. He calmed down and started walking again, he was still in his school uniform, which might be a bit odd, but others excepted it.

He blinked and then smiled, he started moving down, following the long trail, there were many more shops and house, all in a rural state, but they got much better as he went and, the flashes kept on coming until he reached a four way traffic light.


A car shouted out, startling Kumas, he sighed and looked at the other side, the store he was going to was a fairly large one, he was also pretty certain he could se it from the top, but he waited, not wanting to get run over by the cars. He looked at them until people started moving.

He followed the heard, seeing the green light and breathing a bit irregularly.

'Come on, I have crossed a traffic light before, don't act like a baby, it fine.'

Once he made it to the other side, he fist bumped himself, then started moving over to the large shop, there were grey steps, elevating him, there was also a large statue in the middle, having the green moss grow from it, it spewed water from it's mouth, which Kumas found vulgar. He kept on going, walking past two people trying to take a photo.

He only saw one goal in mind: To get to the shop. He was a few feet away and there was a security guard on stand by. Kumas felt he was getting intimidated and walked past. When he saw Kumas, he rolled his eyes, but let him in, as the doors opened automatically.

He squealed enough to make the guard look back at him.

'Alright, time to...'

He blinked when he saw all the phones on white tables and saw others, a few, playing on them, or just checking them out.
