
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 38: The problem

Kumas exited the school building for the first time ever normally. It was a weird experience, but he was glad he could do so, he had spent the whole day just by himself and in lesson, making it through a school day with out being pulled out, or any weird things from happening.

He exited the premises and left the aqua windows behind, not seeing anymore the distasteful view of, your level is too low.

He however had not time to think about that as he did not know where to go, he was poor, with no way to go home as he could not meet his grandparents.

'However, they did say they would move them by tomorrow, so by then, what should I do?'

He had time to kill and he did not know on what, but he thought about the question in the maths class from earlier.

'First time answering it, I got it right, which means that I can probably work out this problem by myself. But I should just meet them one last time, as they are only getting shipped tomorrow.'

Kumas's daily routine would have been to go to school (so those guys could pay his family), get bullied and endure it because if he went out, they would stop paying them, then come home, and do a multitude of chores. They would range but the dilapidated house needed a lot of care if it was to survive. He would never do anything for himself in his free time as either he would sleep, or study as the classes he missed from getting bullied, in the infirmary, or just getting pulled out or being late. All these reason he hated and had to study to make up for.

With them stop bullying him, and the fact that his grandparents are finally moving to a safe enclosure and actually could be happy made him feel good. He walked to his house, his uniform not in taters from getting tattered, it was good and he kept on moving.

Once he arrived through the vast track and made up the terribly steep hill, he saw the shack. It was an odd feeling. He had been there before after they stopped bullying him.

'So why?'

He entered and he turned left and saw the pair, a light filled him and he could properly see the to, up and awake from the beds. He was filled with tears and he ran up to them, hugging them both.

As time passed, Kumas had left the house, looking back at it.

'This is gonna be the final time I see them in here.'

He walked of, clenching his fist. He had spent time talking to them, it filled him with delight, but he also could not spend time with them as they were coming here to pick him up in a bit, and the contract stated he could not be seen with them. He looked at the house.

'Alright, I am going to live here, I just have to fix it up.'

The contract also stated that he could live in the house. It was run down and the hill was huge, and too large to get teared down. It was also the reason why it was so cheap to be living here. He left and thought about the next problem.

'How do I get money.'

He did not know how a card or a loan worked and his past experience of going to the library made him a bit sceptical of going there again, looking for a way to do that.

'Where should I go to work that out?'

He was in an area he did not really know, then he saw the school again, he smiled.

'How the hell id I end up here again, was I thinking too much?'

He sighed, giving a worried face, then he looked at the gate. It wasn't closed and he kept on walking past it when something popped up.

'Another window?'

He saw the transparent aqua, glad he finally showed itself.

'Finally, I am so glad, now how do I, just open it.'

He blinked from what he read.

[Quest: Jim, the man that was bullying you, is causing a great displacement in the group of his friends. Shove him in his place.]

[Reward: 1 Skill and 50 exp. ]


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