
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 3: Weird dream

Kumas was immediately annoyed by what he was hearing. He had been tricked by a relative at such a young age. He felt hurt. He gave a gloomy face as he remembered his relatives words.

He clenched his fingers and looked for the window, however, it was gone. He checked everywhere, thinking he was crazy.

'Really, was I dreaming?'

He sighed and said, "right when I was going to accept it, it disappears."

He moved to the couch cautiously, not moving as much as his whole body hurt. Currently in the dilapidated, ancient house were three people: him, Grandpa and grandma. He had taken care of them from the day, he had free time. During that time, he laid down, resting his body.

For the first time, he sat up. It felt weird him doing something like that, but he liked it. He thought about.

'Was I hallucinating?'

He remembered the moment he had gotten it but it was very blurry. It had happened when he was passed out.

He sighed," If only I could go to the library to search this up, maybe I could get a card again?"

He smiled weakly as his eyes were drifting away. He remembered his relatives words one final time-

"Let it go."

He slouched back on the sofa, falling asleep.

Dreams never happened for the poor boy, the best thing that would happen to him would probably be that it was pitch black. The inky sky would please him as he would sleep restlessly and was the only time he got rest.

When he did dream, it was just bullying, feeling that pain all over again.

This time he was walking. The neighbourhood was the same to his school, the houses were clouding the left and right sides, then there was a wide gap. No houses were near the concrete school. Just a long wall and three intersecting roads. The roads were ridden a lot, but still looked brand new, the wall had been graffitied giving it a vibrant feel than before of the grey lousy background. The gate was only a one way system. It was huge with a green gate blocking the way. There was a teacher monitoring the students entries. There would be complaints and complaints at many kids. Kumas never got one, not because he was perfectly dressed because he was in shambles every time he arrived at the school. The pity of the teachers left him alone, the pity of him being bullied. Even though they knew, they did nothing.

He despised this. The moment was fresh, he smelled the wind and was walking into the gate. He was giving the same gloomy expression.


He was startled so much, he fell over. He tripped down , landing on the tough concrete, there was a large landing before the entrance. He got looks from everybody, then people started laughing. He was getting pushed down, even though nobody was pushing him.

"Oh my god."

"Did you see that?"



He looked around and saw they weren't laughing at him. Somebody reached out their hand to him. He instinctually grabbed it and was pulled up.

"You alright, getting attacked by a teacher," he was lightly elbowed. He looked at the teacher and he was getting bullied by some kids. He made eye contact with Kumas and he walked over, "sorry for startling you, your uniform, you forgot to tuck in your shirt."

He pointed down to where his while shirt was exposed.

Kumas looked in astonishment.

"Huh, what the-"

"Yeah teach, you cant just get forgiveness, you made him fall." Kumas blinked many times, thinking what was happening. He had different clothes to what he normally wore. These were fresh brand- new clothing. He spoke, "man, this is weird." He felt weird.

It felt uncanny. He had seen many people speak like that, but he never spoke like it, he always felt inferior. He got in a conversation with people he saw, but never talked to.

He even got away not tucking in his shirt, but later he made sure to do it. As they were walking, the guy said, "you really tucked it in?"

Kumas shrugged and guy took as a funny remark, most of the people around did.

The hallway was a murky disgusting place, where you would get millions of looks. It was devastating and when ever Kumas would walk in to the dragons chamber, he just hugged the caverns wall, and avoided eye contact. When he touched somebody, all eyes were on him like a blind dragon, staring to see if its prey was there.

He did not see it, it was a completely different feeling. People were bunched up, there were lockers, which most were never used. Huddles happened and people would chat a lot. He had entered in walking to his class when people were giving looks at a specific guy. His hair gelled, beautiful face with not puberty-infested pimples. He was talking back to every person that was speaking to him. It was fascinating.

Kumas had met the strangers but he was pacing a bit faster, the two made eye contact. Kumas was alone and had attracted the popular guy.


He stuttered. This was when he would get attacked by the dragon blindly. He wouldn't eat him up as he couldn't see him, he didn't know what he was, only his scent relied him. The scent told him he did not like.

He would get attacked when somebody approached him in the hallway. Infront of everybody people would attack him, the bullies would batter him onto a corner and when a teacher came, knowing everything, they just glossed over it. Then the whole thing happened again.

The popular guy raised his arm. The dragon was going to bite him with its sharp fangs. The bullies would always strike super hard making it him put up his arms for no reason as they would get battered, bitten by the dragon so hard, that it gets scars, then it goes for the body, attacking it, but never killing.

He put up his arms to block himself. The popular guy was accelerating.

'Here comes'

His eyes closed, the hallways returned to the dragons cavern.


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