
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 29: Better Shed

If you expected him to get out, you are not only wrong, but you him feel pain.


"OOOW," he screamed out and let out a tear, he did not give up though, as he got knocked back, he put his foot behind, but far enough to grab the chair, he swung it round, barely hitting the side and got catapulted to the door.


The lady woke up and she saw Kumas rushing in. She moved quick and pulled him back, "STOPP IT YOU DUMBASS!!!"

She explained loudly to him, but he did not give in.



He stopped when he heard that, he slowly turned around and looked at her, confused.


"Yeah, you idiot!" She was still screaming, but less than before.

"I had it the whole time, why didn't you check me?!"

He slouched down and said, "I did not see a hole, so I thought that there was no key."

He pointed at the battered door. There was no keyhole, however, there was a lock at the top, holding the door and the shed together. She pointed at the lock, staring at him.

"What about the lock?"

He tilted his head, perplexed to what she was pointing at, he turned. "You mean the metal thing?"

She gave a surprised look, face palming herself, and started laughing again, she moved over and picked up the battered chair but stopped and leaned at the wall, laughing away and giving of ecstatic rain drops.

He looked confused at her, but he felt embarrassed.

'Why is she laughing? I didn't say anything funny, did I?'

She exhaled in the air quickly, so she stopped breathing, she started coughing and looked at him, she looked at him again and he tilted his head, pointing at himself.

'Your cluelessness, oh'

She walked up to him and hugged him, she grasped him tight, not letting go. Kumas was startled but he did the right thing by hugging her back, she opened her eyes when he returned the favour and she smiled pleasantly behind his back.

She took a slow breath and broke the loving moment. "Alright, I will tell you," she said, not facing him. She walked up to the door and pointed at the lock, "this is called a lock, you got it?"

He nodded frantically, she then took out a key from her pocket, shoving it in his face. He moved back a bit then stared at the lock, "now look carefully," she said in a childish voice.

There was a hole at the bottom, he looked dumbfounded. He was beet red and moved forward, rushing of. "Hey, wait, stop," she turned and she saw him coming. Being the taller person, she put her hand out for when he was coming. It hit his forehead and he stopped and looked up at her. She gave a sinister smile and he moved back, sighing.

"Fine, I am an idiot."

She giggled and moved her hand to ruffle his hair, "That's what I wanted to hear."

She stopped and walked up to the lock and unlocked it. "Don't tell anybody about this alright."

She gave a cheeky smile and left, closing the door behind her, once leaving, she smiled sinisterly.

Kumas stood alone in the room.

'What the hell just happened?'

Hope you enjoyed

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