
The School's System

Man gains a system while he is bullied. After overcoming his fears of the terrible acts they have caused, he starts to emerge himself into this new world of peace and trying to figure out how to use his new found system.

Shen_02 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Chapter 2: Devil trick

The guy woke up in a bed, not a hospital bed, that would be far too expensive for him. He was in the nurses room. He was here a lot for many reasons.

One time he as close to death, he laughed it off as no surprise came from that. His battered and bruised face were already at the brink of death, his bones standing on thin end and he couldn't probably eat so his muscles can't develop well.

The familiar ceiling greeted him as he woke up, the nurse was worried for the person but she couldnt do anything (rephrase: she didn't try to do anything).

He was alone in this world, except for his family, helping out any way they can. The bullying couldn't be stopped.

He sighed, showing his natural-down look. It was something always like this. He played in bed as it was the time he would get any rest, the window was open so it blew a strong wind inside. His hair glided in it.

The nurse got up. She was in a corner with her own little desk. Their were four beds in the room, which in it's own was alot. He blinked as he felt the cold rush. The nurse also felt it and stood up.

"Dear, do you like the cold?"

She spoke in a pseudo sympathetic way, feeling this is the only thing she could do.

He shivered when she said, confused by her question.

She took that as a no and walked up shutting the window. She strides in a ladylike manner, avoiding the beds perfectly. He blinks at the nurse, dazzled by what just happened.

"How did you do that?"

She blinked, a bit astonished he was talking to her.

"Well, after I closed the window, I made sure to move my hips and legs the best way possible," she replied. He nodded, turning over at the bed and squinting at the window.

The nurse chuckled.

'Has the little man finally fallen in love with me? Can't blame him. just took a bit longer'

The boy stayed still.

'She closed a window...'

'If she did, then what am I looking at?'

A screen, giving familiar looks to a window was hovering in front of the boys face. It was bright and transparent at the same time.

"I must be hallucinating," he muttered, wondering what was happening. He never came across something like this so his first though was old english superstition.

'My uncle told me this that if there were any temptations in life, they were set up by the devil, did he mean this?'

He shivered as he looked at it, befuddled by what was happening.

His own proper knowledge of culture was religion, he doesnt have a television, phone, or any device, as his family beng poor. He had no clue what it was.

Since he believed it was the devils temptation he left it.

This carried on for the next week.

A screen, which looked similar to a wondow, was staring at him day in and day out saying" welcome to _______ system".

This happened while he was getting bullied, attacked and destroyed, the ironic thing was he didnt even acknowledge its presence.

He had gotten swollen around the eye so he was barly able to see.

He was at his house, five days in having the cursed screen. It was a wooden hut, a single room with five people currently in. The kitchen and the living room, that was all, a small couch was posisitoned at the centre.

There was a huge table infront fo it and there were the beds. These beds contained two people: Grandma and Grandpa.

They were alright but because of the lack of money, they coudnt take care of them properly. He scooted through it was getting dark and dinner had been eaten in the household. However, most of the people left so currently there were five. He was doing the dishes, carfully sing not to much water or he would get screamed at.

As he was doing it he asked the relative (the same one in which gave him the twisted devil idea) something," I have a question?"

The man turned facing him for a second then turned back.

"If its about the-"

"Is the devil tempting people with windows?"

He stopped everything in his tracks, as he pushed away the flies that were whizzing around the room, he looked at him.

"What? Repeat that," he tilted his head in confusing, blinking many times, as of he heard a curse.

"Does the devil tempt peopl-"

He was cut of before finishing it," oooh, oh man, about this, though you said window, anyhow," he sighed.

"I made him up, a few people believe in him but let me tell you something, I said it so you would behave, like people tell their children about Santa."

"Huh," he did not know who Santa was.

He smiled. "I don't come an visit you lot, I am sorry, but I am always happy to see you so go, I can do the rest," he said as a spider was climbing down.

"Uh, ma there are far too many bugs," he gave a depressed face.

"Make sure you do well, I- I have to leave, I am sorry, I want you to be strong, Kumas."

He started moving but stopped, when he was at the old door, he said," let it out, it will make you feel better."

He left.