
Chapter Three

"You guys are all lucky! Next time, I will crumble all of you" said Theodore angrily. "Let's go." Theodore left, and his gang followed.

"I'm waiting," replied William. He looked around. Everything was a mess. "Now what?"

"Hey, Carl?" asked Courtney.

"Yeah?" answered Carl.

"How come they don't seem injuries at all?"

"How come? Well, first of all, they aren't just delinquents- they are trained fighters. They have their own fighting styles, but they are trained fighters who can take a lot of damage and endure a lot of pain- at least above a normal person. Also, they are injured. They don't look like it because of their clothes, and they are enduring the pain, although it might not feel like much to them."

"Wait, what!?"

"If they took off their shirts, even if they don't have any blood on them, which is impossible, they will have some bruises or at least some type of wounds on them."

"So they..."

"They have can endure much more than what normal people can. They are stronger, too. They seem to be as strong as the people who are known as the 'warriors.'"



"Hey, don't you think it's awfully quiet right now?" asked Carl.

"Yeah," said Courtney. He looked around. "Hey, Carl."


"I think everyone's staring at us."

Carl looked around. Sure enough, just about everyone was silent and were staring at them.

"So what do we do?" whispered Courtney.

"Um, hi?" Carl said to everyone. The atmosphere was very awkward.

"Oh, don't mind us. Just go ahead and continuing explaining about the warriors," said William. "Just talk louder so that we can all hear you."

"Oh, okay," said Carl. "If you don't mind me, then sure. The warriors are powerful beings that surpass the normal human limit. They are much stronger than normal people and are said to be magical beings. Well, they are humans, by the way. There are many different types of warriors, and there are a some popular ones. The first type is the animal warriors. It is also the most popular type of warriors. As you can guess from their name, animal warriors fight with a technique of an animal. The members of the Illusion Serpents and the Valiant Eagles are probably animal warriors. The Illusion Serpents slowly wear down their enemies like how a venomous snake kills their prey by waiting for their poison to kill them. The Valiant Eagles attack with a fatal blow that are meant deal high damage to their enemies like how an eagle kills its prey with one hit. They are examples people who can be animal warrior.

"The second type of warrior is the sense warriors. These warriors are also very popular. Sense warriors have a strengthened sense out of the five senses. Some can listen to everything in their surrounds, some can see a microorganism with the naked eye, some can sniff out exactly what is in a package, some can taste out every single ingredient of a food, and some can feel the fingerprints that someone left on an object.

"The third type of warriors are emotion warriors. They are also pretty popular. They are warriors who are able to affect the emotions of people around them. They can affect someone's emotion and make them happy, sad, embarrassed, angry, nervous, guilty, and have other emotions, although people with a strong mind are usually hard to affect. Emotions are very important during a battle, which is why emotion warriors are pretty powerful. They are kind of difficult to become, but they are quite powerful, which is why they're pretty popular. That's about it."

"Well, thank you for your explanation. By the way, you are correct. We are animal warriors, and so are the Illusion Serpents," said William. "Now let's clean up the mess."