
Chapter Ten

"I smell blood," said Asura. He sniffed. Yep. There was blood. He could smell it clearly. There was blood at approximately 2 kilometers away. He focused on his hearing and found that someone was crawling along the floor, bloodied and wounded all over. The guy was trying to move with all his strength, but he was moving as slow as a turtle. "I think I should go help him," Asura said to himself. He started to move, jogging at a slow speed of about 300 meters per second, which is about 25 times as fast as the fastest normal human has ever ran. In less than 7 seconds, Asura was right next to the bloodied person.

The person looked up at Asura and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Asura quickly gave him a very light chop on the back of the person's head. The person dropped to the ground, unconscious, not dead. Asura picked up the person and went to the nearest hospital that was only about 16 kilometers away, so it only took a few seconds, which is kind of slow considering the fact that he was only jogging at a about a speed of 4,650 meters per second and that his maximum speed is about 37.2 kilometers per second.

Instead of going inside the hospital, Asura put the person on the ground about two 2 meters in front of the door of the hospital and quickly dashed off. About 30 seconds later, a person walked by and saw the person laying on the ground in front of the hospital. The person quickly ran to the unconscious person on the ground, and after a few seconds of checking ran into the hospital and yelled at the people in the hospital to go outside and save the person. Luckily, the injured person was saved in time and was able to live and continue to enjoy life.

* * *

Asura sighed. He was back at Moonlight Academy, except that instead of being inside of the building, he was on the rooftop on the building and laying down looking at the stars with his hands acting as a pillow. Asura thought, "I might as well as visit Sura since I'm kind of bored and can't really go to sleep. It's already been a month since I last saw him." Asura got up and dashed to Sura's house, which was about 30 kilometers away, in less than 2 seconds. He couldn't sense Sura's presence in the house.However, instead of leaving right away, he decided to go knock on the door politely.

"Who is it?" a girl's voice called out.

Asura didn't say anything but instead continued to knock on the door.

The door was opened by a girl. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Asura?" the girl that opened the door asked. She was Sura's sister and was one of the only few people in the world who actually calls Asura just by his first name like a friend.

Asura didn't answer the question but instead asked, "Where's Sura?"

"Avoiding my question, I see," said the girl. "Well, he's off to go do some training. He'll probably be back in an hour."

"An hour, huh..." Asura thought about it and decided to wait for Sura. "Well, want some mock battles?"

"I'm honored," said the girl. The girl waved her hand and they were in a totally different place. (Skill used: Dimensional Realm).

⎡Skill name: Dimensional Realm ⎤

Ability: Transport a group of objects,

including living objects, into another

realm in the same position with the

objects still being in the same space.

Applicable learners (Max level available):

God warriors (5), Emperor/Empress warriors

(5), King/Queen warriors (5), Prince/Princess

Warriors (5)

Levels: 5

Energy usage: 6 orbs per hour

Rank required to learn: A

⎣Rarity: Special ⎦

⎡Rarity Rankings: ⎤




Super Rare






⎣Unique ⎦