
Chapter Nine

Sura was sitting with one leg on the frame of the window and one leg hanging. He leaned against the window and looked out of it. Something was flying straight towards him at a speed of 90 meters per second. BAM!!! In an instant, the window was open and the object that had been flying towards Sura had disappeared. He looked at the direction the object had came from and saw a few people fighting at about 800 meters away."These guys need a lesson," Sura said to himself. He then called out, "Hey, sis, I'm going out for a bit!"

"Okay!" someone said.

Sura put on a mask he got out from nowhere and was wearing all black clothes- black shirt, black pants, black cape, and black cap. In an instant, he disappeared from the window and appeared right next to the people who were fighting. "Hello," said Sura. "Would you all mind fighting somewhere else?"

"Who the hell are you to order us!" yelled one of the person who was fighting. "You want to get hurt or something?"

All of the people that were fighting stopped fighting. They all looked at Sura like he was crazy. They all had one thought at that moment: Who the hell does this little boy think he is?

"So? What are your answers?" asked Sura.

The boys all looked at each other and made a silent agreement: To get rid to of the little boy in front of them first.

All of the people charged towards Sura and all tried to hit him at a different spot. However, they were all literally reflected off onto the ground. Sura did not even get a single scratch, although that was pretty normal, but those people did not know that.


"What happened?"

"What was that?"

"How are you unhurt!?"

"How am I unhurt?" Sura said. "You don't know who you're talking to, don't you?" Sura pulled out a sword. It was a beautiful silver, straight, thin, and light sword. "I think you all need a lesson. I already gave you all a chance to leave yet you all decided to attack me. Haven't you all been told to not provoke a warrior stronger than yourself?" Sura pointed the sword at the people.

One of the people widened his eyes and pointed at Sura. "Wait... that sword...that mask... that cape and those clothes... you... you're Sura, aren't you?"

"Oh? So someone does know me," said Sura. Everyone looked at the person who had recognized Sura.

"Um, um..." the person stuttered, but he couldn't get a word out.

"Well, it's fine," said Sura. "Now, would you all kindly leave so that I don't have to invite you all?"

The person who everyone was looking at ran away. Sura looked at the other people, and they all followed the person who had ran away first.

"Well, not that that's done, I guess I'll just go do something else to entertain myself before going back," Sura said to himself. "I wonder how Asura's doing. I have a feeling that we'll meet again sometime soon."

* * *

"Achoo!" someone sneezed. It was Asura, who Sura had just been talking about. "Weird, said Asura. I don't think that I have a cold. Well, whatever." Asura continued to listen to what Carl was saying. "That's some interesting stuff," Asura said to himself. "Now, how will you react, little warrior. I wonder how Sura's doing. I sure we'll see each other sometime soon."

* * *

"Achoo!" sneezed Sura. "Strange. I'm pretty sure that I'm not sick. So why did I sneeze? Oh, well, whatever. Someone was probably thinking about me, that's all."