
Chapter Four

One hour later...

After they had finish cleaning and eating, Carl and Courtney were walking along, chatting.

"That was horrible," said Courtney. "We has to clean all of that stuff up even though we didn't do it. That freaking Asura. Don't you agree, Carl?"

"I don't," said Carl.

"What, why? Did you like cleaning?"

"Oh stop complaint and shut up. If Asura hadn't done anything, those delinquents and former delinquents would literally destroy the whole place."

"How? They were just moved around in the same place."

"That's because you don't know the power of the warriors."

"What do you mean? You already explained it, didn't you?"

Carl shook his head. "That was only a quick introduction to warriors. Warriors are much stronger than what I said, and I'm pretty sure William and Theodore both had a trick up their sleeves."

"What do you mean?"

"Weak warriors, or beginner warriors, aren't really that strong or too different from normal people, but warriors that are strong enough have a special power, or an ultimate move. Some warriors even have multiple ultimate moves."

"Ultimate moves? What are those?"

"You know the ultimate moves in video games?"

"Yeah, of course I do. Why?"

"The ultimate move of the warriors are pretty much the same thing as the ultimate move in video games."


"Ultimate moves are much stronger than normal attacks. They are really powerful and warriors with an ultimate move are more likely to defeat a warrior without an ultimate move, unless that warrior is a lot stronger than the warrior who has an ultimate move."

"Huh. Is that even real? It sounds fake as hell."

"It's real. I can show you if you'd like."

"Sure. Prove it to me."

"Come." Carl turned in another direction and walked. Courtney followed.

After walking for five minutes, Courtney was unable to hold back his question. "Where are we going?"

"To find a warrior," replied Carl.


"To make him show us an ultimate move."

"Ohhh," said Courtney. "Wait. How are you going to make him show us an ultimate move?"

"Oh, easy. We're going to go and provoke him into using one."

"What? Aren't they supposed to be strong?"

"They are. But I'm going to find a weak warrior with an ultimate move. I'm also a warrior, but I don't have an ultimate move, so that's why I need to find one with an ultimate move."

"Oh, I see. Well, as long as you can beat him, I guess it's fine."

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I'll probably get beat up by him and we'll both end up in the hospital. You see, the majority of warriors have huge pride in themselves. They will not allow people to mock them. Since we're provoking one, in the worst case scenario, the warrior will probably end up killing both of us."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"I said that he'll probably kill us."

"What the hell!?"

"Don't worry, I said worst case scenario."

"But still!"

"Oh, there's a high chance the warrior's going to kill us."

"I'm going back! I don't want to do it anymore!"

"Why? You were the one who wanted to see an ultimate move."

"I do, but I don't want to die either!"

"Oh, we're not actually going to die, we'll just probably be in the hospital for a couple of months, that's all. If we're lucky, then we'll probably only stay in the hospital for a few weeks."

"That's not good either! I don't want to end up in the hospital! I'm getting out of here!" With that, Courtney ran back in the direction they came from.

"Wait, bro, wait for for me!" yelled Carl. He ran and chased Courtney.

After they were long gone, a boy jump down from a building and landed on top of where Carl and Courtney had been standing. He was five feet four and wore a cap. He looked just like the boy from before that had stopped the fight of the Illusion Serpents and Valiant Eagles. The only difference was that he carried a Scythe with him, and it was slung over his back.

"Carl, was it? What an interesting person."