
Chapter Five

30 minutes later…

A girl yawned and stretched. She sat up on the chair that she had been sitting on. She had black hair tied in a ponytail, and was 6 feet tall. She was, of course, Charlotte, the student council president.

"Are you finally awake now?" a girl next sitting next to her asked. They were the only people left in the cafeteria.

Charlotte stifled a yawned and then rubbed her eyes. She turned to the girl who just spoke and said, "Yeah, I'm awake now."

"I can't believe you managed to sleep through all that commotion."

"What did you expect? There's too much work for me to do every single day and I have to stay up till 4 o'clock every day to finish it. I'd even be able to sleep even if there was thunder outside. How did I even get to be the student council president anyways? I didn't ask for it."

"Oh, it was a rally. They picked your name out of a box and since you didn't say anything, they took it as you accepted the role. By the way, I think you were absent that day."

"Wow. Just wow."

"Hey, at least you got some special privileges. It's not that bad."

"Well, I would rather get my sleep than have a whole bunch of work and some stupid privileges."

"Well, at least you're the most popular person in the school now."

"Like I care about that."

"Oh? Who was it that said they wanted to be the most popular person at the beginning of the school year?"

Charlotte looked away. "Not me."

"Oh, really?"

"You must be thinking about the wrong person, Charlene." Charlotte turned to look at the girl she was talking to.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really."

"I guess I'll believe you, then."

"Yes! Thank you."

Charlene shook her head. "Someday, you're going to get taken advantage of."

"There's no way that's going to happen."

"Oh, yes it is."

"I'm a warrior, you know."

"Right, and some other strong warrior is going to come and take advantage of you."

"Ha. No way."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really. I'm very careful, you know."

"Says the girl who jaywalks every single day and almost got run over by a car," someone else said from behind the two of them.

Charlotte and Charlene turned around and looked at the person who had just spoke. "Charlie!" They both exclaimed.

"Hi! How's it been, girls?" asked the new girl.

"It's pretty amazing," said Charlene. "Charlotte even became the student council president at Moonlight Academy!"

"Yeah, I know. She's amazing, isn't she," said Charlie.

"Yeah, she's sooo amazing," said Charlene, laughing.

"That is so true," laughed Charlie.

"She was even able to become the student council president when she was absent! I don't know anyone else who can do that!" said Charlene.

"Right. She's the most amazing girl I know," said Charlie.

"Oh my god, cut it out, you two. Stop making fun of me," said Charlotte.

"Oh, we're not," said Charlie. "We're just stating the truth."

"Yeah," said Charlene. "Except that we're leaving some parts out."

"You know what, I am so done with you two. I'm leaving," said Charlotte. She stood up and walked away.

"Oh, come on, Charlotte. Don't be like that," said Charlene. She and Charlene chased after Charlotte.

After they were gone, a boy appeared out of nowhere and was standing on top of the table where the girls had sat. He was five feet four, had black hair, and looked just like the boy who had appeared where Carl and Courtney were talking. The only difference is that instead of carrying a scythe, he had a pair of twin swords, one on each of side of his waist. The sheaths is the sword were made from the strongest material known by normal people in the world, graphene. "Charlotte, huh. One of the world's few and powerful environment warriors. This is going to be interesting. What are you going to do, Asura?"