
Chapter Eight

Asura was still following Carl. Even after 10 minutes of walking and 20 minutes of running at a speed of 80 meters per second, and Carl seemed to have no intention of stopping. Now Asura was very curious at where Carl was going. Carl had just traveled about 100 kilometers in half a hour, and he was still running. Asura wanted to find out what is it that made this C rank warrior run at his max speed and having no intention to stop after half an hour.

"I can't believe that I'm actually interested in this. I, a God rank god warrior, is interested in what a mere C rank warrior is doing? No one's going to believe this," Asura said to himself.

Finally, Carl slowed down to a stop. He look around like he was making sure that no one was watching, and he entered a building called Shade Casino. Asura was about to enter the building as well when he heard a strange sound, and he stopped something with his scythe. More accurately, he the wind from the swinging of his scythe had pushed the object away. He looked around for the object and he found it. The object was a bullet. He focused his vision to a range of 1 kilometer. At about 800 meters away, there was a person who was on a top of a building and looked as if he was ready to escape. He was carrying a rifle in his hand. He was the sniper who had just attempted to shoot Asura, or, more accurately, whoever Asura was in the way of, and that would be Carl, who had just walked in.

In an instant, Asura appeared next to the sniper. He touched the sniper on his shoulders. "Hello."

The sniper jumped, startled. He turned around and when he saw Asura, he asked, "How did you get up here?"

"That's not for you to worry about. A dead person like you doesn't need to know anything," said Asura.

"What!? Who do you think you are, little boy!?" the sniper was boiled up with anger. The little boy in front of him had just called him a dead person. He got out something from his pocket and attacked Asura with it. Unfortunately for him, Asura sliced his hand off with a scythe. "AAA!" the sniper screamed out in pain.

"A mere D rank sense warrior like you think that you can defeat me? How laughable," said Asura.

"How did you know I was...?" the sniper asked. Then, his eyes widened in fear, because he had realized something. Only warriors a rank above the other warrior can see the other warrior's rank, which means that the person in front of him is at least a C rank warrior. Even though there is only 1 rank difference between a D rank and a C rank, C ranks are much stronger than D ranks,, which is why 10 D ranks is needed to even be able to go against a C rank, unless you use assassination, that is.

"Seems like you know now, don't you?" asked Asura.

The sniper was so scared that he wasn't even feeling any pain from his cut hand. He just ran towards the edge of the building, but before could travel a single meter, his head was separated from his body, and blood splattered all over. Asura had cut him with his scythe.

"What an idiot," said Asura. "Well, that's what you get for trying to kill the person I've had my eyes on." Asura moved back to the building Carl had went into in an instant. Asura started to walk in, but then he stopped. "You know, I don't really want to be seen and attract trouble, so I''m just going to stay out here and listen instead." He jumped to a rooftop and concentrated on his hearing. He could hear Carl talking with someone, and he could tell where Carl was.