

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


After spending a night strengthening his core following the absorption of Qi from the man he encountered, Kelin continued his journey the next day with renewed determination. His destination: the home of his old friend, Zaran.

Four days of arduous travel brought Kelin to Zaran's doorstep. As he approached, a man named Xin, Zaran's loyal bodyguard, greeted him with a wary expression, standing guard beside the ornate wooden door. With a hand resting on the hilt of his sword, Xin eyed Kelin with suspicion, his posture tense and ready for any threat.

"Who goes there?" Xin demanded, his voice sharp with caution, as he scrutinized Kelin from head to toe.

Unfazed by the display of hostility, Kelin replied calmly, his voice carrying a note of familiarity, "I'm a friend of Zaran's. May I come in?"

Xin's grip on his sword tightened perceptibly, his gaze never wavering from Kelin's face. After a tense moment, he reluctantly stepped aside, allowing Kelin to enter the grand foyer of Zaran's residence. As they made their way inside, Zaran emerged from the depths of the house to welcome his unexpected guest.

"This is my bodyguard, Xin," Zaran explained, gesturing to the imposing figure at his side. "He's a bit overprotective, as you can see."

As Kelin and Xin exchanged wary glances, tensions simmered beneath the surface like a dormant volcano on the verge of eruption. Suddenly, Kelin released a surge of his profound aura, a subtle yet undeniable display of power that sent shivers down Xin's spine. The air crackled with tension as Xin instinctively reached for his sword, his hand trembling with fear and uncertainty.

"Lower your hand, kid, or you'll lose it," Kelin warned sternly, his voice carrying the weight of authority as he fixed Xin with a steely gaze. "Mind your manners and treat strangers with respect. You never know who you might provoke."

Zaran, sensing the escalating tension, quickly intervened, his voice calm and soothing. "It's alright, Kelin. Xin, apologize to our guest. He's an old friend."

Reluctantly, Xin removed his hand from his sword and bowed his head in apology, his earlier bravado replaced by a palpable sense of humility. "I'm sorry, Old Master. I didn't know who you were. I'll do anything to make amends."

As Xin retreated, Kelin couldn't help but breathe a silent sigh of relief, grateful that the situation had been defused without further incident. "Phew, I thought I was done for. Thank goodness I managed to diffuse the situation. I need to tread carefully around here."

As Xin stepped away, his mind raced with questions, his hand still trembling from the encounter. *My hand is still shaking... This man has an aura stronger than my master. Who is this master?*

As Kelin and Zaran relished in the nostalgia of their shared memories, Kelin took a moment to explain his journey into cultivation, revealing that his age had spurred him to seek out new paths for longevity and vitality. He encouraged Zaran to consider delving into cultivation himself, emphasizing its potential benefits for both mind and body.

Intrigued by Kelin's newfound pursuits, Zaran listened intently before the conversation turned to the topic of the blind master. Kelin's curiosity piqued, he inquired about the enigmatic figure, prompting Zaran to recount tales of the master's fearsome reputation.

"The blind master is a formidable cultivator whose strength surpasses all measure," Zaran began, his voice tinged with a hint of reverence and trepidation. "His true level remains a mystery, but even the highest echelons of government tread lightly in his presence."

Zaran's words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of unspoken implications. Kelin leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Why is he so feared?"

With a solemn expression, Zaran continued, his voice low and measured. "It is said that the blind master once had a child disciple, a promising talent nurtured under his tutelage. However, tragedy struck when the disciple was ruthlessly slain by members of the Tian Sect."

A shiver ran down Kelin's spine as he absorbed Zaran's words. "In a fit of grief and rage, the blind master unleashed his wrath upon the Tian Sect, exacting a terrible toll for their actions. Six hundred disciples fell to his fury, a grim testament to his power and the depths of his vengeance."

As the gravity of Zaran's tale sank in, Kelin couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and unease. The blind master's legend loomed large in his mind, a specter of both fear and respect that lingered on the fringes of his consciousness.

As Xin hastily made his way back to his master's side, his mind raced with thoughts of the encounter at Old Zaran's place. Bursting into his master's presence, Xin wasted no time in conveying the urgency of the situation.

"Master, master, it's an emergency!" Xin exclaimed, his voice trembling with a mixture of fear and excitement. "I encountered someone at Old Zaran's place. He claimed to be a friend of Zaran's, but I suspected foul play and attempted to draw my sword to threaten him."

The blind master's brows furrowed in concern as he listened to Xin's account, his keen senses attuned to the subtle nuances of his disciple's words. Sensing the gravity of the situation, he leaned forward, his interest piqued.

"And then what happened?" the blind master inquired, his voice steady and composed.

"He... he released an enormous aura, master," Xin continued, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "It was even stronger than your aura. I believe he may be a hidden master, a formidable opponent we should not underestimate."

The blind master nodded thoughtfully, his mind already racing with possibilities. "How long is he planning to stay at Zaran's place?" he asked, his tone measured and deliberate.

"I overheard Zaran mention that he would be staying for about a week," Xin replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Good," the blind master declared, his expression unreadable. "I shall pay Zaran a visit myself. It seems we have an unexpected guest in our midst, and I intend to discern his true intentions."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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