

basically he focused on studying and didnt cultivate suddenly he realized he needs to cultivate to get a longer lifespan (that's the story)

DAKICHI · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The blind master's entrance was announced by the sound of his steps and a knock on the door before he declared, "I'm coming in."

The dense mist swirled around the towering figure, casting an enigmatic aura as he stood with an imposing presence. At a height of two meters, he commanded attention, his long hair cascading like a waterfall down his back, shrouded in an air of mystery. A black blindfold veiled his eyes, hinting at depths of wisdom beyond mortal comprehension.

In the midst of a world where realities converged, blending fragments from countless dimensions, he stood as a sentinel of the amalgamated realm. The fabric of his attire, a white black cassock, whispered tales of forgotten epochs and lost civilizations.

As he traversed the shifting landscapes of this multifaceted domain, the absence of modernity stood as a testament to the forgotten lore that once thrived. Here, amidst the amalgam of worlds, the hum of electronics and the roar of engines were but echoes of distant memories, their existence fading into the annals of history.

Yet, amidst this convergence of realms and eras, the blind master remained a constant, a beacon of ancient wisdom and timeless knowledge

Kelin, concerned about Zaran's discomfort due to the thick aura, decided to play it cool instead of directly asking him to stop releasing it.

Kelin casually sipped his tea before calmly addressing the blind master, "If you continue releasing that aura, you might inadvertently harm my friend here, and I might interpret it as a challenge." With a subtle flicker of determination in his eye, Kelin then allowed a hint of his own profound aura to emanate, silently testing its strength against the master's aura.

The blind master intensified his aura, prompting Kelin to respond in kind. As their auras clashed in a silent battle of energy, the blind master eventually ceased his exertion, acknowledging Kelin's capabilities.

"Where are my manners? Don't take offense; I was merely testing," the blind master apologized, his tone respectful. "It seems Xin informed me correctly; you are indeed a hidden master of cultivation."

Kelin's heart swelled with satisfaction. "Yes!" he inwardly exclaimed. "He fell for it."

"What may I call you?" the blind master inquired.

"Kelin is good," he replied casually.

"And you?" Kelin asked in return.

"Im Kenja. I belong to the lost civilization of the Land of the Rising Sun," the blind master introduced himself.

"That's fascinating," Kelin remarked, acknowledging Kenja's heritage. "Belonging to the Land of the Rising Sun adds an intriguing dimension to your knowledge and skills."

chapter 10

a sound of steps and knocking on the door

im coming in

the blind master said

with the height of two meters

and long hair reaching his back

and a black blindfold covering his eyes

and white black cassock

beacuse this world has mixed with a lot worlds it has a lot of mixed in one but there is no electronics or cars as there is no fuels and its considsred as forgotten knowledge

the aura he was releaseing is was making tha air thick and hard to breath for non cultivators like zaran

kelin was worried about zaran but he cannot just say stop releasing that aura

kelin thought about it and decided to act cool

if you keep releseing that aura you might hurt my friend here and i may take it as a challenge

kelin said as he took a sip of tea

and then he looked at him with one eye releseing his profound aura to test how much is his aura compare to the blind master

the blind master released more of his aura

and kelin also did

after a aura battle between them the blind master stopped his aura

where is my manners dont take offence i was just testing it seems like xin told me you're a hidden master of cultivation

yes!! kelin screamd in his heart " he fell for it "

what may i call you the blind master said

kelin is good


--im kenja i belong to the

kelin said

the lost civilization of thr land og the rising sun

kelin interrupted him

kelin started talking about the lost civilization and showing his knowledge

while Keeping pretending as he lived alongside with lost civilization

Kelin, seizing the opportunity to impress Kenja, began to speak about the lost civilization with a depth of knowledge that seemed to imply firsthand experience.

"In the Land of the Rising Sun," Kelin began, his voice carrying a hint of reverence, "the lost civilization thrived amidst the ebb and flow of time, their legacy woven into the very fabric of existence. Their mastery of cultivation and ancient arts surpassed that of any known civilization."

With each word, Kelin wove a tale of grandeur and mystique, drawing upon his imagined experiences alongside the lost civilization. Though his words were fabricated, his conviction lent them an air of authenticity, as if he truly had walked among the ruins of ancient temples and witnessed the echoes of a bygone era.

Kenja's question was twofold: "How do you know that much?" and "For how long have you been living?" He sought to understand the depth of Kelin's knowledge and the extent of his experience.

"As for my knowledge," Kelin continued, his voice carrying a nostalgic undertone, "much of it was gleaned from a friend I met several centuries ago. He was someone much like you, Kenja—a descendant of the last remnants of the holy sect in the Land of the Rising Sun."

His words resonated with a reverence for the past, acknowledging the profound impact of his friendship with someone whose lineage connected them to the ancient traditions of their shared heritage.

. "As for how much I've lived, I lost count after some centuries," he admitted, his tone tinged with a touch of wistfulness. "But time has a way of becoming irrelevant when one's focus is on cultivation and the pursuit of knowledge. It's not the years that matter, but what we make of them."