1 Again?

How did I get here? is always the question right? I had it made from the outside looking in anyway. Get out of your head and back to work. Didn't even realize it been happening more lately. Daydreaming out nowhere they say it's my self-conscious tying to tell me something. Bitchy keep telling me I got this and to write down everything I remember. See that why his nickname is bitchy. Jason is my well it's hard to describe what he is beside bitchy. I realized that it's someone staring at me. You know that feeling that come over you. I was already behind who knows how long I been daydreaming. Who ever is staring can come and speak if they want if not enjoy the show. Who am I ? The best just put me to the test. I been through a lot but I have never let nothing conquer me. I may get knocked down I may be blending in with the concrete but I always get back up. that's a lot right and yet I haven't even told you my name. the reason why it's not important yet we'll get to that in later chapter.I am a private investigator I'm actually undercover and once again trying to get a victim to pay his fair share. and get this he don't even know that his wife knows that he's cheating on her. I know crazy excitement but it's not fair. So that where I come in at. I would have never guess this guy hands was dirter than a politician working with Russia. Simple get a job but if I can't stop daydreaming I will blow this case.

I been on the job for two weeks it's not really no glamorous job. Im Kim personal assistant and Kim is Danny Harris assistant/ well do I really have to explain that? I do the Majority of her job which is a good thing. Means I have serious access to all his business. Way to easy this man is not smart.

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