
The saviour doomed the world again!

The world was about to be destroyed by the Lord of Darkness. And so, a warrior arose to protect the two worlds! He defeated the Lord of darkness, and managed to killed it ... Alas, how was he supposed to know that killing the Lord of Darkness, would cause the destruction of the two worlds? Now I have returned! And I will not make the same mistake twice ... or for the nineth time!!

paragon_x3l0r · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

Everyone else took cover, including Kyle. One of the miners was struck by the arrow in his shoulder, and he started turning green. A few seconds later, he was dead!

"The arrows are poisoned! Don't let them touch you!!" Glade shouted.

When the arrows stopped raining, that's when the attack started.

"Bandits!" Anissa's expression darkened.

The bandits grinned when they saw Anissa.

"She's mine! I saw her first!" one of the bandits spoke.

"As if! I was the one who saw her first!!" another argued.

"SHUT UP!! Just capture her alive and kill everyone else!!" one of the bandits, who appeared to be the leader, suddenly yelled.

There were twelve bandits, who were approaching.

Kyle readied his make-shift spear! Of course, he had brought it with him. What was he supposed to do? Leave it in the cave? What if he was attacked by these people, or other things?

He stood up from his position underneath the carriage, and engaged the bandits.

One of the bandits was going for the miners, when suddenly, Kyle appeared and using his spear, slashed at the guy's throat!


Blood gushed out, as the bandit tried to say something. However, the spear stabbed into his throat, ending his life!

Kyle realized that he had just killed someone, but instead of feeling remorseful or sad, he felt … excited…

Why? What was going on?

Of course, the bandits didn't give him the time to ponder on the mysteries of the universe!

Kyle parried an attack using the tip of his spear, as another bandit swung at him with an ordinary sword!

He was afraid that if he tried to engage directly, the stick he used to make the spear would be cut into pieces.

As he tried to counter-attack, he only managed to graze the bandit's cheek!! That was when he realized that the stone had dulled!

He dodged another attack, before taking the sword from the bandit he had killed earlier.

However, there were now two bandits who were now attacking him!

Parrying one attack with the sword, he kicked the bandit. He followed up the attack by plunging the sword into the bandit's chest!

He dodged another attack, before swinging his sword, and cutting off the bandit's head!


Blood splashed onto his face, as it gushed out from the bandit's neck. After doing so much, Kyle was already panting, and feeling out of breath!

Meanwhile, Anissa was fighting against four bandits! Contrary to what anyone would expect, she was actually the one with the upper hand!

She slashed one bandit on the chest, before parrying an attack from another.


Swords clashed; sparks flew! A few minutes later a head flew up, followed by blood gushing out, painting the dusty road red.

After killing all four bandits without using any skills, she moved on the bandit leader.

He was a burly, middle-aged man. On his face, were various tattoo marks, mixed with fierce scars!

His weapon was a large broad sword. To anyone else, it would have been quite heavy to carry, but he swung it with ease, as he attacked Anissa!

"Clarian steel, eh? Looks like I got myself quite a prize", the bandit leader smirked.

"If you can take it from me, of course", Anissa replied with a smile. However, inside, she was quite wary of this person.

The bandit leader dashed towards her, and then swung his broad sword.


Anissa and the bandit leader clashed, and she realized that, in terms of strength, she was inferior to him.

Without wasting time, she activated one of her skills, as she swung her sword!

[Moonlight slash!!]


A light, blue ki curved into a crescent wave slashed at the bandit leader, before leaving a deep cut!! Despite the bandit leader wearing armour, the wave cut through it, and blood began to flow out.

The bandit leader's face turned grim! He hadn't been expecting her to use such a skill. He had even tried blocking it with his broad sword, but the sword had been sliced into two!

It was then, that a dark light suddenly engulfed the bandit leader, and a few seconds later, blood has stopped flowing from his chest!

Anissa's expression darkened. "There's a dark priest!! Sebas, find him and kill him! Otherwise, we're going to have endless troubles!!"

The guard who had been assigned to her, responded, "Understood!"

A few meters away from the battlefield, there was a figure wearing a black robe, with a hood. Underneath the hood, there was a mask! This figure was scanning the battlefield, and it seemed like everything was going according to plan.

However, when it saw Kyle, the figure's eyes widened!

Kyle on the other hand, had caught his breath and was now protecting the miners. He suddenly saw the masked figure making some gestures and pointing in his direction, and his expression darkened!

The dark-skinned warrior was injured, but he kept on fighting.

Glade was not using any skills, but he was fighting with his mace.

The young priest was still unconscious in the carriage, and it was a wonder how he hadn't been struck by those arrows earlier.

More bandits started attacking Kyle, as the number suddenly increased!

"Damnnit! If I had known this would happen, I'd have stayed in that cave!!" he swore, as he began to regret his life choices.

Alas, it was too late for that now!

One of the bandits had a spear, and as he saw the spear, Kyle smiled in excitement. That was the first person to die!

After retrieving the person's spear, he started edging backwards. Even though he had a bit of stamina, he didn't think he could keep fighting anymore.

Glade was a bit fed up! Squeezing the little bit of ki he had, he activated the warriors' unique skill [Berserk]!

This skill allowed him to increase his strength, and agility, but its major weakness was that it left him bedridden for a couple of days!

As the skill activated, the pupils of his eyes glowed blood-red! His muscles tensed up, and he dashed towards the centre of the battlefield!

"Stop him!!" the hooded figure yelled, giving away his position.

Glade, however, leapt up, and then swung his mace down, very hard!

A lot of spears made of earth sprung up from the ground, everywhere in the battlefield!

This attack didn't discriminate between friend and foe, so Anissa, Kyle, the dark-skinned warrior, and the miners had to dodge with everything they had.

"What are you doing? Do you plan to kill all of us??" the dark-skinned warrior asked, as everyone's expressions darkened.

A few miners were caught up, and impaled by the earth spears.

The hooded figure managed to dodge by a hair's length, and when he stood up, a mace suddenly stuck him in the chest!