
The Satisfaction Of The Psychopath Immortal

~Synopsis~ =1st volume= Evan Thoene. A kind and loving child for his parents. A good person for his friends. A good lover for his girlfriend. And a psychopath. =2nd volume= Evan Thoene was given a chance to be whatever and whoever he wants. He wants to live a long life to fulfill his satisfaction so he made himself immortal. He wants to able to live freely so he added shape shifting. And to avoid being trapped or sealed he also choose teleportation. Now more powerful than ever, how will evan live his life? ///// English is not my first language so expect the worst you can do. This is my first original novel so please go easy on me. Warning: Some chapter may trigger you so consider yourself warned. Tips: Read the tags so you'll know what you're getting into. Disclaimer: This novel is pure fantasy so the logic here is vastly different from ours. Tags: Reincarnation, Action, Gore, Villain, Evil, Netori, Incest, Yandere, R-18, Harem, Killer, Multiple Reincarnated Characters, Possessive Characters, Immortal Characters, Psychopath, Twisted Romance, Super Natural, Vampire, Werewolf, Super Powers, Magic. P.S. I don't know if a twisted romance tag exist, but i will write that there. So don't expect an ordinary romance in this novel.

Crazeeee3 · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 - Evan's Loving Grandmother

After evan's first kill he returned home like nothing happened.

Days passed and a week after that day, a rumor about two missing person started to spread in their city.

Evan at first isn't interested as he thought it's just a random rumors.

But then he heard that the missing person were a female highschool student and a male teacher.

With it he remembered what the man were planning to hide a week ago.

The man were burying a body of a female teenager.

So he concluded that the man he killed were the teacher, and the girl that's missing is his student.

But what puzzled him is.

"Why would a teacher kill his own student?"

The one who answered his question were his other self.

[Of course what else would the teacher want to do to his student?]

'Do you know what is it?'

[What else but have sex?]

'Then why would he kill her?'

[Maybe because the girl doesn't want to but the teacher forced her and he accidentally killed her?]

'Hmmm... Maybe.'

[Anyway ask your parents about forbidden love.]

'Why should i?'

[So the rumor change from missing to running.

And for that rumor to quickly disappear or else the police might start to search for them.]


"Evan come down here lunch's ready!"

Evan agreed as he heard his mother.

"Yes mother!"

He came down the stairs and went to the dining room.

Evan arrived at the dining room then he saw his mother and father already seated there.

His father have an dirty blond hair and brown eyes, he is an average looking man.

His name is Jason Thoene.

Her mother on the other hand is a beauty in comparison.

She have a long red hair and green eyes paired with her nicely curved body as well as smooth skin.

Her name Aica Thoene.

He took his seat and began to eat.

After eating evan and his mother started doing the dishes.

As evan help his mother he suddenly spoke.

"Mom i have a question."

"What is it evan?"

"Do you know what forbidden love is?"

Evan's mother was startled at his words, but she calmed down and asked him back.

"I don't, do you know what is it?"

Evan look at his mother and saw her looking at him too.

There's times like this when evan would ask random things to his parents and they would ask him instead of answering him.

Because whenever evan have a question they already know that he mostly have the answer for it.

"A love is forbidden when it is wrong for the others beliefs, that's what forbidden love is.

And there are many types of forbidden love out there."

"Ohh~ can you give me an example?"

Evan's mother asked after his explanation.

"Yes, there's a relationship of an adult and a child, sometimes it's also forbidden for co-workers to have a relationship.

There's even an teacher and student as well as parents and their child. Or-"

Evan began to give examples but then his mother interrupted him.

"We-well aren't my son knowledgeable, why don't you go play now and let mom do this?"

"Alright mom."

And so he returned to his room.

The next day rumors about the elopement of the missing teacher and student spread around the city.

And a few weeks later the case about them missing got closed.

After that evan's peaceful life continues.

He would go to school, make friends with his classmates, and even top his classes.

He would even participate some school contest.

Evan became the most famous student inside and outside of his school.

Two years later.

Evan is now 15 years old and right now he's in his grandmother's house.

His grandmother is extremely fond of him.

That's why every second weekend of the month he'll be force to visit her.

And of course as a good child, he would agree without any resistance.

Because of this his family believe that evan enjoy visiting his grandmother too.

However the truth is that, the only time he enjoy visiting her is when it's his birthday or christmas.

Which is not the case right now.

It's the first weekend of the month right now and evan still decided to visit her today.


Simple, it's to kill her.

He doesn't hate her or anything, he just find her annoying.

But that's not the reason he's doing it.

It's because ever since he killed the teacher, his other self has been constantly telling him to kill his grandmother.

And let her have her eternal rest.

When he asked why he should to do that, his other self said.

[It's to make her happy.]

At first he doesn't want to do it and he just ignore his other self.

But after a few years of pestering, he agrees.

And that's only because his grandmother's health started to became worse than before.

Well there's also the fact that he didn't like her last gift.

*Cough* *Cough*

His grandmother cough as she lay down on her bed.

"Grandma do you want to go outside with me?"

Evan asked his grandmother with puppy eyes.

Evan's grandmother's name is Liza, Liza Thoene.

She looked at him as her sickness lessened and her whole body relaxed.

Ever since her husband died, liza's health began to weakened.

At the first few years she still has the strength to walk around the city.

But two years ago she started to feel weaker and weaker.

And now she could only walk around her house once a day.

She would only feel relief whenever her grandson visits her.

That's why she would always make evan visit her every second weekend of the month.

And although she's surprised to see evan here right now, it only made her happier.

Because she thought that evan is too excited to visit her that evan decided to came a week earlier than usual.

"Alright, help me stand up and I shall make you you're favorite cookies."

Liza said as she reach her hand towards evan.

"You don't need to do that grandma aunty mica already prepared snacks for us.

Wait here grandma I'll just go get your wheelchair."

Evan said as he came out of liza's room.

As he went to get the wheelchair evan hears a voice inside his head.

[Double check it if there's no one else is here.]


After making sure that he's the only person here, beside his grandma, evan went back to liza's room.

"Grandma let's go."

Evan said as he assist liza to seat on the wheelchair.

Then they started to walk on the hall, towards the stairs.

Evan secretly looks around to see the point of view of the cctv cameras around the house.

When they reach the stair evan stopped walking as he spoke.

"Wait grandma i need to tie my shoelace."


Then as he crunch down, evan "accidentally" pushed the wheelchair towards the stair.

Liza felt the wheelchair suddenly moved but she just thought that evan is done tying his shoelace.

Although she has an automatic wheelchair, she prefers to use the pushable one whenever evan visits.

As a result it gave evan the chance to kill her.

While the liza headed towards the stair, evan continue to tie his shoelace.

When the wheelchair reach the stairs liza were thrown out of it.





Her head first slammed at the staircase, as a result her skull cracked.

Then her neck break after her second fall.

Bruises appeared on her body as it continue it's journey downstairs.

Evan acted like he's surprised at the first loud sound that liza's fall created.

He then acted like he tried to save her as he hurriedly run for her.

The cctv recorded the whole accident.

From the moment evan crunch down to the second he run for her.

When evan arrived downstairs it's already too late.

Liza's whole body has bruises all over it and it has signs of internal bleeding.

Liza is dead and he killed her.

But evan still doesn't feel anything about it.

He remained calm on the inside but he nervously scan liza's body on the outside.

"Gra-grandma?! Grandma wake up!"

Evan shakes liza's body as he shouts.

Evan's acting skills were trained as he grew up.

it's because of his acting skills that became the lovable child of his parents.

And the good kid to his friends and to the others.

He cried as he check if there's still a chance for liza to survive.

It's never wrong to be careful.

When he was 100% sure about liza's death, evan hurriedly went to get a phone and then he called his parents.

He told them that liza fall down the stairs and excluded the part that she's already dead.

His parents then arrived 30 minutes later with the ambulance.

"E-evan what happened?!"

Aica exclaim as she hugged her son.

Jason is currently watching the cctv while the paramedics check liza's body.

"M-mom it's my fault! I-it's my fault!"

Evan continue to mumble to his mother as he cried.

Seeing his son blame himself like this, aica forced herself to stop crying and began to comfort him instead.

"I-it's alright evan it's not your fault.

I'm sure this is an accident."

"Your mother is correct, it's an accident evan.

So don't blame yourself."

Just as aica comforts evan, jason arrives and spoke.

Jason hugged them and said.

"Aica bring evan home and stay with him.

I will go follow the ambulance."

Aica reluctantly nodded as she stood up and reached for evan's hand.

Evan looks at his father as he spoke.

"Father is it really not my fault?"

Jason looks at evan's eyes and said.

"Yes it's not your fault, it's an accident.

Now go home and rest."

Evan nodded at his father before he grab his mother's hand.

But he kept looking back at his father as they walk.

Evan looked reluctant to go home as they headed towards aica's car.


When evan and aica's vehicle is nowhere to be seen jason release a deep sigh.

"Right, it's an accident there's no way evan would intentionally pushed the wheelchair.

He loved his grandmother after all."

He talks to himself as he headed towards his own car.

"Please survive mother."

Jason mumbles as he drives towards the hospital.