
The Sasaki Clan

The Sasaki Clan was the intermediary clan in between the Senju Clan, and the Uchiha. When one side called the Uchiha, the opposition would call the Senju and vise versa, but the only way to break the stalemate was calling a multitude of different clans, or calling just one, the Sasaki Clan. When this clan was called both parties became desperate as they were truly neutral, they'd go agaisnt both Uchiha and Senju openly, they however were not decents of Hagoromo Otsutsuki nor Hamura Otsutsuki, they were purely human, thats is what made them terrifying. They werent bound by any curse nor bloodline, they were a clan of warriors and conquerors, they had no bloodline, nor special physical constitution, nor talent. They had in fact just one thing, an unbreakable will of survival, and a well of potential, both sides feared fighting, after all nobody wants to fight a fearless warrior on the verge of death.

muredx · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

The Great Fronts

It had been decided that Jiraiya Sensei would head for Amegakure, while the village wasn't strong in and of itself, it had a Shinobi almost on par with our very own Third Hokage, the current strongest Kage.

To my surprise, even Kage's had levels, the current Hokage was on top, but not by much, the current Tsuchikage, and Raikage, weren't very far behind and mostly leaked in either versatility or experience, followed by The Third Mizukage, and The Second Kazekage. While our 'dear' Hokage might not be able to kill Hanzo nor The Tsuchikage and Raikage, he could still stop them.

Unfortunately, we don't have as many Kage level Shinobi as all the nations combined, so many of our High Jounin level SHinobi would have to team up to contest against a High Kage opponent, which meant Jiraiya-Sensei, Lady Senju, and Jounin Orochimaru, which while Jounin-ranked, they were low Kage leveled Shinobi, and they were headed straight for Amegakure, and we had no business in that level of a fight.

So it had been decided our team would be split up, Minato would head for the Iwa front, Issho would head to Suna's front, and I would head for the Kumo front, specially chosen for our specialty, Minato's speed could counter Iwa Shinobi's Earth Release Jutsu, Issho could bypass Wind Release with his Earth Style, and could counter their puppets with his Kenjutsu, and my sensory abilities could counter Kumos blitz like attacks, all in all, very thought out, which I never expected of our Sensei to come up with such a solid reason.


"So this is the idea, and Genki, I know about that Jutsu...Don't. Use. It."

"...Yes Sensei."

"And with that, we are done, try not to die my dear students. You are powerful, but it's that same reason which is why I'm so worried..."

"Don't worry Sensei we got this, you worry too much."

"Shut up Issho it's you who I'm most worried about, anyway Genki you have been assigned as a substitute for Orichimaru's team, one of his students has... died in an ambush, do be careful alright? While I know you've got powerful Jutsu, you aren't exactly used to being a Shinobi."

"I understand Jiraiya-Sensei, I'll be careful don't worry, well may I know who'll be in the team?"

"It's Young Lord Nawaki Senju, and Young Master Fugaku Uchiha, Genki how do you not remember you were there when they got their Sensei."

"Shut up Minato, I got bored waiting for Jiraiya-Sensei to show up."

"They were the first team..."



'This is supposed to be the place isn't it?'

Genki was currently in a dilapidated building, it was supposed to be the place where he'd meet his temporary team, he had been told to meet them there, but they were nowhere to be found, until he felt it, Genjutsu.


"Can you come out now, it didn't do anything."

Three figures come out of the shadows, two around my height, and another quite a bit taller, looks like this is my new team.

'Figures, full of weirdos, a creepy snake-like Jonin, and a couple of Clan heirs, great this is going to be a pain.'

"Hello Nawaki, Fugaku, it's been a while, around a year or so right?"

"..." x 2

I greet them politely and these brats got the nerve to ignore me?

"I apologize, Genki they have just lost a teammate and can't reason with a temporary so fast."

Yeah, I forgot these guys had just seen their friend get butchered recently, honestly, Kumo Shinobi are fast and brutal, the report is quite something, two Jonin held their Sensei up, and while these two fought back against a squad of Chunin, a third Jonin decided to get rid of the future of the Uchiha and Senju clans, but they got saved by their teammate, who ended up getting shredded by the Jonin's Jutsu, what a shame I liked Anzu, but hey the reported Jutsu intrigued me, Lightning Style: Sharp Fang Jutsu was it? I'll remember it.

"So why do you need a temporary shinobi so early? And what type of mission is it?"

"Well Genki this type of mission is a retrieval mission, we have been tasked with infiltrating into the Land of Lightning and stealing a scroll pertaining to the information on the selected commander of The Land of Fire front, and The Land of Water's commander, any questions?"

"Yes, why is this information important? And you still haven't answered my question, why am I here?"

"...Well, to begin this information is important because it's been twenty years since the last Great Shinobi War, we don't know who this new commander might be, it could be dangerous not knowing, and to be honest..." That makes sense, we cant expect the same commanders from the last war after all.

"you are here because my students happen to be the next generation of clan leaders and we can't be without an in-complete team for their safety." Fugaku seemed to have taken this to his pride as he seemed to be angry, and Nawaki just seemed to clutch a fist with anger at his weakness.

"But you're hiding something, they are Clan Heirs, why send them out to war in the first place?" I had to ask what was so important about the clan heirs but at the same time so nonimportant.

"For experience, mainly you become a clan leader by the law of strength and experience that's why their training starts earlier than civilians, and Sensei believes this mission will give them the type of experience they need."

"So it's a trap?" Fugaku and Nawaki seem surprised by this, these guys arent that bright.

"...Correct, Sensei says traps like these were often used during the war before the Shinobi Villages were established, on one occasion, it was used against Lord First, Second along with Lord Madara and Lady Mito."

"The New Age War..." x 3

"Yes you guys caught on fast, not surprising for clan heirs such as the Uchiha and Senju, but how do you know about that Genki?"

"From what I know The Fusho clan has been a merchant clan for a long time."

"...Well how about we have a spar so we can better synchronize?"

"Yes, Sensei!" The three of us yelled out but something was stuck in my head.

Something doesn't add up with what he said, 'one occasion, it was used against Lord First, Second along with Lord Madara and Lady Mito.' but who could be strong enough to try to ambush those four at once? And someone that strong should be well-known shouldn't they? And based on my clan's records, they were losing, somethings really weird about the New Age War, so much is left unknown like someone doesn't want anybody to know why we were fighting, nor does it ever state who the newly established villages were fighting, it just states that the casualties made a new war nearly impossible.

Well, I can always figure out more later, for now, focus on the spar that will clear my head, and maybe I can try not using any strong Jutsu, right I wonder what are Minato and Issho up to right now?