
Chapter 57

“Tell the Middle East that we’ll nuke them into submission. I’ve talked to the Russian President, the French President, the Chinese President, and the British Prime Minister; they all agree that something has to be done. We want to meet the Sarran’s deadline in five years, not twenty-five,” the President told Morgan.

“I’m meeting with Ravenswald and Mihaylov, the new Russian Ambassador to the United Nations this rising in New York. I’m getting on a plane as soon as I leave here.” Morgan took a sip of his black coffee. Cream was not allowed.

* * * *

Starlight, In Orbit above Earth

“Nothing ever happens here. We’re in orbit around a planet that can’t seem to agree on anything and neither they, nor we, are making any progress toward getting rid of the Zyptz menace,” Ensign Ratac commented as he took the watch.