
Chapter 49

“Concierge, please kept a recording of the bonding to certify for the house archives.”

Sam sat up. “Let me get the cloths and towels. We’ll need to change the sheets! I can’t believe we forgot to put down a towel. I love both of you so much that all practicality leaves my head as soon as one of you touches me.”

“You do the same to me, dearheart.” Tarin kissed the inside of Sam’s elbow.

Sam ran his fingers through Meg’s silky black hair. ::And you, our Meg, are the worst of all. You make me completely lose my mind.::

::It would be better if we all took a shower together then changed the sheets,:: Meg suggested, blushing. ::I bled a little, you don’t want them to stain.::

::I’m not worried about the sheets, little love. I’m worried about you. Are you sore?:: Tarin asked her.

::I’m fine. I wouldn’t say no to some fooling around in the shower.:: Meg giggled and ran into the bathing chamber. Sam stopped, looked at Tarin, and laughed. Grabbing his bonded’s hand they ran in after her.