
The Salamanders of Baal (Warhammer 40k fanfic)

The Fireborn Destroyers, a Salamander Successor Chapter, receive a message sent by Commander Dante about an upcoming attack on Baal. The Great Devourer approaches Baal, and now the sons of Sanguinius and Vulkan usher in the defense of the Great Angel's homeworld. Will they successfully defend Baal, or die fighting on it's deserts?

smthuseless · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Planetfall

"So, where are we headed to?" Phystroc asked the Chapter Master who accompanied him. The two were headed back to the hangar, where a stormraven was waiting to transport the old dreadnought. "This place seems too empty; which companies are joining us?"

Seemingly no one passed by them except for servitors, which floated around, as well as enginseers who were readying weapons. Odarius hummed.

"Everyone, big brother. Every company is called for this battle. Although the 6th and 7th are going to be stationed in the fleets and are going to be commanded by Brother-Captain Thesalius." Phystroc stopped. Odarius, confused, followed and asked him. "What is wrong, brother?"

"Where are we going?" Phystroc asked, his friendly demeanor turning into a serious and menacing one.

"We are orbiting Baal Secundus. Yes, we are joining the Blood Angels in this defense of their homeworld." Odarius answered, remaining unfazed at the Redemptor's tone.


"The Great Devourer is here, Phystroc."

"And how many of us are here?"

"About twenty thousand or more. We're the only chapter that is not Blood Angels."

"This is their fight, Odarius. Let them defend their home. Their glory. Their honor."

"This is our fight. The Tyranids are here. Civilians are here. And if the Blood Angels are defeated in this... destruction of Baal, then what of the Imperium? To protect it, we must join them in this fight. To protect the Imperium. To protect the people. We are Salamanders. We protect the people of the Imperium. No matter the cost. And to protect, we must destroy the enemy at Baal." Odarius' speech echoed through the hallway they were in. Anger seethed through his voice. Phystroc remained silent. Odarius had never been a serious person who would speak with anger. He was a serious person who was calm and collected. But at times like this, he would break. He had only done this three times now.

"Affirmative, Chapter Master." Phystroc spoke in a neutral voice before walking towards the hangar, leaving Odarius to himself. Odarius stared at Phystroc for a while, the rumbling slowly becoming more distant than the last. He had let himself go again. Inside his helmet, he was frustrated at himself. He swore to himself that he would never do it again. But now was not the time to dwell on such matters. Now, he had to go down to Baal Secundus to aid the Blood Angels in their fight against the Great Devourer.

"I never wanted this…" Odarius said to himself before staring up at the ceiling. "Why did you put me up to this?"

He reached the hangar, where the Stormraven transporting Phystroc just left for planetfall. What was left were about six Valkyries prepared for departure. Outside of them were the members of the First Company. Terminator Squads, Sternguards, and other veterans who have been with the chapter since its inception.

Once Odarius reached the base floor of the hangar, he was met by his men making the sign of the Aquila to him. One of the Terminator sergeants greeted him. The terminators, unlike regular marines, had terminator armor, a strong armor made to withstand a multitude of attacks.

"It has been a while, Brother-Captain." The Sergeant said through the vox caster of his crimson terminator helmet.

"Yes, it has been, sergeant Dachio. I shall fight beside you men. Maybe for the last time." Odarius spoke softly. Dachio chuckled.

"It would take more than the Great Devourer to slay you! You have fought against Kraken and countless Warriors, Lictors, and Carnifexes. Surely Leviathan would need a more worthy creation to defeat you." Dachio said to Odarius. This made Odarius smile. His men believed in him. And he surely won't let them down.

"Well, to see if I can defeat them, we do need to go to the field of battle and not in here." Odarius joked, causing the others to chuckle.

"Yes, sir!" Dachio made the sign of the Aquila again before heading towards the designated Valkyrie. "We will surely see you use your Gravis armor once more!"

Odarius laughed for a second before heading to his designated Valkyrie. There, he would be greeted by his elite squadron. His Fireborn Elite, as they say, were Intercessors, and they also have two marines with a melta gun.

"Ready for departure…in 3…2..1…" The pilot informed them through the Vox channel. The engines of the vehicle hummed loudly. The back of the Valkyrie closed, and the vehicle started to rise. "Next Location: Baal Secundus, the Arx Angelicum."

"Into the field of battle once more…" Odarius whispered to himself as the Valkyrie left the hangar and headed down to Baal Secundus. They, along with every other ship, headed down. All of them formed the visage of a legion once more. All of them are fighting for a single purpose. All of them were soldiers of the Imperium and the Emperor.

Finished it early

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