
The Sakura Who's Petals Transversed the Multiverse

This woman gave everything for the betterment of nature. This meant life in itself and because of so she sacrificed humanity to save the planet. Because for her, nature was her peace, and in some ways, her happiness.

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The Woman Who's love for Nature Ascended her into Divinity

Sarah Dowling was a beautiful woman.

So much so that she had followers and admirers all around the world.

Knowing so, she took this to her advantage and used her following for good by pushing her agenda for Nature preservation and Ocean clearing.

Through years of hard work applied to streams, advertising, programs, Her own personal funds which was abundant, and gofundme's she was able to accumulate four hundred million dollars in funds.

But that wasn't all.

Beside her job as a Nature Advocate. She was also a scientist who dedicated her life's work into creating an energy that was Nature friendly.

And after years of hard work she succeeded.

But it was more than she expected.

You see this energy wasn't found. No you see she did something that was said to be impossible.

One of the most prevalent laws in the world of science is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transfered.

But she created this energy. She created this energy that she named '' Pulchra'' After beautiful in Latin.

This was because this energy was beautiful beyond compare. It looked like the Aurora Borealis but compacted into a little ball of infinite amounts of pure and utter energy.

This energy had the abilities of destruction and creation. She could revive nature and make it wither all the same.

This caused a problem for her.

Although the Pulchra would be revolutionary and could save nature, it could also cause wars and destroy it.

So, deciding that she couldn't risk it, she contained the energy and started making plans and preparations to move the energy.

But she was too late.

What she didn't know was that her reputation caused government agencies to keep special tabs on her.

And when they found out that she succeeded in making the energy they immediately sent troops from the national guard out to retrieve it in hopes of claiming it as their own.

~POV: Sarah Dowling (MC)~

As I was preparing for the move I heard the door to the front of my lab get kicked down!

I immediately grabbed the keys to my car and the case that held the Pulchra and immediately dashed towards the exit emergency door that I had just in case. But when I opened it i saw five agents waiting for me!

I turned around only to see I was surrounded in a circle.

After a few minutes of being looked down the circle split for a man to walk through. He, like everyone was wearing their combat clothing and from the badges on him he seemed to be the general.

He looked at me with eyes of lust and curiosity before speaking.

'' Sarah Dowling. Finest woman in the world. Nature activist and scientist. Creator of this beautiful weapon you call '' Pulchra''. You know.....you won't have to be locked up and can work for us if you show me a lil something....''

I had never been so disgusted in my life.

' This is why I hate corrupt officials. I mean, he is a very hot general and under normal circumstances maybe I would consider dating him. But this is very disgusting and ruined all hope he might've had.

But besides that, what am I going to do?.....I don't know what to do....I definitely can't hand over the energy...Wait. '

I looked up at him and spat in his face. I then took out the energy and did something nobody Including myself expected. I pushed the energy into my chest!

The general looked at the energy gushing inside my body and yelled.

'' What are you doing! Stop her! We don't know what's gonna happen! ''

They immediately rushed towards me only to be blown back by the energy rushing into my veins as I screamed in pain and terror.

While this was all happening I thought about my time in Japan doing internships and college abroad....

' I was always busy and stressed out and I never had peace except for one time of my day....

When ever I sat under the Sakura as the petals flew with the wind, I felt at peace and I felt rested. I felt as if all of my fatigue went away...

I honestly wish...I could do it again.....in the next...life.....'

This was my last thought before I exploded and the world lost Sarah Dowling, Nature Activist, Nature Biology Scientist, world preservation leader,






and their humanity.