
The Sakura Who's Petals Transversed the Multiverse

This woman gave everything for the betterment of nature. This meant life in itself and because of so she sacrificed humanity to save the planet. Because for her, nature was her peace, and in some ways, her happiness.

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I felt horrible....

My head hurt....

My body hurt.....


As I faded. Into the nothingness that became my existence.

Nothing made of me....

Nothing to BE made of me....

For I have become nothing...

'' * Gasp* ''

I woke up in a place that seemed to be nowhere.

This place had a beautiful shining blue tree with water surrounding it.

I sat there in complete and utter awe at the slight of something in nature being this beautiful.

As I stood there in awe I was eventually pulled out of my daze with a majestic voice calling out to me.

'' Sarah....Sarah...''

I looked around in complete confusion. '' Who's there? Where are you? ''

This prompted the voice to speak again, '' I'm right in front of you. You should very well know my name. ''

I looked in front of me to only see the tree.

' I only see the beautiful tree...holy shit. '

I immediately moved back from the tree. '' What do you mean I should know your name? I've never spoken to you before. ''

There was a pause in communication before the tree spoke up again. '' You have...after all you created me. At least you should remember my name.....''

I stood there completely dazed at what the tree just said...because if that's true then this is....

'' PULCHRA!?! ''

' That can't be.....but before that. With happened when I died? Was the earth affected? '

As if seeming to read my mind ' Pulchra ' Answered. '' No. The earth is fine. When you exploded, Half of the world's human population was killed... but that was the first wave. On the second, all of the nature and buildings that was destroyed was returned to their natural and most proficient states.

This means that the world's nature was completely restored. The ozone layer as well.

The atmosphere had a new layer added to it made of pulchra which purifies any and all pollution while also healing nature and fixing the ozone layer when need be. This became revolutionary and scientists tried to figure out the cause of the explosion and changes to the air and atmosphere but they weren't able to, due to the American government having had removed all traces of your and my existence. ''

I stood there completely dazed at the pure and utter bullshit I just heard. It's not everyday that you hear that you not only killed half of the human population but also saved the world's nature like you've always wanted. But hey, I guess you can't have rice without the beans huh.

'' Pulchra why am I here.... ''

There was a pause before they spoke up again.

'' You are here because you've evolved....become something.....more. I am not an energy of just life and death. I am an energy of creation, destruction, and dreams. When you pushed me into yourself your ideals were imbued and you wished for three things. One, that you could make all ill hearted people in the world pay. Two, that the world will stay in peace and be healthy no matter what when you're gone. And lastly Three, that in your next life, you could be reborn as a tree, so that you could stay as a part of nature. All of your wishes have been granted except for the last and I'm here to tell you why. ''

They took a pause in speech before getting to the point.

'' When you pushed my into you, you fused your soul with me. This would have naturally been impossible but I was created by you not only because of your research but also because your love and dreams for nature solidified to create me, your research just helped to enhance my intellectual functions. Because of this, I was fused to you successfully and from there on things happened.

This cause a change in you. I am the embodiment of life, death, energy, creation, destruction, and dreams. You fused with me, making you as such as well. This is why your last wish wasn't granted. For you could become so on your own. ''

I was beyond dazed now. He's practically telling me that my love for nature eventually ascended me into divinity...cool. Good to know.

' I don't know what to do now though. Where do I go? '

My thoughts were answered by pulchra.

'' That....sarah...is entirely up to you.....''