
The Sakura Empire in Nihonkoku Shoukan

This fanfiction is made by me trying to do something that I haven`t seen before. Now what is all this about. Well I played a standard game of HOI4 with a few mods. I basically turned Japan into the Sakura Empire from Azur lane and invaded China and Russia. Now I got an idea. What if instead of the peaceful Japan that got transported into the World of Nihonkoku Shoukan the expensionist Sakura Empire and it`s puppets from my HOI4 game got transported there instead. Now a note before you should start reading. The names of ships, Aircraft and Tanks aren`t historically correct. I will put into the Auxillary Chapters all the important information about the Sakura Empire and it`s puppets, as well as it`s history from 1936 to 1946. Normal Japan will exist though. How? Well Japan will come into the world a few months later because a continent with a really dumb empire and a gate get teleported there causing a bridge between two worlds.

FROST_1269 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

History of the Sakura Empire

In 1936 on the Bridge of the Aircraft Carriers Akagi and Kaga two Kitsune were suddenly found and brought to the nearby Hospital. Both awoke a couple hours later and when asked for their name both stated the name of the Aircraft Carrier on which they were found.

They weren`t the only ones. The same happened on the German cruiser Roon, the american cruiser Cleveland, the Australian cruiser Perth and the British Aircraft carrier Ark Royal. All of which got either elected later or took control of their respected nation by force.

Both Akagi and Kaga were thanks to their appearance seen as gods by the Japanese population which not only allowed them to take control of the Sakura Empire but also become part of the official royal family. Although it was strange at first the Japanese population quickly accepted the thought of having two Empresses of Japan.

Akagi and Kaga decided to split their duty's with Kaga taking control of the Army, Navy, Air force and military industry while Akagi took Control of the civilian economy, management of all the puppet governments while building her Espionage Agency.

At the end of 1937 Kaga commenced the invasion of China. The war lasted until summer 1940. At the peace conference Mengkukuo got the territories of China that bordered Mongolia and the Soviet Union while the rest was annexed by the Sakura Empire. During the War Indochina was annexed after Akagi pressured the French.

While Europe was on fire because of the Second World War which was raging there the Sakura Empire focused on increasing the construction of civilian factory`s to try to catch up to the US.

At the end of 1942 the Espionage Agency lead by Akagi uncovered something surprising. The Soviet Union was planning an Invasion into Manchuria. Kaga mobilized the military and the Soviet Union declared war and attacked the Sakura Empire. Luckily for the Sakura Empire a couple weeks after the Soviet Union attacked the Germans launched a surprise invasion causing the Soviet Union to collapse. The war ended in winter 1943. The Soviet Union was split into two separate puppet governments. West of the Ural mountain range was the German-Russian protectorat. While the Ural mountain range and everything East of it belonged to the Russian Empire which was the puppet government Established by Akagi.

After the Victory against the Soviets the Sakura Empire began with rebuilding and integrating the newly gained population. After better Garrisons were established Resistance against the Sakura Empire died down completely.

In 1945 Kaga decided that new Oil fields need to be acquired or otherwise they wouldn`t be capable to use their entire military force for an extended period of time. Many officers pointed towards the Dutch East Indies as a perfect target for an invasion and Kaga thought about it for a while before denying the proposal. Instead Kaga looked East. The middle East was full of Oil and the Russian Empire had a border with Iran. After a bit of planning between the Russian high Command they came to the conclusion that the Russian Army would be capable of defeating the Iranian Army. The Russian Empire started it`s offensive in summer 1945 and ended after only 2 months of fighting. Although the Iranian Army slowed down the Russian Army significantly they were eventually overrun. In the Peace conference Iran was official annexed by the Russian Empire.

Then on the 1. of January 1946 the Earth started shaking and the entirety of Asia and Oceania disappeared from the face of the Earth only to emerge again in a world much different to our own.