
The Saiyan Pirate

Years ago when Gol D. Roger sailed and conquered the grand line, later on we all know he had a son called Ace but what everyone didn't know is that he had a long lost brother. This boy was a energetic one and very courageous but the one thing that stood out was that he had a tail Join the adventure of the Saiyan boy as he travels across far and wide while meeting very powerful people and even fighting someone very close....

YonkoX · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I....i... don't know what happened to me the last thing I remembered I was back in the village where I lived in but now I'm floating and I don't know where I'm going.I can hear people whispering but I don't want to say anything just incase they are bad guys well actually now that I think about it anyone could be a bad guy,as I try to recall my memories I rack back to when I was back in the village.

"AKIO GET UP U LAZY BOY" Screamed a woman she was Lily and she was my uhhh how can I put it..my mother.

She was one of the top dogs in the navy she was feared for her iron punches and cold demeanor

"okay okay im up im up"

"Good thats good"She replied but she stormed into my room and punched me in the head I dunno what was in that punch but it hurt

"AAAAAAAAAA"I screamed my head feeling like its going to explode

"that's what you get for waking up late now come down to get your breakfast"

Lily's Pov:

I shouted at the lazy boy to come down and get some food since I have to go to a navy Meeting with the top admirals

"Okay here I am now can I have some food"he said just smiling at me

"Yep here u go."

"thanks for the food"

As i just witness him gobble up all the food within seconds I was absolutely speechless for what I saw anyway I moved on and asked.

"So what do you want to be when your older since I've never really had the chance to ask you that question"

"hmmmm when I'm older I wanna be the strongest person alive. I want it so no one can stop me from doing anything"

"interesting interesting so when you mean strongest person you do mean strongest person in the Marine right??"I asked because ever since I laid eyes on him*(woah pause😅)* I wanted him to be a marine so he can serve justice

"umm I know you might hate me but I want to become the strongest pirate to ever exist"

My Pov:

She just went silent after I said it but then screamed


"Yep I want to travel the world and be free all marines do is talk about justice and its boring. You know what when I'm older I'm going to leave this village and start my Pirate adventure"

"Are you serious? like are sure sure u don't want to be a marine"

"Yep I'm positive why would you-"

I received one of the most hardest punches I've ever had and it made me unconscious

I woke up in a very different surrounding it wasn't like home. it was a jungle I was very scared so I screamed but I saw a note next to a rock and it said

'Kid your going to have to fend for yourself I am going to give you harsh training for a few years make sure to get stronger and one day become a marine AND NOT A PIRATE U UNDERSTAND. From your MARINE mother Lily.'

well I guess she wants me to fend for myself for these 5 years.

5 Years Later

well I guess now I can go back to village now and see what's going on I have improved a lot haven't I. As I walked back into the village everyone looked happy to see me for some reason but I didn't know why they all just said that they thought I got kidnapped 5 years ago but it was great to see me in one piece and speaking of the one piece many new pirates have came out of nowhere trying to find it but of course my Mother put an end to some of their hopes and dreams which I wont allow her to do mine.

I decided to pack to head out into the sea so I can explore new places and see new people so I said goodbye to the villagers and I left a note in Lily's house just in case she comes back and now my adventure has started...until I got crashed into by a MASSIVE fish and my boat sunk and that's when I fainted and got somehow stuck in this box floating with people around me and that's how my story Akio the Saiyan begins