
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 28: Goner Invasion

Three years later

It's finally time for the first invasion to begin, Currently, Arrot was in the command station of the Edens Zero Battleship with Broly, Toma and Bean. they were heading towards the Capital planet of the most influential traders in the west Galaxy the Goner

But to get there they would have to get past the planetary fleet that had hired many mercenaries to assist in the current war the Saiyans have already taken down and annexed the other vessel worlds and Goner prime was the final goal for Arrot's growing Empire and it was currently under Planetary siege. The Saiyan fleet was powerful but the Goner was not going to go down without a fight.

Goner prime was much more difficult to conquer than its vessel planets in the past three years Arrots plan to conquer the West Galaxy went underway the first step was to take control of the planets without intelligent life for such missions the Saiyan children were sent to conquer them in groups as a form of training currently the planets are under the Saiyans banner as vassals the Donca were given a suitable planet to repopulate and their former planet has been turned into a manufacturing and mining planet since it has become inhabitable for life for now.

Because of this the Saiyans were trained to battle and be warry of tier surroundings so as not to damage possible valuable planets in the future as Abb had done, which they were able to do granted it was a difficult prosses.

Because of the natural resources of many of the conquered worlds, the Saiyans managed to grow a powerful trade network and the new planets were on the market for species that needed a new world as they were refugees of war from Frieza's planetary trade program.

Arrot had chosen to allow them to settle on his worlds if they would submit to his rule and become vessels to him and many agreed others were sceptical and wanted self-rule but by this point, Arrot had become a skilled negotiator and was able to convince them it's not as they had anywhere else to go since it was either Arrot who had hassle planets that were doing well for themselves or the other emperors and tyrants in space

Currently, 10 of the previous Goner worlds have been inhabited by a new race under Arrot.

It wasn't until recently when the New Saibermen were ready for action that Arrot began to show hostility towards the Gonersince there was tension but it wasn't anything major until two weeks ago when there was a surprise attack on 3 of the Goner Vassel worlds.

These were planned to take place on days when there would be a full moon, the Saiyans sent were trained to make sure the damage done to the world was left at a minimum to cut costs for repair.

The planets fell in days.

The Goner had no time to respond since their other vessel worlds were now under attack from Arrot's new Saiyan and Saibermen army that defeated the rest of the vessel worlds in but a week.

The new fleet allowed space travel to be far better than any in the west galaxy the new Battleships were even comparable to Frieza's main ship in terms of speed

Also, the Quality of the soldiers was far greater since each of the new Saibermen had a power level of 5500 and Saiyan soldiers had a power level of 10,000 to 20,000 they were now registered as new Mid class Saiyans and were decimating each of the Goner or mercenary soldiers they met.

All ships then moved on to the capital planet of the Goner, Goner's prime

But currently, the Planet was under heavy siege for over a week with a battalion of mercenaries hired in a hurry locked in space combat with the Saiyan ships currently Arrot was heading to the battle in the Battleship Edens Zero to assist in breaking the siege.

Arrot POV

Would I sound like a war-hungry psycho if I said the Explosions in space were beautiful, even tho I knew that whenever they went off someone lost their life?

"Maybe" RIn replied in a robotic tone which was strange to her since she had been sounding more and more alive before maybe it was a sign she didn't care I did not think about it long when the Admiral of the Edens zero walked up to my throne-like seat.

He stopped before me and gave a salute he was an elderly Soya with blue skin and a balding head he was one of the top Admirals who's had much experience in space warfare his name was Wulf Yularen

He reminded me of a character from a show I watched before but I took it as a coincidence, although Toma must know something since she would often ask how working with Anakin, was at first I thought it was a coincidence that there happens to be an Anakin but I soon realised there was no one with that name working on the Edens zero or has the admiral ever worked with anyone with that name. Seems Toma was just speaking of some of the shows she's been watching

Back to the point.

Yularen bowed slightly before speaking "my lord, we have arrived at --------prime and are currently cloaked to not be spotted by the enemy as you requested.

"Good Admiral," I said with a grin "proceed as planned to the planet"

"Yes my lord it will be done" he bowed again and walked off to complete his duties.

I leaned back in my chair contemplating when Broly walked up to my chair with a face that said he wanted to ask something.

"Is something bothering you Broly? I asked calmly

Hmmm not much just why are we cloaking ourselves?

Well first this planetary siege has been occurring for almost a full two weeks but we have a new strategy whilst the battles are occurring in space we will slip through their defence and take the planet right under their noses using the new stealth feature built into the Edens zero.

"So they have no way of stopping us correctly, well so long as we keep our weapons system offline whilst we pass through?

"Yes that is correct, now watch as we slip through them"

The Edens zero did not disappoint at all we slipped right through without a hitch

And made our descent into the planet looking at it now it was a beautiful sight to see a sparkling metropolis built on the exceptional trade skills of the Goner this only solidified my resolve to have them in my empire even more. I grinned evilly and Toma followed suit as we approached the city.

I stood from my seat and walked toward the hanger where Bora and Lett were waiting with a squad of 20 Improved Saibermen they were tall, strong and ugly which was what I needed each with a power level of 5500 and they would use their power to serve me.

modified Saibermen image:

The hanger door opened and I flew out with Broly and the other in toll now I floated above one of the many Goner cities as I looked down at the shocked and fearful faces of the Goner citizens it seems that they didn't expect the war to reach them here oh how wrong they were.

Immediately there where alarm throughout the city as countless Goner soldiers flew to meet us they started to shoot ki bullets at us The Lieberman formed a wall in front of me and took the bullets even tho they wouldn't hurt me the form of built-in loyalty was nice to see for myself, Bora was the next to act as she charged her ki blast in her hand that she fired at the Goner and wiped them out in one swop she must have killed over 400 soldiers but the blast reached the city killing 2202 and injuring over 6000 civilians.

Maybe she should tone it down a bit the people will still be useful in the future, but she did manage to dishearten a large number of the Goner of course I could not tell since they were wearing large black helmets to cover their faces.

Bora then looked at me as if expecting a cookie or something I wanted to scold her for killing the citizens but I didn't seem to care that much, which was something I have noticed about myself but choose to ignore for now.

Although she has improved she may not be as talented as Toma and Broly but she has worked hard her current power level is 32,000 which is no small feat but considering there is still time before things go crazy she will only get stronger.

"Hey, Bora you went overboard again try to tone it down will ya said Lett as he slowly floated to Bora's side to criticize her.

"Oh Lett darling, you're just jealous of how strong I've gotten, and you also wanted to show off to both Arrot and Toma "hehe she replied with a smug look on her face

w-what me impress those two psychos no way in hell shut up Bora we have a job to do so let's be of Lett was immediately flustered as his cheeks turned red and tried to change the subject as he flew off to the south with 5 saibermen following him.

Lett's power level has risen well over 24,300 not bad considering he has no talent but works hard

Bora giggled and turned to me with a bow "well my dear lord Arrot im of to conquer this planet for you, and possibly find a new friend hehe. byeee. she flew off with her own five Saibermen.

Hey, Bora remember not to torture or coz too much damage to the people and the city okay! I couldn't help but yell after her until I connected to her scouter, a new model designed by our top scientists for basically the same things a normal scouter can do but more versatile.

"what? me torture noooo never im a kind little girl I would never harm a fly unless it was ugly which most flies are but you get the point.

I get that I cant trust you I muttered to myself as I looked down at Toma who was engaging with the Goner soldier Broly had flown off which was normal he hated fighting with other people around and he even left his assigned saibermen I sent them to check on him even tho he didn't need them it was a just in case thing.

Broly's power was nothing to scoff at it constantly fluctuated between 100,000-800,000 and higher we are still working on his control, and Then there was Toma although she wasn't an anomaly like Broly she was one tough cookie since she constantly spared with me and Broly her Power level was well over 95,700 and she even learned Ikari making her power level 957,000 giving her a chance to spare with both Broly and i.

I raised my finger to the city and charged a black sphere like a ball of energy at them these past few years even tho I had not been taking my training seriously and focused on building the proper foundation for my empire my Power level rose to be over well over 325,000 and with Ikari it was well over 3,250,000 but those where rookie numbers which I gotta step up.

I then shot my blast to the city slowly as I was waiting for something well more like someone the reason I was personally taking part in this battle.

As my blast was about to hit the city it was shot away by another energy blast causing it to travel into space where it stopped I will never know and the one who was responsible for deflecting my attack was standing on a skyscraper was an alien with pointy and a cowboy get up.

He was why I came on this mission he was the legendary bounty hunter Jeron Elsieson

He pulled out the cigarette he was smoking and crushed it under his foot." so you that Arrot kid I've been hearing so much about? he asked lazily.

Does that depend on who is asking? I responded calmly

He floated closer to me reviling his light grey skin and orange hair he had lazy green eyes and a beard that looked to be growing in after a shave he looked like you typical rugged lazy but strong bastard.


He scratched the back of his neck and stretched his back a little and this bastard had the gull to start lecturing me

"listen here kid, I know you wanna make a name for yourself in the universe and all, but being another tyrant isn't the best way to do it, I mean we already have too many of those running around especially them Heaters and the whole Cold Famly we don't need another one of the crooks yah here.


I couldn't help but laugh a little which didn't seem to surprise him at all he just looked tired, was he honestly trying to give me some sort of lecture on tyranny and stuff hehe oh most responsible adult I've seen so far tho

I narrowed my eyes at him reading his power level Although he was trying to hide hi I could see it well as he was hiding it it was 120 but in actuality, it was well above 440,000

As expected of a big shot bounty hunter from what rin told me he is one of the top bounty hunters in the universe which was good a way to test my skills. And practice my propaganda speeches

"Well listen here Mr Elsieson, I do appreciate that you are trying to be a good adult but you misunderstand im no tyrant im what this universe needs a true ruler that can lead it to glory I am a sort of liberator or a great uniter if you will I plan to unite the universe under one flag and lead it to glory and become it salvation...

Okey Dokey okay I get it, kid, I get it your a delusional and entitled brat with a god complex got yah.

I frowned at him interrupting me on the outside but grinned on the inside it was fun but it was time to fight. I got into a stance ready for combat I was about to launch my left when he raised his arms high.

Hey, a kid could you do me a favour? he asked lazily

Well depends

well yeah see I don't wanna fight in the city and such so can we go down to them deserts right over yonder.

sure let's go.

And so we flew over to our next battleground.


Author word:

Hey there guys it's me I'm back and gosh am I tired but you don't wanna hear about that so I'm just gonna say how de do partner.

I think it's obvious I can't write a cowboy dialogue but hey what are you gonna do I've never even met a cowboy well one who wasn't herding cattle isn't that the point tho?.

anyway have a nice day and such

but were informed to not damage the planet and its people greatly

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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