
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 24: Bean and Toma’s day off

(Just after Arrot had left the training grounds)

Bean POV

"There he goes again," I thought to myself as Arrot flew off, the least he could have done was hop into the transport, after all, it's unbecoming of a leader to be seen just flying around like that. But as usual, he wants to do things himself well the things that don't involve the boring office stuff as he calls it.

Honestly, if he hadn't proven to be knowledgeable on many things like finance and the such I would have thought he couldn't do such things but oh well we found some qualified vassals such as the Soya to take care of it, calling the conquered peoples who have fully accepted rule vessels was only necessary to classify them.

The corporative ones are called Vessels, the ones who are not have been called plebs

The Plebs were those that resisted Rule but there were few plebs to worry about and almost none at all on New Sadala.

I called over transport to take me to the Hospital That Toma was taken so I needed to make sure she was still alive, after all as much as I hate to admit it she is extremely useful as she is more intelligent than I gave her credit for but she hides it well under all her crazy.

I hop into the floating transport vehicle driven by a Soya he greeted me with a smile, even if it was required for them to smile at customers I wouldn't be surprised if that smile was genuine you can never tell with this Soya.

I must say tho the ride was pleasant even tho I set in silence the driver didn't talk which was the best part along with the view of the newly constructed Capital city of the Planet which Arrot decided to Name Bluebell.

Why he called it that I do not know but one thing for sure is that it was beautiful, It looked like a blue jewel that could outshine the sun and radiated a lively atmosphere as numerous vehicles rushed from one part of the city to another, the buildings were massive and decorated with blue glass.

Images of Bluebell city:

The Soya is truly where a people is meant to create. We finally arrive at the hospital a large blue building. As I jumped out of the transport I noticed many ambulances were arriving

"hmm seems like a busy day'.

As I entered I was guided to The privet Hospital room that had Toma in it Abb and let had their rooms as well but I'm here to see Toma not them.

When I arrived at her room the doors parted as I entered to see her awake on her bed eating massive amounts of food whilst watching a strange show about a yellow fox boy screaming how he wants to be the fire shadow or something, fighting an edgy looking Weasel with weird eyes that radiated brother issues there was also this one-eyed cool dude with a mask and a pink trash can in love with the weasel.

Geez, the weird alien shows she watches are strange I thought as I walked over to her.

"Hey, crazy girl how are you feeling?"

Toma turned her head towards me as she munched down on her food

"Oh, Bean your here munch munch yep munch I'm feeling better now munch munch".

sigh" could you stop talking with your mouth full it's unbecoming of an attendant to the Emperor, Since we are Lord Arrot's representatives we should act with a certain etiquette that is befitting those in high positions.....

I was soon interrupted by Toma

blah blah blah be responsible blah blah blah look respectable blah blah blah we must be Arrot's representatives and tend to his every need.

"You know who that sounds like bean, can you guess no? IT'S YOU DUMBASS!!


"Yeah it's you, and you know what you sound like Bean?

"A v-very dedicated Attendant to the Emperor?"

"NO IDIOT!! You sound like some sort of SIMP!!

S-simp me? no no, never I don't simp.....Do I?

Yes you do your stamping for Arrot right now

"No, I don't'

"Yes you do'

"Prove it"

"you are always talking as if your entire life revolves around Arrot your always talking about how great he is heck I wouldn't be surprised if you praised him every time he breaths.

I fell to my knees after hearing this as if some strange revelation dawned on me I realized

"Maybe I am a simp"

I couldn't help

Toma looked at me and shook her head with disappointment

"Simply disgusts me, to think of all people you would fall to such depths how pitiful Bean truly pitiful.

By all that was holy and sacred, I couldn't let this be it was an outrage it was unbefitting me when did this all start? how did this start? I kept asking myself that question when I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up to see Toma looking at me with determination in her eyes


She grabbed my hand still looking me in the eye.

"Bean I promise to all that is sacred to me that I will help you stop this simply same as I have promised to have Lett stop simply for me I will help you.

T-Toma why would you do this?

Because you are my friend Bean because you are my friend.

I hope I'm not interrupting anything?


I was caught off guard by an s female voice belonging to the doctor who was standing by the doorway.

She had yellow skin and long black hair she looked like a Bonitian and besides her was a Medecinian they were both dressed in white lab coats, although as strange as it was to see a Medecinian in clothing I was more interested in the Bonita.

I read some news of interplanetary migration since the reconstruction efforts these past few weeks where most inhabitants from the six different planets would travel between each other some for business, to find work, and maybe just for tourism the main reason I was interested here tho was since I wanted to see how the different races were interacting with each other, this was something someone like Umpki would love but that was because he simply loved everything for the sake of it I am doing so to better see what must be done for each race to better work efficiently

We have already provided breathing masks for the Medcinians since they need to shift between being in water and land every three hours.

Also from the file on them, Bonitian are more gifted in the Mechanical production are than most but finding one that's a doctor shouldn't be too strange

I was also interested in how a Bonitian which was the race that Toma subjugated would behave when having to heal a Saiyan a race that subjugated them oh if only she knew they were nursing the person that nearly wiped them out.

But to my disappointment, she didn't seem to hold any hatred, malic,e or ill will towards Toma or me either she just did her job and discharged Toma whatever Arrot said to them must have made them forget every bad thing he truly was a skilled individual

Wait no no no don't think of praise for him I scolded myself inwardly.

Toma and I met up with lett and Abbas we were heading out.

"Hey, Abb!! Lett!! guys how are you feeling!"

Toma yelled at the top of her lungs to get Abb and Lett's attention earning us a few weird glances I Quickly pulled her out of the building with Abb and Lett following from behind as they had already started coming towards us.

Once outside I was about to yell at her about not screaming in public when she raised her finger to my mouth.

Shhhhhh My dear Bean, Let me guess don't scream in public it will embarrass Arrot right? that's a pretty simp mindset especially on a day off from work.

I had nothing to say to that so I simply remind silent although Abb and Lett did look at us strangely Lett seemed particularly angry for some reason and Abb just seemed to not care

Toma grabbed me into a tight hug and raised her hand to the sky

"Listen here Bean I will make sure to drive the simp out of you if it's the last thing I do!!"

"There isn't any need to shout you know, "I said trying to get her to calm down

Lett was clapping at her words for some reason and Abb has of talking to the Soya transporter

Toma immediately grabbed both Lett and me throwing us into the back seat

"Toma where are we going?

Somewhere fun hehe

And just like that Toma dragged me against my will to some unknown location oh what a day


Author note:

As usual, it's me The Author, Writer, and Editor of this story (Pretty sure Author and Writer should be the same thing but whatever)

This chapter was mostly Beans POV fun right yes I know it is so anyway just wanted to write about these guys and stuff so here ya go again please give your power stones and stuff also comment and leave a review a good one hopefully gotta promote our business and stuff.

Also, have a great day or night whatever your time zone demands


Also might release another chapter just because

Creation is hard give me motivation

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