
The Saiyan Emperor ( Reborn in Dragon ball)

Dragon ball fan is Reincarnated as a Saiyan So get this some random Jo is just enjoying his day and stuff then boom dead deadified and he meets this guy called soul guide who he asks reincarnate him to dragon ball and imagine the dudes luck when he is reborn as a Saiyan with great potential . Just so you know I am just trying to make the best story I can and I would like you to give whatever constructive criticism you can so I can best improve and stuff .Also Mc might not be the smartest but ill try to not make him an idiot but hell have his moment he's only saiyan after all Also I hope you enjoy the story bye Disclaimer(2): I do not claim ownership of terms, characters, powers, and material in general besides my own. All rights reserved to their respective owners

Ranks_Blex_2955 · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 22: Training,Reading, and more Training


Huff huff huff

I couldn't manage to catch my breath my lungs were burning and my legs wouldn't listen to me no matter how much I tried to stand I couldn't look around and found my teammates in the same conditions those that were not knocked out were just like me and struggling to simply stay awake. and in front of us was Arrot who looked at us with an expressionless face almost as if he was taunting us without taunting us.

Dammit!! I cursed, I was too excited when I found out my group was going to train with Lord Arrot for the day my team and I had our blood boiling at the thought of facing lord Arrot and seeing what he was made of.

I had only ever seen him from a distance but it was clear he was strong this became even more so when this other wolf looking dude arrived and started teaching us how to detect things like power levels without a scouter despite being the same age as him his power was incredible, would have let me shit my pants but the thought of fighting him toe to toe was all I could think of a one on one match was what I wanted but he dismissed this as he said he wanted all of us to attack as a team to better build our skills together, I wasn't happy with the idea but what was I going to do disobey him the first guy who did that had his chest blown out by that crazy fella with a maw hawk and fire obsession.

We got in our formation as the best close combat fighter I charged to meet Arrot along with two of my teammates the other two who were better marksmen shot blasts at him that he easily dodged but I hoped it was enough of a distraction to land a blow.

I leaped at Arrot with full strength behind my fist he caught it with one hand then uses me as a club to hit my partner to my left then he kicks my other partner who hoped to sneak in a blow as he was distracted with me.

The blasts continued as I was being tossed around like a rag doll Arrot grabbed me and used me to block the incoming blasts they stopped shooting immediately but Arrot released a massive blow of blue energy at them knocking them out of the game but they were still alive. The blasts hurt like hell but I was still alive my two close combat partners each dashed at him from different sides hoping to land a blow but he dodged every attack whilst crossing his arms with a slight grin on his face.

He was mocking us I thought as I began to charge my trump card it was an attack that always hit it and even managed to get me to the quart finals in the big tournament a few days ago. I clenched my fists together as energy began to gather my teammates knew what I was about to do as they tried to lead Arrot closer it wasn't working as planned but small progress is still progress.

Just a few meters closer and I let my attack go straight at him my teammates dodged it in time as it hit Arrot smoke enveloped where he once stood and I tried to stay up straight my teammates were celebrating and as I was about to tell them to stay focused a red laser hit them both piercing their legs and arms.

I was about to rush to them when I felt an absolutely blood-chilling presence from where Arrot was the smoke cleared as he covered himself with a white aura pointing his glowing index finger at me with a sinister grin, It was at that moment I knew I messed up, I tried to fly away but my body wouldn't move in time as the red laser hit me on my abdomen causing me to collapse.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get up I was spent, "Just what kind of monster are you? I screamed at Arrot in rage was he trying to kill us? is what I asked myself

He simply grinned at me for some time before speaking.

" well done, honestly speaking you have bone well in using the new fighting style that was introduced a few days ago well done indeed although there is room for improvement."

Even tho he was complimenting us I couldn't help but feel slightly irritated I hated losing and even tho I knew how powerful Arrot was it still bothered me, but the fact he was complimenting us must mean we did something right.

Arrot continued talking mostly about how we had to try to work together as a team better by spending more time together, he made it quick so the Medical staff of Aliens that could heal us called médecinian they were small with bright blue skin and an appearance resembling Jellyfish and squid.

The médecinian had this cool ability to use their Energy to heal wounds sicknesses and diseases although it took some time for them to do this it worked wonder and I felt stronger afterward's, Arrot seemed to grin at this and told us to practice with each other for the rest of the day.

As he walked away I couldn't help but admire him for some reason, it was as if he radiated something that made me respect him was it his strength they say male Saiyans are more attractive to the female's the stronger they are and honestly they were not wrong am but was there something else?.

And they say female Saiyans are more attractive the stronger they are as well even tho I never really cared about that before if someone were to look at me the way I was looking at Arrot I wouldn't mind.

I sighed and chuckled a bit at what I was just thinking about " look at me fantasizing about this type of lovey-dovey nonsense I never was that sort of girl but whatever I'll focus on that when the time comes for now back to training I next time Lord Arrot ill wipe that smug look of your face hehe.



Arrot POV

When I started training with the other Saiyans in sparring matches I thought it would just be an easy victory ad I move on but they showed way more passion in the fighting than I thought and I honestly should have expected them to be this fierce.

Well, I have, to be honest quite impressed with the progress of the Saiyans since training started especially during sparing matches with me I thought they would be real brats about it but the best way to teach children is to make it fun for them and Saiyan children fighting is fun for them.

As expected they learn quickly and are even getting used to team fights well I just saw With Roo's team she is one of the stronger Saiyans born to elite parents she had a PL of 520 but after training and a zentai she is at 840 pretty cool the others where good but she stood out.

And she seems to think well of me maybe too well in a sort of you are my rival sort of way I don't know how that will turn out but it should be fine right? I tried to convince myself it was all right expecting Rin to rise my fears but she never, In fact, she has been quiet for the past few days which was scary I had gotten so used to her nagging voice that it felt like I would go insane without it.

ran towards the edge of the training grounds passing by some Saiyans till I reached the meditation sanctuary where many could go to meditate, practice ki control, strengthen themselves mentally, and do other things sometimes to just find peace.

It was a very peaceful area with a small decorated lake with many ornaments and statues and balancing rocks. Many Tacos and Saiyans were meditating together in groups led by Soya as they were more spiritual than others and helped teach ki methods to the Saiyans and Tacos

I jumped onto one of the meditation pillows in an empty area by the water fountain it was quite peaceful.

There I began to meditate and focus on my Ki, mind, and body I traveled deeper and deeper into my mind until I reached something. It was pitch black at first I couldn't see anything until it grew brighter and brighter and soon I was standing in what seemed to be a library with many large bookshelves each one filled with a variety of books I wandered around the area admiring the books.

I always did like reading even in my past life although I liked reading studying was always a pain to do yet I could read a book with over 800 pages and not even complain so long as it was interesting. I pick an interesting-looking book and then head over to find some desks I had just passed a while back.

I continue nearing the desks as I was about to sit down I noticed someone else there sitting at the table close to mine, this was surprising but at least there is someone I could ask for directions.

I walked up to the person she had long red hair that was tied into pigtails. She had pale white skin, Aqua blue eyes, and a small build, She looked way too familiar to someone but I could not figure out who.

" excuse me could I ask you a few questions?

I tried to talk to the strange girl she looked up from her book, at first I thought she would have some sort of irritated look since I interrupted her from her reading but she instead looked at me with a smile.

'well well well Arrot it seems you finally decided to join me on my quest for knowledge "

After she spoke I immediately knew who she was

"Rin?? h-how? why? I paused as realization finally hit me it was obvious what was happening I was in some sort of dimension that my mind created and stored away all the knowledge I had this whole library must be filled with all the spells, potions, and all magical knowledge I wished for and as for why Rin is here ill just ask.

Before I could ask her something she raised her finger to my lips to stop me it was at that moment that I realized how short I was when she stood up I noticed it before but hadn't thought much of it since I have only four years old.

"Now I bet you have already figured out where you are right? but you still need more information correct?

I nodded my head confirming what Rin said to be correct, She grinned and stood up straight she did look like Rin Tohsaka from the fate series.

"So Arrot Rin continued to speak bringing my attention back to what she was saying Okey Arrot I'm sure you've already figured out that this is a dimension of sorts to store all your knowledge but did you know it also holds all the knowledge I have as well so that is a massive bonus that you should be grateful for, also because I am managing things inside this little head of your's I am the supreme knowledge keeper.

and who gave you that title I asked she grinned to herself proudly

"I did of course hahaha

She seemed more energetic than normal here was it because she was surrounded by all these books Geez what a nerd.

Although I was in a way impressed since Rin was a wiki page for almost everything there is so this was convenient and she was quite orderly so.

"Ohh before I forget notice anything about me although her question was sudden I somehow expected it. she repeated her question Notice anything different about me hmmm?

"what do you think of my appearance? Hmm "wouldn't you say I'm the most beautiful creature you've ever seen ? she said this flipping her hair with the proudest smile on her face.

"Well I wouldn't call you the most beautiful but I think you're alright a little on the skinny side tho"

My comment seems to have made her freeze as she only stood still for what felt like a few minutes before she looked at me with a cold glare.

"Is this payback for all the times I called you dumb? if so I'm sorry.

"Okey but why did you all of a sudden apologize?

"Doesn't matter, anyway let's get to filling you up with knowledge

She seemed a little irritated about something this was the first time I had ever seen her behave this way so it must mean I had finally gotten to her somehow hehehe how sweet victory is I thought as I set down with a massive book in front of me.

I spent what felt like a week inside the Library reading every book I could get my hands on the types of magic within was amazing I wanted to see if I could practice in the library but it didn't seem to work out well so I decided to practice in my normal body.

After saying goodbye to Rin she waved me off as she was too interested in her book I closed my eyes and as I opened them I noticed that I was back with my real body looking around I noticed the sun had just set and most of those that were meditating here before were just leaving, So even tho something akin to a week passed by it was only a few hours here it was something to take note of.

I jumped out of my seat to try to get myself to stretch a little as my body was starting to feel stiff my body surpassed to feel stiff after meditation I asked myself Granted what I was doing wasn't actual meditation so I'll fix that later.


I flew back to my Mansion that had been placed up a mountain overlooking the city as I entered I noticed the presence of someone inside I got ready to fight until the present became clear who it was as I opened the door I walked in everything seemed normal if you didn't count the piles of unwashed dishes messy kitchen counter and Toma and Bora sleeping on my couch then yes everything was normal.

Even tho she had her own House Toma would somehow brake into mine from time to time why she did it only she knew and as for Bora her obsessive nature has only maximized and she breaks into everyone's house specifically Me Toma, Abb's, Umpki, and lets including some others she befriended.

She claims it's to make sure no one broke into our houses but the logic of breaking into someone's house to make sure no one else broke in was just too strange I didn't question it anymore. I just had bora's Soya family come over to collect her.

As for Toma I just put her in the guest room she didn't like the idea of having a Soya family even tho she liked being around people.

I would have to ask her my she didn't accept a Soya Family but for now, I went straight to bed my brain felt like it was run over by a truck.

I slept peacefully that night.


Author word

hello there dear readers hope you enjoyed this chapter it was interesting to write but I am getting tired of Mc being a 4-year-old expect a time skip soon

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