
Chapter 16 : some unruly saiyans on a peacefully Planet Nameck what could go wrong?

Author word' hii there just wanted to say sorry for not posting on Friday just that school is working me like a slave, and I also felt a lack of motivation to write but I suddenly got a massive gold and Wrote quite a bit hope you enjoy also I'm pretty sure I did drop two chapters last week so no complaining ☠️☠️ anyway enjoy 🙃🙃


..It has been 2 months since Arrot and Toma left for planet Nameck Originally they were going to head straight for planet Nameck but had some stops to collect 4 other young Saiyans on the way Arrot at first hoped to simply Talk to the Saiyans about following him, of course, a Saiyan wouldn't want to simply talk so he, of course, had to put them in their place and just like that he had three new Saiyans and three new planets under his rule, Although Negotiating with the locals was much easier than before rebuilding would be the difficult part they were nearly driven to extinction but with a few words along with a fear instilled by the Saiyan's Arrot had the planets in the palm of his hands.

In space six space pods could be seen Flaying at incredible speeds through space Each one held a young Saiyan in a sleeping state, They were heading for a certain green Planet with three suns as they got closer a certain young Saiyan was awoken this was Arrot who had been in his sleeping state to better pass time whilst having more information absorbed into him.

Arrot watched the planet in aww since as a dragon ball fan he had always wanted to see many planets in the universe for himself and he finally got the chance to see the planet's name which would be the location for one of his favorite Anime Sagas of all time, to say he was happy beyond all doubts was an understatement.

Upon crash landing on the planet in their pods creating craters on the surface the young Saiyans were unharmed as they exited their pods. The first to get out was Arrot who had a massive grin on his face as he excitedly looked around the planet, although there was nothing special around other than the strange sky, water, and grass nothing was special about the planet one could call it boring.

But tho Arrot this planet was one of the most special places in his heart even after being reborn in this world Arrot was a Dragon ball fan to the bone and simply smiled enjoying the light breeze as it blew his long hair in the wind This peace didn't last as a loud voice belonging to a female interrupted his peace


Arrot sighed when hearing the yelling Saiyan behind him who of course was none other than his self-proclaimed second in command and right hand Saiyan Toma, who was as energetic and loud as ever. She jumped out of her pod and landed right beside Arrot and started running around admiring the area.

Toma running around the area: ooohahh I see "the water and sky are funny ohhh so is the grass so wired", 'Hey Abb, Bora, Lett, Umpki Wake your asses up and come see this boring ass place!!

Arrot was about to argue and say how the planet was not boring but even he couldn't deny it since it was true, Instead, he choose to maintain his composure and wait for everyone to come out and explain the plan. It was then that four young Saiyans made it out of their pods.

Just like Arrot and Toma they each had spiky black hair and monkey-like tails each was of different height tho Arrot sighed upon seeing them as they were each as troublesome as Toma in the sense that they were bezoar.

Abb: "So this is Nameck huh! 'looks less impressive than I thought it's just not flashy enough to have much life you know, HEHEHE!! don't worry a few fires should fix that hehe!!

The first to speak was Abb a young Saiyan who had his hair in a sort of spiky mohawk style he is the same age as Arrot and Toma who found him on a planet named Burnt which was known to be a tropical planet filled with peaceful inhabitants when Arrot and Toma arrived half the planet was a burning wasteland thanks to Abb who cared less about the inhabitants than actually burning the planet till it was ashes all Arrot had to do to convince his to join was a quick beating and promise he could burn more stuff, he was a real arson but he had potential. his base power level is (550)

Abb whilst smiling evilly: "just give me an hour, ill make this place fun hehe!

Bora: "Urgh!! please don't," although this place lacks style Arrot must have come here for a reason so it should be worth it, Right Arrot darling?

The second Saiyan was Bora she was a female Saiyan with long black hair that reached her ankles she was the same age as the rest. Arrot and Toma found her on a planet called spar 'Unlike the other Saiyans who killed and destroyed everything in sight she didn't destroy any buildings, well and she didn't like anyway she mostly destroyed those she found ugly Same for the locals she kept those she liked alive so they could be her little friends as she called them.

She was in the middle of a game with her friends ( slaves and hostages) that looked similar to squid games when Arrot, Abb, and Toma found her they participated in the game and won and convinced Bora to join them after a promise Arrot made of real friends which seemed to put the nail in the coffin in convincing her to join she had a power level of (480)

"She also had a Habit of calling people she liked Darling and it just so happened she liked the entire group.

Bora: "Abb Darling please don't burn the place down, it could be important plus the grass looks beautiful, Plus Arrot Darling wouldn't bring us here for nothing".

Toma: "Your right Bora", "He brought us here to watch him touch Dragon balls"!

Arrot who was slightly agitated by Toma's crude jokes: WHAT!! " now you listen here I already told you I don't swing that way"!!

Toma: oh so you don't want to touch dragon balls?

Arrot: "Nope"

Toma : "I see', So you wanna put them in your mouth and-


The one who interrupted Toma was Umpki he was a tall Saiyan only a year older than the rest of the group he had medium length spiky black hair that stood up, When they found him on planet pam he had already completed his mission and subjugated the planet yet as he was Sitting near a destroyed city crying his eyes out. Turns out the poor bastard never wanted to fight in the first place all he wanted to do was investigate them as he was interested in their culture and lifestyle,

Unfortunately, he walked in on a full moon.

He destroyed cities and killed thousands of Pagans the few survivors lost all hope of fighting back and just submitted to Arrot, When talking to Umpki Arrot found him strange for a Saiyan since he was the type to ask questions first then blast later, unlike many Saiyans than would blast first, cook the victim then ask questions whilst taking a dump. He had a diplomatic nature to him and was a bit of a neat freak. he ad a power level of (340)

Toma continued to jump around until finally stopping with an evil grin and faced the last Saiyan in the group who was sitting slightly far of than the rest looking into the green river with interest the young Saiyan was the smallest of the group he had long smooth black hair and a tail unlike the others he was extremely pale, Hews currently looking into the water with his massive black eyes amused by the little fish This young Saiyan was Lett the last of the group. Just as the young Saiyan was beginning to relax something grabbed him from behind and carried him into the sky.

His first instinct was to escape but the creature locked his arms in its grip and was too strong for him to break free of he continued to struggle until the creature stopped rising higher into the sky this caught Lett of the guard was quickly spun to face the creature which was none other than Toma who was holding him hostage in a hug forcing him to face her, after noticing her Letts's eyes widened as he began to blush and stammer trying to get his words out but he couldn't.

Toma noticed Lett's embarrassment and giggled : "You still haven't changed Lett so glad some things stay the same but you gotta learn not to be so scared all the time"

Lett continued to stemmer beforee he finally managed to get a word out: "Y-Yeah" I-I w-Will try"

Lett was as red as a Tomato as he tried to say more and Toma only giggled.

Toma: "well little Lett I think, we can call that a start"

Arrot looked up at Toma and Lett remembering when they first found him he was on a low-level planet called I-eat he was hiding in a cave waiting for the full moon he was extremely distrustful of them up until he saw Toma, parentally they knew each other since they were close to each other not only in the incubation pods but also when they were taken home by their parents who knew each other.

Lett was born with a low power level of 23 and was mocked by the other children Toma would often stand up for him and beat up the bullies, Head gained an incredibly low self-esteem thanks to the bullies but Toma tried helping him build some confidence in himself she even started helping him train which caused some weird looks to some adults as Many Saiyans didn't normally train so they just thought of it as just children being weird by helping him out they formed a certain bond Toma saw Lett as her little brother but left saw Toma as a sort of goddess who meant the world to him.

He was incredibly surprised to see Toma with another mail Saiyan who she seemed to be close with and treated almost in the same way she treated him and he felt a certain way he felt as if something inside him shattered for a moment, he didn't understand why she was with this Saiyan but he had to find out after scanning Arrot he found out that he was strong almost as strong as the prince, He remembered that his father once said Saiyan women are attracted to strong men, and that he would never have a mate and die alone if he was so weak, this cemented his resolve to become stronger than any other Saiyan before him.

Thanks to Tomas's training (one-sided beatings) his current power level was 99 so close to the 100 mark although he thought it wasn't enough his parents praised him greatly this was the first time they had done so and he vowed to work harder and become stronger for his parents and Toma.

Although he didn't know what to think of Arrot as of yet he seemed incredibly weird talking to himself and laughing suspiciously "he was a weird one" was what each one of the young Saiyans thought Toma had learned to accept and sometimes did the same along with Arrot to not make him feel like the odd one out.

As Toma and Lett landed on the ground they saw Arrot and the other in a circle discussing something.

Toma grinned at them before yelling in their direction: "You guys are not planning an orgy without me are you"?!!

Bora touched her chin in thought: hmm an Orgy with my new best friends, Sounds fun let's do it my darlings" she exclaimed excitedly.

Abb chuckled: " hehehe only if there is fire involved" hehe

Umpki: "guys please stop even if we were to try we are not old enough to even think of such things ", 'please let go of the horny and embrace the purity of youth'

Toma who didn't expect the others to take her seriously began to laugh and add gasoline to the fire: Hehehehe "I SAY BULLSHIT LETS DO IT NOW RIGHT LETT!!

Lett only stammered as everyone's attention was on him and he turned around in embarrassment and then entered a cradle position. Abb laughed at this display and Bora bit her lips as she thought it was adorable, Umpki was worried as he fired he triggered a traumatic memory for Lett he quickly tried to find a way to fix it. Toma had all three reactions at once from laughing, thinking it was adorable to being worried.

Arrot watched as the Saiyans continued to act wildly he was now beginning to rethink choosing to only work with children until Ri interrupted his thoughts.

Rin: My oh my what a ragtag bunch of misfits weirdoes and creeps you have here

"an Arsonist, serious but clumsy class president type, a level one quiet kid and crazy girl, We have quite the collection but, What are you?

Arrot: What do you mean?

Rin: everyone here has a certain character trope for a team but what is yours?

Arrot was about o reply but then thought about it for some time it was then he grinned and looked at the young Saiyans in front of him.

Arrot: THAT'S ENOUGH!! He said in his most commanding voice that seemed to have had an effect since the group had responded to his command as he had hoped by being silent and giving him their full attention. He then continued.

Arrot: "Good now that I have your attention I will explain why we are currently on this planet, but first I understand that your are not the slightest bit impressed by this world correct?

The group hesitated for a moment beforee shaking their heads in unison as they each tried to find something unique about this planet that was worth coming here for but they could not. Arrot had mentioned Dragon balls but had never fully elaborated on them and Toma would often use her lewd jokes when he did so they didn't know a thing about them.

Arrot acknowledged this flaw in his leadership as this would be detrimental for the future troops or civilians who don't want to be led blindly so it was best for him to always explain the plan first before execution he can expect them to read his mind so its best to build up communication with the team as-well-as trust.

Arrot: "Now then allow me to first introduce myself, 'I am Arrot', a young Saiyan like you all who hopes to save users from extinction y the hands of that tyrant Frieza.

The other slightly frowned as he said Frieza it was well known that the Saiyans resented Frieza with a passion even the younglings seemed to have an inherent hatred for him but they could never speak out least they wanted to be executed. Arrot knew of how the Scouters and space pods were bugged so he removed them as soon as he could.

Arrot then continued to explain his plan to use the dragon balls to make some wishes one of them that would bring all of the world's Saiyan children to him then begin a new Saiyan army that would rebuild the Saiyan race into a galactic empire then destroy Frieza and the Frost Demons forever.

He left out some stuff but he didn't lie to them just withheld information they didn't need He didn't feel too comfortable at first about it but decided not to think about it too much. He was about to ask if they had questions when they bombarded him with questions such as why he didn't want to save the adults, or why he couldn't just wish Frieza were dead and he was the most powerful being in existence.

For the Adult's question, Arrot explained how he didn't want to hold onto an old way of doing things they had spent their whole lives living a certain way that the change he wanted for the Saiyans was new and might not be accepted by the adults.

Especially when proposed by a child which he currently was Older people no matter the race generally never listen to those younger than them which most of the time was understandable since many children would talk or act from inexperience with life or would only see things from a limited point of view, or could not just understand things the way an adult would.

But adults were not too different since being older didn't completely mean one was wiser or more intelligent with the abilities to learn from experience, adapt to new situations, understand and handle abstract concepts, and use knowledge to manipulate one's environment. Those were what made an intelligent person and in his past life there were plenty of Adults who lacked these qualities but there were many who were much younger who did, granted many of these children might have had to grow up faster than most others could have been in situations where their brains could develop faster, Where Arrot was from in his past life he was expected to act like an adult at the age of 13 which was normal where he came from but in other parts of his old world 13-year-olds were not treated as such. They were not even expected to predecessors difficulties or even understand most difficulties in life

Different background also affects a person's growth and how they adapt Rin had mentioned some time back that Tackiness Adapted mentally faster than Saiyans which he took as a jab at him at the time but after thinking about it for some time he realized she wasn't wrong Saiyans well full-blooded Saiyans in the series would only physically adapt to a situation quickly "it took Vegeta years before he could accept life on earth and let go of pride but even then he was still prideful and had a savage side to him even if it was toned down slightly. It was just too difficult for him to accept.

And training an old dog new tricks was difficult enough with the rebellion even though they were thriving there were still those who resisted the change he brought and they caused him much trouble even though they were a peaceful race that adapted to situations quickly mentally. imagine a race like the Saiyans they never had a shred of loyalty to Frieza only fear and even at some point they tried to rebel truly it failed but a rebellion is still a rebellion and must be avoided at all cost. he would rather deal with Impressionable youngsters That could grow to be better than their predecessors by learning from the past.

Arrot did his best to better explain his reasoning behind not saving the adults, Which seemed to satisfy them. As for the other wishes, his only explanation was that it depended on how powerful the Wish Dragon was and there were a set of rules to follow. (Author in all honesty if I had him wish for half the stuff I would in real life there would be no story to write so nope)

Arrot: Okey so we understand the plan?

The gang nodded to each other and Arrot

Arrot: Good now gang remember no violence unless necessary got that

Arrot: Great now Saiyans head out.

In a flash, They flew off towards Guru house

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