
The Saint of Blades (Sword saint of the multiverse rewrite)

This is a rewrite of my Sword Saint of the multiverse A soul is granted the ability to travel the multiverse. But before that he is given the task of protecting and liberating the Island of Tsushima from the Mongolian invaders, (The Historical fiction one of Ghost of Tsushima) and guide Jon Sakai down the thin line of the samurai and the ghost. To do this he has been given the ability and would-be memories of an exalted and legendary Kensei from the game franchise For Honor. I will be adding some aspects from the Gyozen’s tales of his interpretation of the events of ghost of Tsushima. I will not be adding any oni, but the MC will be gaining certain abilities that will give him an edge in more magically intuned worlds. Planned Worlds so far - Ghost of Tsushima - Danmachi - you can help by giving me ideas of other worlds where they can fit

Catstodian · Video Games
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The tale of the Saint of war

Jin Sakai was a bit unsettled by the skill and brutality displayed by the resting giant before him. But he had gathered the courage and confronted the giant.

The giant looked down on him, though he was not standing he still had a decent amount of height on the young Sakai.

"I am Tadakashi Yodoroki no Benkei, the Sen Seija (war saint), Left hand of the Daimyo (Emperor, he does understand his current predicament and decided to alter information about himself) of the Doronuma (mire) and Guardian of his seat of power. Champion of the battle for Temple (Insert name) and bane of Barbarians(foreigners) to name a few."

He gave a short bow as he introduced himself.

"I am Sakai Jin, Nephew to Lord Shimura."

He returned the bow

"Why have you come to me Lord Sakai? Do you seek to rid these invading barbarians off of you're great island?" The towering samurai pondered aloud

"Yes Lord Tadakashi, I am looking for allies to help me get the mongols off the island, but also to free my Uncle from captivity."

Benkei hummed and through to himself

"An honourable goal, But easy to get lost in.-"

Jin didn't much like the last comment but what could he do? "-Just don't loose yourself while you achieve you're goals, I would be a shame to see such a promising young samurai and the last of the Honourable Clan Sakai to fall from grace trying to protect his home no?"

Jin stood there, unsure of what exactly to think of the situation. The Samurai made sense but it was a blow to his pride and his presumed level of self control. "… thank you Lord Tadakashi for you're advice" might aswell play this diplomatically.

"You're welcome. And best keep it in mind when bending the code you're uncle put onto you." he stood from his seated position and began walking towards the beach

"Now come, there are more invaders to kill."

Jin could do nothing but follow the man, he did not seem to really care what Jin had to say at the moment. Maybe once he was done, he would listen more

They walked down the beach, Jim was assaulted with memories of the day, the balant disregard of honour displayed by the mongol leader to their final push into failure.

"Do you see them young Sakai?"

In front of them where a variety of mongols, some of them had staves and drums instead of weapons.

"The ones with drums and staves, they are their religious leaders. I've studied them for a time and discovered they do not worship gods but instead yokai. They are a godless people who deserve nothing less than death."

Jin's eyes widened "you… you wish to kill defenceless monks?!"

"No young Sakai, they worship Yokai, Oni. They are no monks. They are savages unknown to the word civilization. They do not know what being civilization means. Had you not seen what their leader had done?" The shamans appeared to be in ritual, along with the mongol soldiers, so they did not seem to notice them

Hun seemed to think about it for a few seconds before relenting "fine"

Benkei nodded in approval "good, let us interrupt this dark ritual before they invoke their foreign Yokai."

A magnificent glowing bow materialized in Benkei's hand much to Jin's amazement, as he billed back on the string an arrow appeared, a second later he released his arrow, it sailed through the air leaving a trail of golden flame, passing through the circle of men before hitting its mark, through the side of the middle Shaman's head, the drumming immediately stopped as the arrow, stuck through both sides of the head imploded in brilliant fashion engulfing the dead shaman and many in the inner circle near by.

The mongols who survived where shellshocked until one of them where thrown out of their stupor hearing a war cry, turning around in a daze he saw a largest man he had ever seen run at him with what was essentially a giant metal log with spikes ram into his head.

Blood, bone and brain sprayed into the rest of the mongols shouts and screams of rage and terror mixed.

Some drew weapons while others attempted to run. Even the brutes had little chance of retaliation as they where dispatched with ease, one's stomach literally exploding on contact, causing blood, gut, fat and stomach acid to spray across everyone.

Jin looked on in horror, the only thing he could think of was to pick them off at a distance as to not get hit by the slab of metal that was Benkei's weapon. Just as quickly as the savage weapon was used against them, it was discarded, dropped on a mongol who was nicked over, his ribs now shattered under the weight and his lungs punctured, the heart burst by the sudden pressure.

In its place was a weapon of grace and majesty. A naginata, just as quickly was the savage brutality replaced with accuracy and carefully calculated strikes, he was swift and killed quickly.

The most frightening part was that as he fought, the only sound was the wails of the frightened and the dying mongols, Benkei himself made no noise other than the odd grunt when he quickly changed the direction of a swing, or when he kicked and enemy down.

Jin Sakai felt sick in the stomach. Was this how the mongols died when he saw the scene where they first met? He remembered how he fought with the sword. Was he holding back then? Even worse was, that he had technically never broken the code, other than shooting his bow at the unsuspecting shaman, it was their fault they did not see the two who where standing there for some time. He wondered how his uncle would react to this scene, or Benkei in general.

Soon after there where no more no gold fit to fight, they where either dead or their bodies broken, organs littered across the sandy ground and spilling out of the bodies of the living mongols unfortunate to still be alive after the assault. Because the saint of war would not give them mercy. Jin could hear them speaking in their foreign language, but it was quite clear they where begging for mercy, death and maybe their mothers? He wasn't entirely sure but he an to mercy kill the mongols he came across.

Benkei was in the centre of it, relatively uncovered, totally unharmed. The only proof that he was in battle was the blood on his weapons. His club had long since dematerialized and his naginata he was cleaning with a cloth. It would not do for such a finely crafted weapon to remain dirty no?

He looked up from his weapon and walked towards him, flocking a bit of bone matter from his armour as he went

"Lord Jin, your skill with the bow is good. You did well."

He seemed totally unaffected by the brutality and cruelty he displayed. Hun felt sick, his face pale, he hesitated to speak

"Y-yes. You're skill with you're weapons are also admirable. You are most skilled."

He spoke quickly, giving a curt and short bow. He did not want to be near this man more than he had to.

"Yes thank you. I suppose you will be off finding the rest of your allies. I will meet you when you are rallying to free you're uncle."

Jin himself saw it as a way to get away from this monster if a man. He sent a quick whistle where his horse as usual came up behind him, he quickly bowed before riding away.