
The Saint of Blades (Sword saint of the multiverse rewrite)

This is a rewrite of my Sword Saint of the multiverse A soul is granted the ability to travel the multiverse. But before that he is given the task of protecting and liberating the Island of Tsushima from the Mongolian invaders, (The Historical fiction one of Ghost of Tsushima) and guide Jon Sakai down the thin line of the samurai and the ghost. To do this he has been given the ability and would-be memories of an exalted and legendary Kensei from the game franchise For Honor. I will be adding some aspects from the Gyozen’s tales of his interpretation of the events of ghost of Tsushima. I will not be adding any oni, but the MC will be gaining certain abilities that will give him an edge in more magically intuned worlds. Planned Worlds so far - Ghost of Tsushima - Danmachi - you can help by giving me ideas of other worlds where they can fit

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Biography (important things)

Hello dear reader, I see you've found this rewrite of mine. Please be patient with me as I can get occupied and distracted very easily.

The MC, especially for the first arc is compared to a god amongst men, being able to topple Castles and draw bows of similar draw-weight to what the from-software darksouls and eldenring great bows would be and even greater too.

His stamina pool is so large he could continue a sustained battle on his own for weeks with only taking breaks to eat and sleep every seventh day. (It wound be healthy for him but he could if he really needed too)

He could drink a tonne of some of the most deadly and fast acting poisons and only feel a a slight stomach ache for a week. (The annoying kind that makes you feel like you always need to puke and take a shit).

His speed is impeccable, if I needed to compare it to anything, I would say it would be the same if not slightly faster then Archilles from the Nasuvere fate, who is 200 times faster then peak human.

His size is the same as the breach commanders in the game mode in for honour

What I am trying to convey, is that this man is on par with some of the most legendary and famous demigods to bless the Pages of myth and legend. Of course he is not the strongest, but by golly he will sure seem like it at first. His skill will be unmatched, as the fact he will be given the skills of a legendary samurai from the for honor universe. He will be adept in everything the other classes, he is loosely based off of the legendary warrior monk Saitō Musashibō Benkei with his mastery of most of the samurai faction's weapons.

He knows of and practices the Shinōbi arts to a lesser extent, such as the disguise and infiltration. As the warrior he served his Emperor well, and when many clans rebelled against the emperor he stood in front of the gates to allow the samurai inside to finish preparing a defence and counter attack. No warrior could beat him in combat and it was said that it took a hundred arrows to kill him, but he died standing. This caused the rebellious clans to waver and the loyalists sallied out and crushed the rebels in righteous retribution.

He has the ability to summon weapons that he has proficient skill with, though due to his "past life" one could say; he prefers to have weapons at the ready incase of an ambush and the general warrior culture that seems to follow the for honour series around.

These weapons include many of Japan's swords. I shall proceed to name the weapons he is proficient in and their wiki description. I know some of the blades mentioned are not of the same era as the ghost of Tsushima, but like the game itself it's historical fiction and since this has for honor elements it is bound to happen at some point right?

Tachi (, "long sword"): A sword that is generally longer and more curved than the later katana, with curvature often centered from the middle or towards the tang, and often including the tang. Tachi were worn suspended, with the edge downward. The tachi was in vogue before the 15th century.

Kodachi (, "small Tachi"): A shorter version of the tachi, but with similar mounts and intended use, mostly found in the 13th century or earlier.

Ōdachi (, "big Tachi")/Nodachi (, "field Tachi"): Very large tachi, some in excess of 90 cm, and usually a blade of the late 14th century.

Nagamaki (, "long wrapping"): A sword with an exceptionally long handle, usually about as long as the blade. The name refers to the length of the handle wrapping.[1]

Uchigatana (, "striking sword"): A sword with a curved blade longer than 60 cm (there is no upper length limit but generally they are shorter than 90 cm), worn with the edge upwards in the sash. It was developed from sasuga, a kind of tantō, around the 14th century, and became the mainstream replacing tachi from the 15th century.

Wakizashi (, "side inserted [sword]"): A general term for a sword between one and two shaku long (30 cm and 60 cm in modern measurement), predominantly made after 1600. Generally it is the short blade that accompanies a katana in the traditional samurai daisho pairing of swords, but may be worn by classes other than the samurai as a single blade, also worn edge up as the katana. The name derives from the way the sword would be stuck at one's side through the obi (sash/belt).[8]

Tantō (, "short blade"): A sword with a blade shorter than 30 cm. Tantō is generally classified as a sword, but its usage is the same as that of a knife. Usually one-edged, but some were double-edged, though asymmetrical.

Naginata: A polearm with a curved single-edged blade. Naginata mounts consist of a long wooden pole, different from a nagamaki mount, which is shorter and wrapped.

Yari (, "spear"): A spear, or spear-like polearm. Yari have various blade forms, from a simple double edged and flat blade, to a triangular cross section double edged blade, to those with a symmetric cross-piece (jumonji-yari) or those with an asymmetric cross piece. The main blade is symmetric and straight, unlike a naginata, and usually smaller, but can be as large as or bigger than some naginata blades.

Kogatana (, "small blade"): An accessory or utility knife, sometimes found mounted in a pocket on the side of the scabbard of a sword. A typical blade is about 10 cm long and 1 cm wide, and is made using the same techniques as the larger sword blades. Also referred to as a "Kozuka" (), which literally means 'small handle', but this terminology can also refer to the handle and the blade together. In entertainment media, the kogatana is sometimes shown as a throwing weapon, but its real purpose was the same as a 'pocket knife' in the West.

Ono () (historically wono,) or masakari[1] is the Japanese word for "axe", and is used to describe various tools of similar structure. As with axes in other cultures, ono are sometimes employed as weapons. Many existing examples of this particular weapon are associated with the sōhei (warrior monks) or yamabushi,[1] who also adapt other agricultural tools as weapons, although samurai are also pictured as using ono in woodblock prints. Ono that were specifically designed for military use are of extreme rarity. The weapon version of the ono is described as having "a very large head with a very convex cutting edge and a large scroll-shaped peen opposite it. It has a sheath covering only the edge of the blade. The entire length is nearly six feet".

An ōtsuchi (, lit. large hammer or mallet) is a large wooden war mallet used by the samurai class of feudal Japan. The ōtsuchi had a shaft of about 6 ft (182.88 cm) much like the ono (war axe).

The kanabō (literally "metal stick" or "metal club") is a spiked or studded two-handed war club used in feudal Japan by samurai. Other related weapons of this type are the nyoibo, konsaibo,[1][2] tetsubō, and ararebo.[3] Related solid iron weapons with no spikes or studs are the kanemuchi (or kanamuchi) and the aribo (also known as a gojo or kirikobo).

There will be fourmain outfits he will be wearing through the story and they mainly permeate with how I want him to portray himself.

First is the mighty samurai of course. (Image is to be put here)

Next is a Komusō like disguise, Acting more like a base form if you will. (Image)

Also a dreadful and Mighty Oni

And finally a vengeful spirit of warriors who had died due to dishonourable means

These outfits will affect how he acts and deals with threats and problems around him.

More information may be added in the future