
The Sage equal to Heaven in Another world

When the universe ends what happens? (This is my first Novel)

HeavensVoid · Fantasy
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3 Chs


When I reached their destination I saw my sister outside the car while my parents are inside seemingly going insane with them crawling the door windows while my sister is frozen in shock. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH THEM?" I yelled as I ran to my sister while running a strong gale pushed me back a few feet and almost destroyed my umbrella as it blew it backward. When I finally reached my sister as I looked closer she was crying with some scratch marks around her arms. As I looked at the car doors I saw both my mom and dad crawling at the door with their pupils missing and blood on their fingertips and running down their coarse hands and arm with some sort of black substance on it. 'This must be the zombies but how were my parents infected they were in the car? Maybe it's just being near it?' I thought while holding my sister in my arms as she continues to cry to the point where she fainted due to it. When I brought her back to the warehouse she was slowly waking up. The first thing she did was screen as I am now a monkey. "Calm down sis it's me just now a monkey" as I explained she seemed less wary but still on guard "Okay if you are my brother than whats my name, birthday, and favorite food" to which I had automatically replied with "April 6th 20XX, Sun Ai or Angela Sun and you have a weird obsession with anything sweet, I understand chocolate but seriously how the hell can you finish 4 cakes in one sitting." as I said the last part I could see a prominent blush on her face pop up. We began to talk while the raging storm outside decreased in power and speed when the blue box popped up again<Congratulations most of you have pasted the first evolution some of you are different looking while some you fill different and others stay the same with that you each will get a status box with a shop where you can see the cores of the zombies and buy stuff> as I read this my status popped up.

Name: Sun Wukong

Title: -NONE-

Race: Human[Gene Mutation - 10%<Visuals Only>]

Ability: Gene Type-SW0

Stats: STR:11 INT:8 WIS:8 VIT:11 DEX:9 LUK:7 <The average score for a human is 10>

Skills: -NONE-

Inventory: 3*3 box

Shop: -LOCKED-

While looking at my stats I could tell I had better physical stats than most and am dumber than a few people. When I finished looking at my stats I looked to my sister and she was interested in something in front of her most likely her status. "Now sis stay here I am going to see what changed outside" I had said to her while walking to the door. When I reached the door and went outside I brought with me some supplies such as a knife and a bit of water a few protein bars and a backpack. As I walked I saw a lot of people trying to rush into stores for what they need to which I sneaked by, as I continued on this walk my body automatically made me jump back and when I saw in my previous position was a crack on the concrete which was not there before so I searched around as my body moved again and went back again this time I saw what was attacking me.

It was a plant well grass with a dark green core floating above it and multiple blades of grasses that looked like a whip. <SCANING...> as a blue box popped up I got my knife from my backpack and try to cut the grass yet my knife simply bounced back. <SCAN complete[Grass<Mutation Stage 1[Iron Grass] It is a type of grass that has been infused with mana and then genes of iron>. 'So that's why it's so strong' I thought while also thinking of a way to beat it. While I fought against the Iron Grass I noticed that there is a small tear on the grass whip, when I went to strike it the grass whip moved out of the way and causing me to miss that spot. After trying a while I had a second thought why didn't I just destroy the ball in the center so while fighting it I jumped out of it reach while launching my knife at the crystal. When the knife hit the crystal it caused multiple cracks on it which didn't finish it off so I threw a few rocks at the crystal. As the crystal shattered I a blue box popped up once again <CONGRATULATIONS on defeating a stage 1 mutant plant for it your gene is now at 12% fused> so I had my status pop up to see the difference.

Name: Sun Wukong

Title: -NONE-

Race: Human[Gene Mutation - 12%<Visuals Only>]

Ability: Gene Type-SW0

Stats: STR:12 INT:8 WIS:8 VIT:12 DEX:9.5 LUK:7 <The average score for a human is 10>

Skills: -NEW- Observe

Inventory: 3*3 box

Shop: -LOCKED-

From the looks of it, the difference is I got 1 point for STR and VIT while I got half a point in DEX. So I get half a point in STR and VIT while a fourth of a point in DEX per percentage. When I clicked on observe I got another blue box <Observe[Passive] - One can see the name of the thing and stage> (wait what stage?) I had thought when as you guessed a blue box <Stages: Fusion[Stage 1:Visial only, Stage 2: Spiritual Formation, Stage 3: Perfect Fusion], Ranks -Retrackted> oh. Now with all the new info I looked back to the iron grass and saw <Iron Grass [Stage 1]> and so I put it in my backpack as it might be useful and continued on killing some Iron Grass every so often.