
The saga of Leonard

A young man's teleported to a middle aged fantasy world of magic, kingdoms and nobility. Given another chance in life. He takes it and tries to rise above his birth right as a commoner. For his first mission he must appeal to the Mistress.

YoungDante · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Family

It has finally arrived, the day that the Mistress's family comes to the estate, and the day that I have to find a way to deal with the Mistress's sister. I'm currently getting ready. All the staff in the house must wear formal uniforms and respectable clothes to greet the mistress's family.

This world seems to value the worth of the clothes people wear rather than whether they look good in them or not. So, I was given to some blue silk clothes. I'm guessing that in this world silk is expensive since the only people that I have seen wearing silk clothes were the Mistress, Mikhail and some other nobles that came to the estate.

Usually, we greet the nobles that are coming to the estate in our normal clothes, but I guess since this is the Mistress's family, we have to greet them in silk clothes. I put on my vest that I was given and then I walk out of my room. I'm feeling alright, physically I've been getting better, the wound that was given to me by the arrow has been completely closed but my broken ribs are still healing. Mikhail said it would take some time to heal them completely and that his healing magic was just not at a high enough level to heal me.

So, I'm still wearing the bandages under my shirt and vest. There is a small scar on my shoulder that was left by the arrow, but other than that the arrow didn't do too much damage. However, I still have a small fever even a week after the accident. Mentally I haven't been doing too well, I try not to think about the experience, I still feel bad about killing that girl. I mean logically I was just defending myself, but I just can't get over it, the Mistress and the rest don't seem to care that much about me killing her. I guess this world doesn't have the same sense of morality as my world, or maybe it's because we aren't in the modern times but rather in the medieval ages where death is common. It seems that I'm the only one whose fretting about killing those people.

I learned from the Mistress that Mikhail went to village and arrested the mayor and bunch of his co-conspirators and that they ended up killing the wife of the butcher. Apparently they found hundreds of human remains at the butcher's house and Mikhail decided at that moment to just kill her without a trial. He said something about it being enough evidence and how she was already guilty.

He said that they ended up burying the bodies in the forest, although I don't know how to feel about that. Even though they tried to kill me it still felt disrespectful to just, dump their bodies where nobody will ever find them, or maybe I'm crazy and thinking about it to much.

Except for the killing of the girl, I don't feel that guilty about killing the butcher and those men, I mean they attacked me first. Maybe I should feel guilty, after all I'm still a murder, or maybe I'm getting colder as time goes on. Jesus, what have I gotten myself into? I don't even know how to feel about this whole situation.

I come into the front yard of the house where we will be greeting the Mistress's family. All the servants of the house are lined up in front of the house to greet the family. The Mistress is in front of the servants talking to Mikhail when a man runs up to her. He tells her something and then she turns to the servants " They are coming, my family is coming, get into your designated places" she says. She is dressed beautifully, this time wearing a purple dress made of some expensive silk, of course she's wearing some new high heels, I guess to her they are a symbol of power. They are also black like her previous ones, but they are clearly new. She has red nails and some red lipstick.

I walk to east end of the servants, although I know the Mistress well, I'm still not a servant, I'm lower than a servant I'm an apprentice so I stand at the east end of the servant line next to the gardeners. Every person stood in there designated places. It seemed that the servants were nervous, but I wasn't. I guess my fever is affecting my emotions right now. I feel like I'm slightly drunk.

The doors of the entrance of the estate open, a carriage led by two beautiful white horses goes through the entrance being guarded by multiple soldiers on both sides. The Mistress stands in front of the house, awaiting her guests with Mikhail standing behind her. The carriage pulls up to the front of the house.

One of the guards walks up to the carriage door and opens it. The first one to leave the carriage is an older looking man in his 60s probably, with gray short hair and a gray beard. "Daddy" the Mistress says while running to him for a hug. "Baby" he says as they hug. He kisses her on the forehead. "How are you feeling daddy?" she says. "I've seen better days" he answers. He looks alright, a little bit sickly, but he seems like he is in good health. Then, a little girl stands at the door of the carriage.

Wearing a white dress, white high heels, and a tiara made of diamonds and has blonde hair. She steps down to the last step of the carriage. "What are you waiting for" she says to one of the guards. The guard walks over to the carriage, turns around and kneels on the ground, with his back facing the carriage. The little sister sits on his shoulders, he grabs her legs and then stands up.

Like a 4 year old child being carried by her father, the little girl is carried by the guard. The guard walks over to the Mistress. " How are your big sis" she says while opening her arms for a hug. The Mistress has to step on her tippy toes to hug her sister. "You could have just walked Sophia; you didn't have to be carried" the Mistress says. "I didn't want to ruin my shoes, Fiona" she says to the Mistress while smiling. Mikhail introduces himself to the family. He talks to the father. Then he invites them into the house.

Fiona? That's the Mistress's real name? It's beautiful name just like her. But Jesus, I don't think I'll be able to handle the little sister over the weekend. I mean I expected a brat who threw temper tantrums not a narcissist who uses her guards as slaves. The family completely ignores the servants and along with Mikhail enter the house. Following them the Mistress's guards enter and then the family's guards enter. Weird, it seems that the Mistress's mother hadn't come to visit her. Is she sick or even worse dead? There's not point in thinking about that since I don't have any information on her.

After them the servants enter and then I finally enter the house. I don't know what to do now, I mean I'm supposed to handle her, but I'm not allowed to be in the presence of the family. So, I'm just kind of standing in the hallway while the other servants return to work. Then suddenly Mikhail, in a quick sprint, walks over to me. "What are you doing? Come with me. You need to deal with her. Come on!" he says to me, grabbing my arm and leading me through the hallways.

He leads me to the entrance of the garden where the Mistress is giving a tour of the house and now, I'm guessing the garden. Everybody except for the little sister is standing in the garden. "What's wrong baby" the father asks her. "I don't want to get my heels in the dirt" she says. Then she looks around, she locks eyes with me. "You! come her and lay in the ground so I can experience the garden." she says to me. "Me?" I say surprised. "Yes, you! What are you waiting for?" she yells at me.

I look at Mikhail, he looks back me with a stare that's saying "What are you waiting for? Go!". I walk into the garden and lay in the grass. "Good!" she says and then steps with her high heels onto my back. I can feel her high heels digging into my back. Her heels are like little knifes and I don't think I'll be able to lay here for a lot longer without moving. The Mistress looks annoyed. "Wow, I can really feel the beauty of the garden through my magic" Sophia says. "What? The last time I checked you hadn't yet been able to use magic" the Mistress replies.

"Well, a lot changed since you left" she says. "Oh, ok what magic can you use?" the mistress says. " I can feel my mana and manipulate mana, and that is a lot more than most of the kids my age can do." she says. "Yes, she is quite the prodigy" the father laughs. "Oh, well, when Leo was your age, he was able to manipulate mana and activate all 3 types of military magic" the Mistress praises me. She praised me. Holy shit! Bahahaha.

"Who's Leo?" she says with a confused and offended look in her eyes. "Oh, he's an apprentice at our house. You're actually standing on him right now." the Mistress responds. "You know that when he applied for an apprenticeship, he could only use 3 types of military magic but now, thanks to us he is able to use all different types of magic, and is skilled in swordplay and archery, he will no doubt be useful for our family in the future" she brags about me to her father.

"Really?" her father responds in an intrigued manner. "Of course, and you know that he's only 13 years old!" she responds with a smile on her face. "This commoner?" Sophia says. "Don't make me laugh, whatever skills he has cannot compare with my natural born talent" she continues. "I doubt that. He is not only much stronger than you but also much more talented" the mistress responds.

"He's not!" she yells. "While you are barely able to manipulate mana at 12 years old Leo was able not only to manipulate mana, harness it, and also use it to create magic. On top of that he did it all without any fancy tutors or masters that taught him unlike yourself." The Mistress keeps harassing her.

"SHUT UP" Sophia screams. Then she, with her high heels, jumps up and down multiple times on my back like a spoiled brat at a toy store. Imprinting her heels into my back. If she keeps jumping like that she's going to slip and fall off. "Ok, girls calm down" the father tries to intervene. "THIS IS WHY YOU CAN'T FIND A HUSBAND" Sophia yells. "OH YEAH? THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS" The Mistress yells back. Their father tries to intervene "Calm down, girls. Stop fighting!". "YOU'RE JUST MAD THAT I WAS MOM'S FAVORITE" Sophia yells. Mistress looks really angry now. "LEO THROW HER OFF YOUR BACK" The Mistress angrily yells at me.

"What?" I say confused. The father interjects trying to calm the situation again "Sophia, Fiona STOP FIGHTING". "I SAID THROW HER INTO THE MUD" She yells at me again. "Are you sure Mistress, I mean she is a no-" I try to logically argue with her but before I can finish my sentence, she cuts me off "AS YOUR MISTRESS I ORDER YOU TO THROW MY LITTLE SISTER OFF YOUR BACK" she screams at me.

Alright, I guess. I push my hands off the ground and push her off of me. She stumbles and falls straight into the ground with her head landing in a small patch of mud that we didn't cover up. Her father and guards rush to her aid while she tries to get up. "Baby, are you ok?" the father says, like he's talking to a 2 year old. Sophia starts to sniffle and then like a child she cries. I look back at the Mistress to see her reaction. She seems quite pleased with herself.

"What is wrong with you Fiona!" The father yells. The mistress snaps out of it, realizing what she had done she grabs me by the hand, and we leave the garden. "Where do you think you're going! You just ruined our visit" The father yells from the garden. Mistress doesn't respond. Mikhail follows us, trailing behind us.

"Mistress, what do we do now?" Mikhail says. We stop, the Mistress turns around to Mikhail. "You go calm them down, and I'll deal with them later, I have to clear my mind" She responds. "Ok" Mikhail says, he turns around and runs back to the garden.

The Mistress still holding my hand leads me to her office, we enter the office closing the doors behind us. She lets go off my hand, she walks over to her table and puts her hands on it, clearly thinking about something. She then sighs and turns to me.

"Why the hell did you do that?" she says to me. "Because you ordered me too!" I respond. She pauses, thinks for second and then answers, "You're right I'm sorry, my sister is able anger me like no other person". She sits down in her chair and puts her hands over her face. She's clearly tired and exhausted of all of the bullshit.

"So, what now." I ask. "I don't know" she replies. "I think It would be best If Mistress stayed in her office and I went outside of the house so we can let this blow over, you know, wait until everybody is calm so that we can deal with this" I reply. "Yeah, I think that would be for the best Leo" she says. "But, first off" she stands up and walks over to me.

"Why did you hesitate and not listen to my orders when I told you "she says while getting up close. "What? I mean mistress, they were a little bit insane, for a commoner to throw a noble into the dirt and humiliate them is dangerous. You know, they could kill me or send me to prison" I respond. "So, you don't trust me" she replies.

"Of course, I do ma'am" I respond. She grabs my collar with her index finger, her nail scratches againts my throat. "Then next time I tell you to do something, you do it, regardless of the consequences. I am your Mistress; your priority should be me not the repercussions of your actions. You understand?" She says.

"Yes, Mistress!" I reply. "And if there are consequences I'll deal with them, ok?" she says. Her face is close to mine, although I hit a growth spurt, I'm still shorter than her. "Yes, Mistress" I respond again. "Now, go do something while I deal with this" she says while letting my collar go. This woman is insane, but also very hot. I move my collar a little bit to place it back in its normal place, then I turn around open the doors and leave the office.

Closing the doors behind, I immediately hit a right turn, left is the way to the garden I don't want to cause anymore drama. I'll loop around the house until I find the exit, since the Mistress told me I'm basically free to do whatever I want I'll go to my parents' house, have some homecooked dinner for the first time in a while. It may not taste great but at least I'll get to spend some time with my family.

As I walk through the hallways of the house I can hear the footsteps of another person, I turn around to see who it is. It's Sophia, mistress's little sister and she has a sword in her hand. "DIE!". She runs at me at full speed with the sword above her head trying to slice me. She runs screaming at me.

She attacks me at full speed, I activate my quickness magic and move out of her way. I put my back to the wall of the house, allowing her to pass by me in the narrow hallway. She misses her attack completely. I don't have a sword on me currently. She still has her back turned to me. I active strengthening magic without thinking and kick her in the middle of back.

She stumbles but is able to catch herself. In that moment I immediately without a second thought run at her with full force. Before, she can turn around fully and face me. I punch her with 110% of my strength in the cheek. Knocking her to the ground. I rip the sword out of her hands and throw it behind me. I look down at her. She's clearly terrified of me. We lock eyes. As I stare into her eyes she starts to cry and then she blows into a full-blown crying fit.

I kneel to her and put my hand over her mouth to stop her yelling. "What the fuck did you just do" I whisper in her ear. She tries to stand up and get away, but I pin her to the ground by holding her neck. "Don't cry" I whisper to her. "You just tried to kill me you little jackass" I whisper. "And for what?" I continue. She's sobbing right now, Jesus fucking Christ what's wrong with this world? A 12 year old girl just attacked me and for what.

Wait a minute. Did anybody hear this? I can't let people find out that I punched a noble and not just a noble but also a 12 year old girl and one more thing what is with me and attacking women? This is the second one this week! You know what, it doesn't matter. I have to deal with her now. So, did anybody hear this? I don't think so. I don't hear any footsteps. The hallways are completely silent.

I observe my surroundings to find out whether anybody saw me. From, what I see, me and her are the only people that know of this incident. She's clearly terrified so If I use this to my advantage, I can have her shut the fuck up about this incident and I can deal with the awkwardness between her and the Mistress. I think this situation might benefit me more than I expected.

Thank you all for the love. I'm very grateful. Remember to add to library! Also please leave a comment. I love reading them.

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