
The Saga of Legendary NPC

Arthur, one of the best players of GOO, died. Only to find himself in the past with two RPG games he created and joined his journey as NPC of GOO! Wait! What?! Ehem! Follow Arthur in his journey as he paved his path to be the Legendary NPC!

Francis_m · Games
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28 Chs

Crimson Bear.

**Arthur POV**

Night Time.

"Sigh! GOO in NPC perspective is worse than I imagine." I groaned as I remembered the day I looked around in the town. Where I discovered the discrimination against Beast Folk and slavery is strong.

The good thing is Melissa has no aversion nor loath them, but she helped the three beast-kin by giving them food and people looked at her weirdly.

"At least I completed the process and managed to register in the Merchant and Adventure Guild without trouble."

"Unless I counted those drunkards with huge egos as trouble." I shake my head in disappointment after experiencing the common trope in every novel I read.

"I also have a huge problem with the two skills I learned and wanted to delete them, but I knew those skills were necessary if I wanted to influence the GOO greatly." I rubbed my temples. I thought of my future troubles because he knew his new skill was a blessing and curse.

**Flashback, 3rd Person POV**

Arthur and Melissa visited all locations from the market, town square, merchant guild, and lastly adventure guild.

Where he enjoyed his company with her likewise Melissa found him funny and wanted to enjoy her first date. Melissa found it funny since Arthur was the 1st customer she grabbed forcefully after she saw him.

"Arthur it's your first time visiting the Town?"

"Yeah! I'm new and decided to stay for a while after I lost them a few days ago from the explosion." Arthur explained while rubbing his head in embarrassment.

Melissa laughed lightly and led her head on his shoulder after hearing his explanation, deep inside her heart wanted to join him in his travel. She felt troubled since someone was knotted them and she had difficulty escaping, especially seeing his beautiful eyes and captivating smile.

[Notice. You Learned 'Passive Skill: Attraction (level 1)'!]

[Notice. You Learned 'Specialty Skill: Seduction (level 1)'!]


"Are you okay?"

"Nah! I just remember I need to stock of food and horse breed." Arthur smiled at her and decided to visit the adventure guild to register after visiting the market and haggling various products.

[Notice. You Learned 'Business Skill: Haggling (level 1)'!]

[Notice. You Learned 'Business Skill: Negotiation (level 1)'!]

The duo decided to visit the adventure for registration after they finished their business. A huge mistake he made since the day he visited the place was already filled with drunkard adventurers.

He visited the receptionist and registered himself while waiting to finish the procedure, a drunk person went toward them and harassed Melissa. Melissa wanted to announce her identity for them to leave her alone, but Arthur quickly saved her by grabbing the drunkard's arms and performing a perfect shoulder throw!


[Notice. You Learned 'Weaponry Skill: Unarmed Combat' (level 1)]

[Notice. You Learned 'Combat Technique Skill: Non-Lethal Strikes' (level 1)]


The whole became quiet and the rest of the drunkard companion looked at Arthur in anger. 

They stood up and pointed their fingers at him before dashing in his direction, yet Arthur faced them head-on while performing all unarmed combat he learned from his previous life. Though he took them down by using non-lethal blows, he made sure they would be out of duty within the following weeks!

The crowd cheered as Arthur fought them dislocating a few of their bones and knocking them with his kick or punch on their body.

On the other hand, both the receptionist and the vice-manager of Blackwater Adventure Guild looked at Arthur taking down a group of D-rank adventurers unarmed made them amazed.

**Flashback, 3rd Person POV End** 


I shake my head before I check my Adventurer dog tags together with my Adventure and Merchant ID from my inventory. I used the [Inspect] skill only to discover the dog tag has a special function except that the dog tag can't be used by others. It also has a party function like my menu, but the only difference the party members only gained 10% of every killed mob. The special function is hidden at least I knew the guild didn't abuse the experience share benefit as far as I knew. 

For my safety, I must stay silent and maintain my caution of any funny business.

On the other hand, the Merchant Guild has no 'hidden' function except for the 'user's bank card' as a secondary function where the members of the merchant guild and associates could store their money in safety.

The same privilege I received after I became a member though I didn't need the bank card function, its primary function was a legal permit to do business in every allied country, empire, and kingdom.

"The only thing I need is to have the carriage, create my owned caravan, enjoy my life as NPC, and lastly influence the world before the 'Great Merge' started."

(A/N: I'll be using Great Merge instead of Game Invasion.)


[ADVENTURE ID] ID No. xxxx-xxxx-xx

Alias: Crimson Bear

Name: Arthur | Gender: Male

Date of Register: June, xxxx | Branch: Blackwater Town

Adventure Rank: F | Party Group: N/A

Quest Taken: N/A | Quest Complete: N/A



[BUSINESS PERMIT] Permit No. xxxx-xxxx-xx

Business Name: Sirius-Aquila Caravan

Owner Name: Arthur | Gender: Male

Date of Register: June, xxxx | Branch: Blackwater Town

Business Model: Caravan | Ranked: Unranked


I checked them before putting away my belongings inside my inventory for tomorrow is another day of my preparation. One of them is to collect barrels of black liquid or secure some business partnership along the way.

I remembered a certain quest could only be activated if I managed to secure the NPC's trust using the taking skill.

"Good Night."


Next Day.

I decided to visit the Town Square alone since Melissa was busy entertaining the customers. I decided to visit the Town's Square and looked for something interesting until I heard a commotion from the distance.

Three beast-kin are being abused and the rumored Shaman proclaims that the half-breed is spawned by the devil.

Soon I remembered.

"Are they the same beast-kin yesterday?"