14 Announcement


Im still alive believe it or not

I expect basically no one to be left at this point as i cant even remember the last time i uploaded here. If this were a real book it would have crumbled to dust by now

If it wasnt obvious by now i feel its safe to say that im not going to be uploading any more chapters for this Novel

If anyone is wondering why then simply its because its dog shit and i hate it

When i started this i came in with no plan whatsoever and winged it every chapter with only a vague idea to go on and unsurprisingly it ended up as a huge dumpster fire and as such i will be cancelling this novel and will be deleting it in about a month probably.


I am not done writing and i infact have good news

While this novel is done for I have started work a new Novel based off of the original idea for this novel however this time im not going to half ass it.

The new Novel Will be Properly planned ahead of time with a proper story in mind while still being based off of my original vison i had for this.

Im not sure what it will be called or when the first chapter will be uploaded However it will not be this same novel with just all the chapters deleted so i can start anew. Instead i will be making a whole new Novel so i can truely start from scratch and not take advantage of the success this dumpster fire has somehow fucking gained.

I know ive said it alot but having Over 100k people atleast click to read the first chapter of this confuses the fuck out of me. Like why??? this is complete ass and is by a Nobody who barely passed their English exam and has no prior writing experience

Point is this Novel is over but a new one shall take its place with the same vision i had for this one but this time it will (hopefully) be more refined and only comparable to a turd instead of a pile of shit.

If I'm lucky it might be comparable to something like Destiny 2 where its still complete shit but somehow keeps you entertained enough to not make you want to kill yourself

Alright that was basically all i wanted to say but lastly If your not interest in Reading the new Novel when it eventually releases thanks anyway for reading this piece of shit as despite how bad it turned out i feel like ive learned alot from it.

And thanks to everyone who read this Novel period whether you will be reading the new one or not. I am a bit concerned about the mental state of the people who might want to read the new one tho i mean if this shit was so bad why tf would you want to read something else i make?

Speaking of the new Novel When it does release ill make a new chapter on here so anyone's that interested doesn't have to watch my profile for when i publish it. After i write the new chapter ill leave this book up for a few weeks and then ill delete it so if your interested just check back once a week or so.

Also i plan on actually having a consistent upload schedule for the new novel aswell so you wont have to wait a month between new chapters

Thats all so ty you everyone for all you have done and Ty for reading this mediocre garbage

See you later, maybe

Next chapter