
The Sacred Friendship

You said that nothing can get in the way of our friendship, what happened to that now?" Zasma asks her friends. They've been best friends since their senior year. Their friendship was put to test since the appearance of these two guys, Shahid and Muhsin. Will they be able to overcome all this or will they give up on their once unbreakable bond?. ******************** Basma knows that she can't have both of these men, but she's ready to move mountains and oceans just to get the attention of one of them most especially Shahid even though she knows that he's engaged to her best friend, Nasma. "I'll get him, even if it means taking a trip to hell" she says. ********************

Zainab_Dikko_6960 · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter two



"Momma,momma,momma" I call out my mom's name while running toward our house entrance.

"Oh Lord,what's wrong with you dear?" she asks.

I jump up and hug her.

"How was your day at school today, darling?" she asks.

"It was fantastic Momma but I've missed you so much" I answer.

"But now you're back, you don't have to miss anymore love" she leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Now run up to your room and freshen up and we'll have lunch together" she says.

"Kk Momma" I answer.

I run toward the stairs and head directly to my bedroom.

I open my room and step in.

It's a well furnished room and it was painted with my favourite colour, Pink.

All the furnitures are pink and white. Gosh! How I love my room. It's fucking fantastic.

I sit on my bed and remove my bag and place it at the edge of my bed. Then I remove my veil and place it on my bed too.

I remove my school T-shirt which is a long sleeve and a little bit above my knees but the actual T-shirt was supposed to be six inches below the knees but as senior year students, we made up our own rules.

I reach out and remove my cover shoes and my socks. I reach my waist and pull down my trouser and it fall on the ground.

I'm just left in my bra and panties and to tell you what, Momma doesn't mind me running all over the house like this. So it's kinda like a usual routine for me.

I walk across the room and open the door to my bathroom and walk in. Everything in the bathroom is absolutely white and clean.

I walk toward the hand wash and take my tooth brush and reach out for the tooth paste and pick it.

I open up the cover and put a little paste on my brush. I turn to the mirror on the wall and I start brushing my teeth.

After brushing, I rinse my mouth and my tooth brush and place it where it was before.

I head toward the bath tub which is also together with the shower. I remove my bra and Panties and step in the tub.

I switch on the shower. I place my body under the shower enjoying the sensation.

I love taking shower and dancing. So this one's no exception. I dance and dance till I'm exhausted.

I switch off the shower and step out of the tub reaching out and taking my towel. I wrap it around my chest and head out to my room.

I walk toward my dresser and pull my dressing chair and sit on it. I reach out for my lotion because it's a bit hot. Cream is kind of a bad option for me now. I open up the lotion and apply it all over my body. I apply a light makeup.

After that, I pick up my deodorant and apply it and place it back. I walk to my wardrobe and open it. I pick up a light evening dress.

I reach out to my under wears drawer. I pick up a pink bra and pink panties just like the colour of my dress. I dress myself up and pick up my favourite perfume, Pure Love from my dressing drawer and spray it all over my body.

I take a look at my self in the mirror. Gosh! This dress makes me look sexy.

I twirl in front of the mirror twice and turn to exit my room to have some lunch and chat with Momma.



"Peace be upon you" I call out as I enter my home.

"Peace be upon you too" my Mother answers.

I enter our living room and see my mother sitting on the floor. She doesn't like sitting on the couches. She once said that they were somehow uncomfortable.

"Good afternoon Ummi" I say.

"Afternoon dear" she answers.

"How was your day at school, I hope you enjoyed it?" she asks.

"It was really nice and I like my new school" I answer.

"That's good to hear" she says.

"Is Abba at home?" I ask.

"No, he's at work since morning" she answers.

"Oh! I hope that he likes his new job" I say.

"He sure loves it because he's really happy now than his previous job, I will always pray to the Lord to bless that man, he's a really generous person" she says with a smile on her face.

"Yeah Ummi, his daughter is a very nice person too" I say.

"Can you believe she actually gave me a ride today" I add.

"Yeah they're nice" she comments.

"Oh! I almost forgot, her mom came after you left" she adds.

"Oh! But why did she came?" I ask curiously.

"She came by to see if you've gone to school today and before I forget" she pauses.

"She said that you should join uhmm what's that her name?" she asks.

"Nasma" I answer.

"Yeah Nasma, she offered that you should join her, she has a driver and you should be joining her to and back from school" she says.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Well I didn't say much, I just told her that I'll talk to your father" she answers.

"That's right" I say.

"Enough with the chitchat, now go and freshen up and pray, I'll arrange your food for you before you finish" she says.

"Ok Ummi" I answer while standing up.

I head directly to my bedroom, I open the door and enter.

I walk straight to my mattress and sit at the edge. I look around at my room. It's not really that big but it's more than enough for me. Had it been I have siblings. Actually female siblings, we would be sharing this room but as the case is, I'm an only child. It's been neatly arranged with a mattress, a medium sized dressing drawer and a built-in wardrobe. There's no bathroom.

There are only two bathrooms in our house. one is in my father's room and the the other one is between my room and my mother's.

Even though most of the time I'm the only one using it because my mother usually uses my father's unless if a visitors come, then we share the bathroom with them and sometimes my room.

My family are not rich but we have a content living. Kinda like a middle class.

Well let me not get deep into that.

I remove my veil and place it on my bed. I stand up and walk toward my wardrobe.

I open it and take out my towel. I turn after closing my wardrobe.

I reach down and remove my new cover shoes and my socks and I place them on my shoe rack.

I unbutton my shirt and place it on the mattress. Then I wrap my towel on my chest and slip my trousers down. I sit on my bed and fold my clothes and now they're as good as new. I stand up and walk to my wardrobe and I open it again and place my clothes neatly with my other pair of new uniform.

I turn to exit the room because I manna go and take a bath and pray before it's late.



I get out of the car as soon as it was parked.

I head toward our house main entrance. As I reach out my hand to dial the intercom, the door swings open and a young lady almost in her mid-twenties appears. She smiles at me.

"You're welcome home miss" she says.

"Thanks ma'am but please stop calling me miss, It makes me look old, It's too formal and I don't like it" I say politely.

"Am really sorry" she apologizes.

"No offence, you're just like a big sister to me" I say.

She smiles at me and reaches out to take my bag.

"No thanks you don't have to do that" I say.

"Please it's part of my job allow me, please!" she pleads.

"Ok but you really don't have to do that" I say while handing her the bag.

I head to one of the couches in the main living room and sit down.

"Oh Gosh! It's really tiring today" I say.

"Sorry but I know what will cheer you up, I've already run your bath and your food is ready in the dining room" she says cheerfully.

"Oh! thanks, you really know what I want" I say.

"Has mom come back yet?" I ask while standing up.

"No, she hasn't come back yet but she just called a while ago" she answers.

"What did she said?" I ask.

"She called to ask if you're home and I told her that you haven't returned yet and she told me that she'll be back in the evening" she answers.

"Ok that's great, I really missed her a lot" I say happily.

"She missed you too dear" she says.

"And before I forget, she asked me to call when you return, she wants to know if you arrive safely" she says,

"That's so sweet but you know what" I paused.

"Let me take a quick bath and I'll call her afterwards" I add.

"Ok as you wish miss, Oh! Sorry dear" she says.

I smile at her and turn toward the stairs.

I head to my part which is located between my mom and dad's part.

I open the door to my private living room. I head toward one of the couches and throw myself in it.

It's so comfortable in here. I love it. My parents sure do pamper me a lot. Maybe it's because I'm an only child. They have made this place much more to my liking.

Everything is sky blue and white, from the painting to the furnitures.

I clap my hands and all the light bulbs in the living room lights on. I stand up and walk toward my bedroom.

I open the door and step in. My room is more than large enough for one person to live an entire life. The room was painted white and sky blue too.

I head toward my walk- in closet and open it. I walk in and pick up a nice simple evening gown and place it over my shoulder. I open up another drawer in the closet and pick up a pair of under wear. I close the under wears drawer and walk out of the closet and close the door.

I walk to my huge princess bed. I place my dress and under wears on the bed and remove my veil.

I unbutton my shirt and slip it off my body. I walk across the room and place my clothes inside the laundry basket because they're a bit dirty. I walk to the other side of my room and take a bath robe which are always hanged close to my bathroom.

I put it on my body and remove the rest of my clothes. I place my trouser in the laundry basket and my under wears in another basket because I don't like anybody washing my under wears. So I wash them myself every night before going to bed.

I head directly into my bathroom and walk to my hand wash stand.

I take my tooth brush and my tooth paste. I brush my teeth for about five minutes and I rinse my tooth brush and my mouth.

I remove my bath robe and walk into my bath tub. I sink my self into the water and Oh my gosh! I really love strawberries scent and almost all of my body products are of strawberry flavor.

I reach out for my soap and bathing Sponge. I gently pour some of my liquid soap on the sponge and place it back to it's place and gently scrub my body with the sponge while playing with my rose petals.
