
The sacrafice

avacado_girl0509 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

The ball

Damien sat on his throne, watching in anticipation, waiting for Victoria to arrive, he looked at the time and started to get impatient

*What is taking her so long? She better not have run away or I swear to god she's going to be sorry*

Suddenly the door opens and she walked in with the servant, and his heart skipped a beat seeing her all dressed up, his hand went to his chest and he could feel his heart racing

*What's this, my heart is racing...why is that ..it can't be because of her...I mean sure she looks...drop dead gorgeous...and her blood smells like sweet strawberries, and her hair...looks so silky and soft...wait what am i thinking?!*

The servant guided her up the staircases and she stopped Infront of him, he sighed and leaned forward and pulled her onto his lap, causing her to yelp.

"W-what are you doing?"

She stutter and her cheeks flush at the sudden closeness, he wrapped and arm around her waist and leaned in, his breath tickling her ear.

"Your my bride are you not? So it's only fitting for you to use my lap as a chair"

His voice was low and husky, with a flirtatious edge to it, and he nuzzled his head into her neck , loose strands of his hair tickle her skin, and took a deep breath.

*She smells so good, so sweet...I want to bite her so bad...but I'll hold back..don't want to overwhelm her too much on her first day*

A waitor walked to her with a glass on a silver platter and before he could offer Damien put up a hand to decline him.

"Why did you decline him?"

She looked at him in confusion, earning a low chuckle to escape his lips, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear

"I doubt you wish to drink blood, my dear"

She goes wide eye and looked at him in shock

"You mean..those glasses are full of..."

He nods confirming her suspicion

"Indeed,the glasses the waiters are offering have blood, it is a vampire ball after all so it's only natural it's served, but I don't want any"

She tilts her head and looked curious

"You don't want the blood they are serving? Why not, is it not good?"

He chuckled at her and pats her head before leaning in and licking her neck, whispering in a low, husky voice

"Now why would I drink blood from a glass, when I have a lovely bride who I can feed from..."

He inhales deeply and sighs a groan of satisfaction

"And you probably taste way better.."

Her face flushed bright red and she shudders, which made him pull her closer, her back against his muscular chest

"Getting shy are we, I'll need to do something about that"

He stopped talking and sat back with a smerk letting her mind wonder what he meant by that

*Do something about that?...what does that mean...I don't understand...*

The vampires lined up one by one and bowed before her to show their respect and some bring offerings leaving it at the foot of the throne

Getting board Damien stands up and takes her hand guided her outside to the balcony, she was about to ask why he took her outside but she was sidetracked by the view Infront of her, the huge garden with flowers stretching out as far as the eyes can see, a pond with small fish swimming in it, the sound of a water fountain, the flower archway with a swing underneath.

"Woa! This is.. beautiful.. I've never seen anything like it"

She exclaimed and leans over the balcony to look, and Damien pulled her attention back to him and he hands her a box

"For you, my dear"

She looks at the box with curiosity and opens it seeing a small necklace inside it with a heart shaped pendant and her eyes sparkle

"It's...so beautiful..thank you so much!"

He smerked and put it on her, it was a black choker, the heart pendant on the side of her neck with the strings hanging, she looked down at them in curiosity

"What's with with strings? Is it a design thingy?"

He smerked and pulled the one string which tightened the choker around her neck and he leaned in and whispered in her ear, in a low husky voice

"You understand now what it's for?"

*Pull it...it tightens...ohhh I understand*

She smiled looking at him with the most innocent look ever and nods

"To loosen and tighten it, if my neck ever grew"

His face went blank and he stared at her for a good few seconds trying to process what she said

"Is that all my dear? Nothing else comming to mind? Nothing at all?"

She sat there thinkinging long and hard and nods

"Yep that's all, it's really smart of them, now if my neck grows or shrinks i can just adjust it!"

She stands there looks proud of herself while Damien looked like he was still processing it, clearly not getting the reaction he wanted

*Is she playing dumb with me...I demonstrated what it does hinting to her... and she said its for...her growing and shrinking neck...oh god please don't tell me she's that innocent*

He leaned in to whisper into her ear, his breath tickling her skin

"Have you ever had a boyfriend, my dear?"

She shook her head looking embarrassed

"No..to be honest I haven't...this is all kinda new to me."

He nods, not sure if he's proud or shocked

*Never...so I'm here first...in everything...that means I have to take everything slow...great.. downgraded from husband to teacher..fun..yay...*

He sighed but doesn't show his frustration and he wraps an arm around her waist guiding her out the balcony, leaving the ballroom and down the dimly lit hall to his private chambers

*Maybe I can at least get a hug...but that feels like I'm pushing my luck.."

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