
The sacrafice

avacado_girl0509 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

preparation for the ball

Victoria stirred from her slumber on a bed, shrouded in darkness in an unfamiliar place, she was conscious of the dimly lit candles that barely illuminated the room, she felt a sense of unese as if someone was present in the room, although she could not discern their presence. The slow and deliberate footsteps echoes through the room, she was acutely aware of the presence of someone else in the room.

"You finally woke up"

A deep voice echoed, Victoria's voice shaking with fear as she responded.

"W-who are you?"

The vampire kings laugh echoed through the room, as he emerged from the murkey shadows to reveal his presence, the vampire massive figure loomed over her small body and his voice reverberated in the silence.

"I am Damien Silas Nightshade, also known as the vampire king, but you shall call me Damien, my new queen"

Victoria's mind was plagued by memories of what just transpired, causing her hands to tremble slightly, as she realised she would be forced to marry the cruelest, and coldest king ever known to mankind.

Damien sniffed the air and sighed a satisfied breath, as he spoke with a husky voice.

"Your blood, it smells so sweet and delicious...and now it's mine, every last drop of it."

A knock on the door echoes through the room and Damien growled in frustration before opening the door letting the servant inside, and spoke in a commanding tone.

"This is Victoria, get her ready for the ball tonight, where I shall introduce her to all the vampires, as my bride"

And with that he made his exit, shutting the door, granting me time to get myself attired and prepared, for the ball he is hosting.

Noticing my unese and becoming aware of my dear, the servant attempted to offer words of comfort.

"Please do not fear, master may seem cold and short tempered, but I promise, he does have a soft spot and can be very kind, you will see that is is not a result of ill will or malice towards you"

A sigh of relief escapes my lips and I look at the servant with gratitude

"Apologies for being rude and not asking, whast your name?"

She felt bad for not asking as it was bad manners but the servant laughed and gave a gentle smile

"Please relax my lady, you have not offended me, my name is Bailey"

I smile back at Bailey, feeling comfortable now that I have made a friend

"Please, you don't need to be so formal, you can call my Victoria"

Baily smiles and headed toward the wardrobe, and starts looking through the dresses

"Your going to be on display for the entire vampire nation to see, and not only that but master will be there, you will need to look stunning, but fear not i found just the dress"

He pulled out a black and red Victorian style dress, which had a black corset, off thr shoulder sleeves, and the drills under the black dress were red

"This will go perfectly with your pale skin and dark hair, now please get dressed, we are pressed for time and I need to do your hair and makeup"

Baily helped her into the dress and tied the corset , hugging her body perfectly, showing off her hourglass figure, she walked to the mirror to see

"It looks...so beautiful...i'v never seen anything like it.."

Baily smiles and nods in agreement

"It really does, now come along and sit, your hair needs to be done"

Once baily was done styling her hair he stood back and smiled approvingly, clapping his hands

"Absolutely stunning! Master will surely be at a loss for words"

She smiled and looked down lost in thought

*I wonder...will Damien actually like it..*

Baily gently takes her arm leading her to the ball room, her anxiety evident on her face, as she approached the door unsure what to expect

*What's going to happen when I walk in, what's Damien going to say when he sees me...is he even going to notice me... wait why am I worried whether or not he sees me... it's not like he actually like me...*

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I hope you guys like this, it's been a bit difficult to write so I hope you enjoy

avacado_girl0509creators' thoughts