
The S Classes That I raised:Geunseo( 근서) 218+

He was an F-rank Hunter. To top it off, he was a useless F-rank loser of a big brother who dragged down his incredible younger brother. While he carelessly lived out his messed-up life, he ultimately took his younger brother's life. He regressed back in time with the title, Perfect Caregiver. "Okay, this time, let's lay low and take care of the talented ones instead." He thought. But those S-ranks are acting a little strange. = Not the official and accurate translation of the novel. But I fixed some of it so it'll be readable at least, if you have suggestions feel free to comment, ENJOY!

notminee · Video Games
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67 Chs

side story: Going to the pool (2)

The delivered drinks were held in each hand. Yoohyun and Yerim occupied the benches on either side. Yoo Hyun handed me a large towel to quickly wipe off my drench my body and suddenly, Peace approached menacingly and climbed onto my lap, covering both sides and even the front.


Noah, who had been watching, moved to sit next to Yerim. It made me feel sorry for having only one body. I checked where Myeongwoo was; he was engrossed in a conversation with Moon hyuna. He gestured enthusiastically, especially with Moon hyunah's eyes sparkling, indicating that it might be about elaborate or advanced equipment. The beer was diminishing rapidly.

The two seemed to get along quite well.

'It would be better if I went over there, and the kids could play together.'

It would have been better if Soyoung had come too. Maybe I should try creating a gathering of high-level hunters under 20. By doing it until the age of 20, expanding it nationwide, and even globally. If they searched the world, at least ten or more friends who matched well with Yoohyun would likely emerge. Not too many, just around that number would be fine.

Expressing gratitude to Noah for the coffee, I sipped it through the straw. It was a cafe latte without whipped cream. Should I add some? Without it, it's slightly less sweet...

'Ugh, what's this?'

The taste of the coffee was strange. No, the taste was right for coffee, but it was significantly different from what I had in Korea. The bitterness was stronger. It felt bland. Maybe it's because whipped cream is missing. However, even when I drank coffee in Korea without whipped cream, it didn't taste like this latte.

...It seemed to be a difference in countries. Well, considering that it's Korea and Japan, it's not surprising that the taste of food would differ. Even something as simple as Jajangmyeon has a completely different taste in traditional Chinese cuisine. I still prefer Korean. Korean coffee is delicious.

'Why is Sung hyunje looking at me and smiling again?'

Yeah, it's less tasty than what my dongsaeng bought. Still, it's edible. Somewhat savory.

"Shouldn't we apply sunscreen again?"

"This one is supposed to be less washable in water."

"Still, it's recommended to reapply frequently. It seems fine for now, but this pool is filled with hot spring water. It might wash off better."

Hot spring water seemed good. Chirpie and velara were still swimming and playing. Velare's tail cut through the water current rapidly as Chirpie held on and was dragged. It looked fun. Let's take a picture.

While drinking coffee, I pondered how to ensure the kids play together without fighting. Should I determine the order with rock-paper-scissors? But that would be advantageous for Yoohyun. Should we go in age order? Does Yoohyun don't drink Americano? Maybe that's why he's drinking that. Perhaps, mixing impurities might bring out the taste more than in lattes. I lowered the half-empty coffee cup and stood up. Let's try to settle the three first. It would be great if they could all play together.


Suddenly, a heavy sound of something falling echoed. Curious, I turned around to see lion king-nim

who had jumped from somewhere... oh, wait a minute.

"Crazy, Yerim, close your eyes!"

Ah, that idiot! It's natural to change into a swimsuit when going to the pool, but even personal preferences for triangular shapes have limits. Damn, the area is... oh, damn it! Not only the eyes but also the heart feels dirty.

"Noah, don't look! Yoohyun, you too, don't look at the dirty stuff!"

Although it was barely covered, mosaic would be more decent. You bastard, do you need me to tie it myself? Your back view is more enviable for a moment, damn.

"Why are you so flustered? Maybe I'm too─"

"Shut up and cover yourself! It's rude to do something like that in front of kids!"

I handed him a towel, but that bastard Lion just stared blankly and didn't bother covering up. Cover yourself, damn it. Do I have to tie it around your waist? Even if you're a legal adult in your home country, both Noah and Yoo Hyun are still underage!

"Ah, really, crazy!"

What a harmful sight! Let me give you a towel. Damn, it's even more annoying up close!

"Why are you so surprised? Well, I admit it was a bit too much. It's still too early for me to come forward!"

What is that bastard saying? I don't want to meet him even at midnight. Properly cover yourself. If I have to tie it around your waist, I'll do it. Do you know that I came here to clean up after you?


"Yoohyun, why did you come when I told you not to look?"

Yoohyun pulled me back, and Sung hyunjae stepped forward.

"Our Guild Master is overly concerned about the kids."

Did they come to protect me because of my reckless challenge to an S-rank hunter from another country? Both of them. But even if the hunter is from another country, isn't he just acting confused rather than angry? Is he stupid? Rather than getting angry, he just seemed dazed.

...It's exhausting, mentally. But let's still play with the kids. Swimming...

Together with Yoo Hyun, I went back into the water. Yerim quickly followed, standing side by side with Yoo Hyun. I gestured for Noah to come as well. When Noah joined Yerim, the three of them lined up in front of me.

Let's hold hands and play together, it should be fine.

"Well... I'd like to suggest swimming together, but I'm not good at it yet."

"I'll teach you~"

"Let's do it together. Beginners together."

"I can help too Yoojin-ssi."

"Thanks, everyone, but I only have one body. Can one of you play with me while the other two play together?"

Not possible. The atmosphere is quite different, but not possible.

"Well, for now, Yerim is the youngest, and she wanted to come to the pool first."

"Yes! I kept saying,Let's keep swimming!"

"But I asked my brother to teach me to swim first."

"As the older one, you should show some consideration and yield, Han yoohyun."

"Have I ever treated you like an older brother? Answer honestly with your hand on your chest, Park Yerim."

"Hey, but I did treat you well as the guild leader!"

"I would have done the same if the roles were reversed."

Well, Yoohyun did show proper respect to Yerim officially. He learned well. Yerim, with determination, rolled her foot in the water and made a fierce expression. Then she looked straight at me.



"Yerim only has you ahjussi. Please play with yerim!"

Her cute voice made a soft "poo-hat," and the sound of Moon hyunah's laughter followed.

Yerim's face turned slightly red, but she stubbornly claimed, "Because I'm young." Yes, she's young. Still, if she's fifteen, it's not common to say such things at that age... but it's cute. If she's fifteen, she's young, and she's still a child. Considering the difficult circumstances she's been through, wouldn't it be nice to let her act cute belatedly?

Okay then we take care of the younger ones first.


This time, my younger brother called me. When I turned my head, he was smiling.

"Yoohyun only has hyung. Please play with Yoo Hyun first."

"Ah! Han yoohyun! You're crazy!


Aack! I was wrong!

Aaack! I apologize!"

Yerim screamed, and Moon hyunah laughed as if she couldn't breathe. Yoohyun, that guy. Following that is a bit... well, with his age... But at the same time, the image of my dongsaeng when he was young vividly flashed before my eyes. he was cute, really. Yes, when He was young, I couldn't bring him to such places, but now, shouldn't I take care of him first? If I don't take care of my younger sibling, then who will?

"No, even Noah..."

Lastly, Noah, with a blushing face, said as if he wouldn't give in.

"Noah also only has  Yoojin-ssi! Even with Noah... um..."

Oh no, Noah is sinking again. You don't have to imitate that. And Noah is cute, subtly matching well... But what is this?

"...Why are you standing there?"

Suddenly, Sung hyunjae was next to Noah. Casual, natural, as if waiting for his turn. No, wait a minute. No, it can't be. How old is that guy? Wait for a moment, sir. Even if you have a thick face, there's a limit. No, wait surely no-

Sung hyunje laughed brightly.

"Yoojin you're the only partner I have at the moment, please play with hyunjae too~"

Crazy, I should have plugged my ears. Why did I listen to this guy's shameless speech?

"Hahaha, crazy guy!"

Immediately After Moon hyunah's loud laughter, a splash, the sound of someone falling into the water, followed. Perhaps they laughed and fell. Both Sung hyunjae and Myeongwoo, who was sitting on a sunbed with his face buried in the back of the chair, were chuckling.

On the other hand, Yoohyun and Yerim, who must have heard everything, looked serious. Both of them had a stern gaze, almost at the level of cursing. Maybe I had a similar expression. Noah quietly left with a dazed face, and Yoohyun avoided me by moving to the side.

"Let's just decide with rock-paper-scissors. Those who are over 20 years old, please excuse yourselves and leave"

"Yeah, that's right. It's fine. I smiled as if polishing my forehead.

"You're going too far."

"Yeah, seriously, you're being mean, I'm a teenager at heart!"

Adults, seriously. The youngest, Myeong woo, is acting the most mature. Aren't you embarrassed? ... It could just be that he can't join in because he's laughing.

"This time, pay back for that humiliation."

Yerim raised her arm with determination, and Yoo Hyun clenched his fist quietly. Noah also swallowed dry saliva with a tense expression.

"We're not fighting, kids. It's just a simple rock-paper-scissors. Just extend your hands."

I tried saying that, but it wasn't of much use.

After three rounds of rock-paper-scissors, half of the pool water disappeared. There was almost an accident where chirpie and Velare were swept away and fell, but Moon hyunah quickly caught them. Fortunately, thanks to the good facilities, the pool water quickly rose again.

Despite Yoohyun's protest that Yerim cheated with her victorious smile, it didn't work at all. Noah, with a pleading look, said, "Even if it's the third place, it's fine."

'...Is water play this difficult?'

Next time, I should take only one person at a time for a peaceful outing. My stamina... can't handle this.

Adding to the disturbance caused by Yerim, Yoo hyun quickly learned how to swim, and I still only knew how to float.

Next time, I should just bring a tube and peacefully float around. Really.



To witness not only yoohyun but hyunjae aegyo what?

-okay next chapt BACK TO THE MAIN PLOT!