


the prophesy.

Before sari's parents were killed,her mother could narrate her on the prophesy wich was known as ``the begotten son's prophesy"she remembered certain day when her mother came to her bed one day when she had a stange which she was dreaming giving birth to a bright white child who had seven legs and two mouths and a big head.``whoa aaa" she screamed loudly.``come down..re..lax it's just a bad dream,come on sari, when I was a little child, i had such dreams but I could only open my eyes,close them and have a deep breath and go back to sleep."she said as she hold sari's hair.

``come on what were you dreaming about?" she asked sari.``I was dreaming having birth to devil"

she answered and hugged her mother and added

``please tell me that's never going to happen"

Her mother was shocked and finnaly decided to tell her the secreat she had kept from sari for a long time.

she looked on her eyes and told her the history of their ancestors and were they came from

``listen sari I've been waiting to tell you about this for a long time. that many years ago there was a kingdom called fatale. their original land was from a planet known as panix

which know is known as Pluto. As they lived on the planet,it started vanishing and many people were dying. According to their scientists,they figured out that they had only got two days for the whole planet to become something else.

They had no other choice than to escape from their own planet.

At their way toescape,only one of them servived and landed here at earth. He was the prophet of that kingdom. since he looked differently from humans, he decided to stay at the forest and figure another planet and go to live there.

At that forest that's where our grate grand parents lived. they could hunt animals at that forest and havest fruits in order for them to servive. one day, as they were harvesting the fruits, they saw a man dying but he did not look like a normal human. He was dying because in earth there was no paxon air which they used in their planet panix.

they tried to help him but they did not succeed.

he saw how kind and helpfull our grand parents were. For he did not have anything to pay them,

Before he died....he told them ``I've seen how kind both of you are... and for I have nothing to pay you," he took his hand inside his throut and mouth and came out with a bleeding thing which looked white and it's blood was white.He gave it our grate grand mother and asked her to swallow it. After she did it she shined white. And as he saw her he smiled and said ``on your seventh generation,there shall come a daughter who shall bear a son the begotten one who will be the hero of earth and shall deliver and save back our planet. after he finished saying it he closed his eyes and peacefully died..

Her mother added ``this is the sevea hero... full of powers. now, go back to sleep child."

She got out of sari's room and went to her room.

as she opened her room's door, she found a man with a black mask who suddenly pointed a gun at her.``please don't kill me, I've got a daughter to raise"she begged him emotionaly. the man did not care he pulled the trigger and shot her on the he head.

Sari heard the sound and ran fast to her mother's room to look what had happened

``mom what's happening?"she asked jokingly as she opened the door. She found her mother lying at the floor and bleeding.``mu..m what has happened?"

But her mother was no more.

she hurriedly looked at the window

she saw the man wearing a green mask as he ran and entered a car and escaped.

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